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Scientific Operations | ![]() |
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April 2004============================================================================= DATE: 1-Apr-2004 DOY: 092 OPERATIONS ENGINEER(S): C. Maroney / R. Yurow SCIENTIST: D. Bewsher CDS INSTRUMENT: Nominal. CDS GROUND SYSTEM: Nominal. DAY PLAN: Science Operations. COMMENTS: ============================================================================= DATE: 2-Apr-2004 DOY: 093 OPERATIONS ENGINEER(S): C. Maroney / R. Yurow SCIENTIST: D. Bewsher CDS INSTRUMENT: Nominal. CDS GROUND SYSTEM: Nominal. DAY PLAN: Science Operations. COMMENTS: ============================================================================= DATE: 3-Apr-2004 DOY: 094 OPERATIONS ENGINEER(S): J. Siedel / C. King SCIENTIST: D. Bewsher CDS INSTRUMENT: Nominal. CDS GROUND SYSTEM: Nominal. DAY PLAN: Science Operations. COMMENTS: ============================================================================= DATE: 4-Apr-2004 DOY: 095 OPERATIONS ENGINEER(S): J. Siedel / C. King SCIENTIST: D. Bewsher CDS INSTRUMENT: Nominal. CDS GROUND SYSTEM: Nominal. DAY PLAN: Science Operations. COMMENTS: ============================================================================= DATE: 5-Apr-2004 DOY: 096 OPERATIONS ENGINEER(S): C. Maroney / R. Yurow SCIENTIST: T. Kucera CDS INSTRUMENT: Nominal. CDS GROUND SYSTEM: Nominal. DAY PLAN: Science Operations. COMMENTS: ============================================================================= DATE: 6-Apr-2004 DOY: 097 OPERATIONS ENGINEER(S): C. Maroney / R. Yurow SCIENTIST: T. Kucera CDS INSTRUMENT: Nominal. CDS GROUND SYSTEM: The following study was imported to the EOF: flaredop_3.def DAY PLAN: Science Operations. COMMENTS: ============================================================================= DATE: 7-Apr-2004 DOY: 098 OPERATIONS ENGINEER(S): C. Maroney / R. Yurow SCIENTIST: T. Kucera CDS INSTRUMENT: Nominal. CDS GROUND SYSTEM: cdsa6 was brought in to the EOF. cds10 crashed because of an overlooked mount to cdsa6. cds10 was rebooted and planning continued. cdso8 apparently was hung for the same reason. The hosts file was updated with cdsa6's new IP address and the CDS cluster was automount restarted. cdsa6 was online and all machines seemed to be nominal. DAY PLAN: Science Operations. COMMENTS: ============================================================================= DATE: 8-Apr-2004 DOY: 099 OPERATIONS ENGINEER(S): C. Maroney / R. Yurow SCIENTIST: T. Kucera CDS INSTRUMENT: Nominal. CDS GROUND SYSTEM: cdsa6: - copied auto.direct from cds10 to cdsa6. - added soho-archive mounts to fstab to reflect cds10 mounts. - changed link to /cs directory. - relogged (all login scripts ran). - successfully tested XCAT, STM, Image Tool, and planning tool (imported plan). DAY PLAN: Science Operations. COMMENTS: ============================================================================= DATE: 9-Apr-2004 DOY: 100 OPERATIONS ENGINEER(S): C. Maroney / R. Yurow SCIENTIST: T. Kucera CDS INSTRUMENT: Nominal. CDS GROUND SYSTEM: Nominal. DAY PLAN: Science Operations. COMMENTS: ============================================================================= DATE: 10-Apr-2004 DOY: 101 OPERATIONS ENGINEER(S): J. Seidel / C. King SCIENTIST: T. Kucera CDS INSTRUMENT: Nominal. CDS GROUND SYSTEM: Nominal. DAY PLAN: Science Operations. COMMENTS: ============================================================================= DATE: 11-Apr-2004 DOY: 102 OPERATIONS ENGINEER(S): J. Seidel / C. King SCIENTIST: T. Kucera CDS INSTRUMENT: Parity errors in the primary processor memory apsce were detected at addresses: #8007155b and #800706db. Both errors are in unused memory. CDS GROUND SYSTEM: Nominal. DAY PLAN: Science Operations. COMMENTS: ============================================================================= DATE: 12-Apr-2004 DOY: 103 OPERATIONS ENGINEER(S): C. Maroney / R. Yurow SCIENTIST: A. Fludra / P. Young (RAL) CDS INSTRUMENT: Nominal. CDS GROUND SYSTEM: