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Issue 2: 10th October 2001
A Note from the Editor and Contents

Welcome to the CDS Newsletter. The goal of this Newsletter is to inform the CDS user community of
  • current CDS science topics
  • developments in CDS data analysis
  • instrumental matters
  • operational issues
The Newsletter is updated monthly. We invite your contributions on CDS-related matters: data analysis, science results, instrument calibration, software and questions on these topics. Your responses will influence the content of future issues. Please send newsletter inputs and correspondence to:

This Month's Topics:


CDS Diary:
Due to a recent reorganisation of responsibilities, the CDS Diary (the 'Requests' entry on the CDS Web pages) is now edited and maintained by Andrzej. Requests for future observations should be sent directly to Andrzej and copied to Richard as usual.

SOHO Calibration Workshop:
The SOHO calibration workshop is taking place in Bern, 8-12 October. We await CDS calibration updates in future newsletters.

MEDOC Campaign:
The 8th Medoc campaign takes place on 15-28 October. CDS time has been allocated to support several JOPs which are listed on the SOHO calendar.

From the CDS Operations Management Team in the Space Science & Technology Department at CCLRC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory
Site maintained by John Rainnie.
Last revised on Wednesday (10/Oct/2001) at 08:36.