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Restless Loops over an Active Region
Restless Loops over an Active Region
A hierarchy of restless loops are observed over the west limb. Detected in emission lines of He I, O III, O V, Ne VI, Mg IX and Fe XVI, i.e temperatures ranging from 20,000 K to 2 million K, at the same time, the loop system appears to writhe, showing evidence for plasma flows and brightenings across all temperatures. Two important results from these CDS observations are displayed here, namely (i) the extremely dynamic and variable nature of the loop systems, and (ii) the fact that individual loops appear to be near-isothermal (i.e. you can image a loop entirely from footpoint to footpoint in emission from one temperature), but loops are found at all temperatures. The restless loops can be viewed as a short movie sequence.

Still awaiting definative orbit data files. Processing of final CDS telemetry data continues, though data sets are not being flagged as 'Final' until the orbit data comes online. See CD Processing

From the CDS Operations Management Team in the Space Science & Technology Department at CCLRC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory
Site maintained by John Rainnie.
Last revised on Monday ( 3/Feb/2003) at 16:16.