The following raster duration was changed: FLAREDOP rid/136 var/3 680s - 690s. DAY PLAN: Science Operations. COMMENTS: ============================================================================= DATE: 13-Apr-2004 DOY: 104 OPERATIONS ENGINEER(S): C. Maroney / R. Yurow SCIENTIST: A. Fludra / P. Young (RAL) CDS INSTRUMENT: Nominal. CDS GROUND SYSTEM: A Telemetry Submode change (from submode 6 to submode 5) occurred at 16:05 UT. CDS Nominal after submode change. DAY PLAN: Science Operations. COMMENTS: ============================================================================= DATE: 14-Apr-2004 DOY: 105 OPERATIONS ENGINEER(S): C. Maroney / R. Yurow SCIENTIST: A. Fludra / P. Young (RAL) CDS INSTRUMENT: Nominal. CDS GROUND SYSTEM: The command rate was reset to 1/10s at 21:12 UT in order to enable commanding on DSN-27. DAY PLAN: Science Operations. COMMENTS: ============================================================================= DATE: 15-Apr-2004 DOY: 106 OPERATIONS ENGINEER(S): C. Maroney / R. Yurow SCIENTIST: A. Fludra / P. Young (RAL) CDS INSTRUMENT: Nominal. CDS GROUND SYSTEM: Nominal. DAY PLAN: Science Operations. COMMENTS: ============================================================================= DATE: 16-Apr-2004 DOY: 107 OPERATIONS ENGINEER(S): C. Maroney / R. Yurow SCIENTIST: A. Fludra / P. Young (RAL) CDS INSTRUMENT: Nominal. CDS GROUND SYSTEM: Nominal. DAY PLAN: Science Operations. COMMENTS: ============================================================================= DATE: 17-Apr-2004 DOY: 108 OPERATIONS ENGINEER(S): J. Seidel / C. King SCIENTIST: A. Fludra / P. Young (RAL) CDS INSTRUMENT: Nominal. CDS GROUND SYSTEM: Nominal. DAY PLAN: Science Operations. COMMENTS: ============================================================================= DATE: 18-Apr-2004 DOY: 109 OPERATIONS ENGINEER(S): J. Seidel / C. King SCIENTIST: A. Fludra / P. Young (RAL) CDS INSTRUMENT: Nominal. CDS GROUND SYSTEM: Nominal. DAY PLAN: Science Operations. COMMENTS: ============================================================================= DATE: 19-Apr-2004 DOY: 110 OPERATIONS ENGINEER(S): C. Maroney / R. Yurow SCIENTIST: A. Fludra / P. Young (RAL) CDS INSTRUMENT: Nominal. CDS GROUND SYSTEM: The following raster duration change was made: MPAE_1 rid/11 var/92 905s - 910s. DAY PLAN: Science Operations. COMMENTS: ============================================================================= DATE: 20-Apr-2004 DOY: 111 OPERATIONS ENGINEER(S): C. Maroney / R. Yurow SCIENTIST: A. Fludra / P. Young (RAL) CDS INSTRUMENT: Nominal. CDS GROUND SYSTEM: Nominal. DAY PLAN: Science Operations. COMMENTS: ============================================================================= DATE: 21-Apr-2004 DOY: 112 OPERATIONS ENGINEER(S): C. Maroney / R. Yurow SCIENTIST: A. Fludra / P. Young (RAL) CDS INSTRUMENT: SOHO went int ESR Mode at 05:27 UT. CDS went to STANDBY and FOT turned on Substitution heaters (duty cycle according to OCD). FOT incedentially came out of ESR mode in Submode 6 (instead of submode 5), so a Telemetry Submode change occurred at 22:02 UT (submode 6 to submode 5). CDS Nominal after submode change (considering STANDBY mode Nominal). Recovery procedures will begin on the next available station. CDS GROUND SYSTEM: Nominal. DAY PLAN: No Science Operations COMMENTS: ============================================================================= DATE: 22-Apr-2004 DOY: 113 OPERATIONS ENGINEER(S): C. Maroney / R. Yurow SCIENTIST: A. Fludra / P. Young (RAL) CDS INSTRUMENT: CDS was brought down to SNOOZE mode at 01:28 UT to begin the process of recovering from ESR. The primary processor was rebooted by a CB3RESET at 01:25 UT. The LOBT was reset at 01:29 UT. At 01:47 UT CDS was returned to STANDBY mode and at 02:13 UT it was brought up to READY_BOTH. Recovery operations were completed at 02:52 UT. CDS is nominal in READY_BOTH with both doors shut and no science plan. Temperatures appear to be stabilizing following shut off of CDS spacecraft substitution heaters. At 07:27 UT, SOHO went int ESR Mode during a gap. CDS went to STANDBY and FOT turned on spacecraft substitution heaters at ~11:22 UT. SOHO experienced another ESR at 16:12 UT, while FOT was recovering in CRP mode. CDS remained in STANDBY mode. Substitution heaters were turned off to begin CDS recovery procedures. CDS was brought down to SNOOZE mode at 20:31 UT to begin the process of recovering from ESR. The primary processor was rebooted by a CB3RESET at 20:33 UT. The LOBT was reset at 20:34 UT. At 20:51 UT CDS was returned to STANDBY mode and at 21:08 UT it was brought up to READY_BOTH. Recovery operations were completed at 21:31 UT. Currently CDS is nominal in READY_BOTH with both doors shut and no science plan and ESR flag disabled. Temperatures appear to be stabilizing following shut off of CDS spacecraft substitution heaters. CDS GROUND SYSTEM: Nominal. DAY PLAN: No Science Operations. COMMENTS: ============================================================================= DATE: 23-Apr-2004 DOY: 114 OPERATIONS ENGINEER(S): C. Maroney / R. Yurow SCIENTIST: A. Fludra / P. Young (RAL) CDS INSTRUMENT: Nominal. CDS GROUND SYSTEM: Nominal. DAY PLAN: No Science Operations. COMMENTS: CDS in READY_BOTH mode, Doors shut, ESR flag disabled. ============================================================================= DATE: 24-Apr-2004 DOY: 115 OPERATIONS ENGINEER(S): J. Seidel / C. King SCIENTIST: A. Fludra / P. Young (RAL) CDS INSTRUMENT: Nominal. CDS GROUND SYSTEM: Nominal. DAY PLAN: No Science Operations. COMMENTS: CDS in READY_BOTH mode, Doors shut, ESR flag disabled. ============================================================================= DATE: 25-Apr-2004 DOY: 116 OPERATIONS ENGINEER(S): J. Seidel / C. King SCIENTIST: A. Fludra / P. Young (RAL) CDS INSTRUMENT: Nominal. CDS GROUND SYSTEM: Nominal. DAY PLAN: No Science Operations. COMMENTS: CDS in READY_BOTH mode, Doors shut, ESR flag disabled. ============================================================================= DATE: 26-Apr-2004 DOY: 117 OPERATIONS ENGINEER(S): C. Maroney / R. Yurow SCIENTIST: A. Fludra / P. Young (RAL) CDS INSTRUMENT: Nominal. CDS GROUND SYSTEM: Nominal. DAY PLAN: No Science Operations. COMMENTS: CDS in READY_BOTH mode, Doors shut, ESR flag disabled. ============================================================================= DATE: 27-Apr-2004 DOY: 118 OPERATIONS ENGINEER(S): C. Maroney / R. Yurow SCIENTIST: A. Fludra / P. Young (RAL) CDS INSTRUMENT: Nominal. CDS GROUND SYSTEM: Nominal. DAY PLAN: No Science Operations. COMMENTS: CDS in READY_BOTH mode, Doors shut, ESR flag disabled. ============================================================================= DATE: 28-Apr-2004 DOY: 119 OPERATIONS ENGINEER(S): C. Maroney / R. Yurow SCIENTIST: A. Fludra / P. Young (RAL) CDS INSTRUMENT: CDS was placed back in the ESR warning flag list at ~20:50 UT. CDS doors were opened at 21:08 UT. The science plan will resume at 00:00 UT - DOY 120. CDS GROUND SYSTEM: The IWS command rate was reset to 1/10 seconds at 20:53 UT in order to allow commanding on DSN-27. DAY PLAN: CDS Recovery, No Science Operations. COMMENTS: ============================================================================= DATE: 29-Apr-2004 DOY: 120 OPERATIONS ENGINEER(S): C. Maroney / R. Yurow SCIENTIST: A. Fludra / P. Young (RAL) CDS INSTRUMENT: Nominal. CDS GROUND SYSTEM: Nominal. DAY PLAN: Science Operations. COMMENTS: ============================================================================= DATE: 30-Apr-2004 DOY: 121 OPERATIONS ENGINEER(S): C. Maroney / R. Yurow SCIENTIST: A. Fludra / P. Young (RAL) CDS INSTRUMENT: Nominal. CDS GROUND SYSTEM: The IWS command rate was reset to 1/10 seconds at 21:50 UT. DAY PLAN: Science Operations. COMMENTS: ============================================================================= From the CDS Operations Management Team in the Space Science & Technology Department at CCLRC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory Site maintained by John Rainnie. Last revised on Friday ( 7/Sep/2001) at 14:11. |