Scientific Operations | ||
Request Diary Last Updated on Monday 27 September 2010. Introduction The following notes are for planned CDS-SOHO operations. When requests are received they are entered into the diary which is then used for forward planning for the CDS instrument. The entries are notes - i.e. they may be incomplete and dates and details may change. If you have any requests for observations using CDS, please contact either of the following:
The Requested Scientific Observations September 2010 TITLE: JOINT OBSERVATIONS WITH HINODE DATES: daily WHO: A. Fludra, J. Rainnie, B. Kellett ACTIVITY: Carry out joint observations with Hinode EIS. STUDY TO RUN: Choose studies as appropriate. Suitable studies include STRONGLI/var.112 (bright lines in all temperatures), GENE/v.100 (coronal lines in active regions,) HELI80N/v.9 (Helium lines), NETWORK/v.64 (transition region lines) DURATION: several hours a day TITLE: Observations with the Solar Dynamics Observatory DATES: Ongoing WHO: CDS users & CDS team ACTIVITY: Selection of daily targets as available. Spectral atlases. DURATION: all day TITLE: DYNAMICS OF SMALL SCALE BRIGHTENINGS (with Hinode) DATES: As required WHO: Gerry Doyle ACTIVITY: Observe transient events like blinkers and spicules/macro-spicules/jets. STUDY TO RUN: BLINK_TE (ID 104, var. 23), repeat at least 45 times. DURATION: a minimum of 3 hours TITLE: RAPID CADENCE FLARE STARE DATES: Once per week. WHO: Jeff Brosius, Jeffrey.W.Brosius@nasa.gov_ ACTIVITY: Regular search for evidence of particle beams during flares. STUDIY TO BE RUN: Run FLAREDOP (ID 167, var. 3) on an active region (the one on the disk most likely to flare). Even a region that does not produce C-class or greater flares can provide useful microflare data. For pointing use the sit & stare method, i.e., repeat the last raster N times to fill out the time allocation. Do not track the target or adjust the pointing during the observing run. DURATION: 6-10 hours one day per week. TITLE: CORONAL CAVITY DIAGNOSTICS DATES: To be run upon request WHO: Sarah Gibson: and Terry Kucera ACTIVITY: Coronal (prominence) cavity off limb. Minimum of one or, more likely, two or three rasters in a mosaic at the base of a cavity, covering both the central cavity and the cavity rim. If time permits, repeat the rasters more than once for better signal to noise. To be run in conjunction with Hinode and other observatories. STUDY TO RUN: STRE4W (Study ID 11, Var. 111) - 1h42m raster. Repeating the STRE4W rasters to get better signal to noise is useful. DURATION: several hours TITLE: BLINKERS IN CORONAL HOLES DATES: T.O.O. WHO: Danielle Bewsher ( ACTIVITY:Observing blinkers in coronal holes. Target: Equatorial coronal hole, preferably near disk centre. Raster must be completely within coronal hole, try not to overlap into quiet Sun. STUDY TO RUN: BLINK_ST (studyvar.19), please use feature tracking. DURATION: minimum 4 hours TITLE: JOP 136 - DEFAULT RHESSI COLLABORATION (MMOP009) DATES: Target of opportunity programme to be run when there is a major RHESSI flare alert. Otherwise, support as time allows. In case of a MAJOR RHESSI ALERT, JOP 136 takes priority and should be run every day. WHO: Richard Canfield (CDS CONTACT Andrzej Fludra) ACTIVITY: To be run with TRACE/EIT/MDI/RHESSI. Continuous tracking of a flare-producing active region. STUDIES TO BE RUN: Begin with one ARDIAG_2 (ID 11 , var. 98), and follow with many FLARE_AR (Study ID 173, var 9), 3x3 arcmin field. Follow with solar rotation, modifying the pointing once per hour (or when the pointing change is approx. 10 arcsec). Repeat FLARE_AR for several hours. If short of time, run only FLARE_AR. DURATION: A few hours per day, when run. It may be continued for longer if the flare activity and chances of recording a flare are high. TITLE: QUIESCENT AR LOOP DIAGNOSTICS DATES: When compact AR is visible near the limb. WHO: Helen Mason -, Giulio Del Zanna, Peter Young, Stephen Bradshaw ACTIVITY: To be run when there is a small quiescent active region. Observations must be performed near the solar limb, but still when the likely footpoints are visible on-disk. Supporting TRACE or EIT observations in the 171 (and possibly 195 as well) are *necessary*. STUDIES TO RUN: Run a mosaic of ARDIAG_2 (4'x4', ID 11, var 92 - 1h 23m duration) studies to cover the AR area (normally 2, but depends on the AR size). If time is available, run a fast context NIS study (e.g. SIG_FT44 ID 11, var. 82 - duration 25m), then GIWEMT2 (40" x 4" Study ID 244/1, duration 2h56m), and repeat after the NIS context raster. The pointing of the first raster of GIWEMT2 should be 20" westward of the centre of one of the foot-points of a system of loops. It is ESSENTIAL that the GIS 4" pointings are done with the mirror movement, and not with the OPS. DURATION: from 3 to 7 hours. TITLE: AR/FLARE DIAGNOSTICS DATES: When suitable target is available, long time sequences are best. Aim to run once per week but more is OK if time is available. WHO: Helen Mason - and Giulio Del Zanna - ACTIVITY: The HIGHEST PRIORITY is to observe jointly with Trace. Run regardless of target size. However, a preferred target is a small/medium sized active region which has shown recent activity or is predicted to be active and flare. If there is a choice of regions choose one which best fits in the 4x4 arcmin field. If possible, repeat on same region as it crosses the disk and at the limb a few days later. STUDIES TO RUN: Run ARDIAG_2 (ID 11, var 92 - 1 h 23 m duration) and then SIG_FT44 (ID 11, var 82) series of at least six rasters (25 min each), followed by another ARDIAG_2 at the end. Move as infrequently as possible to follow solar rotation but so that any cumulative rotations offsets are kept below 20 arcsec from the initial ARDIAG_2 run. DURATION: Run over several hours on each occasion (SIG_FT44 at least 6 times, about 3 hours). Must be run a few times per month. TITLE: POLARITY REVERSAL MONITORING PROGRAMME DATES: Once per week. WHO: Barbara Bromage ( ACTIVITY: Observe each polar region about once per week (the N and S runs can be made at totally different times, but could be timed either side of a SYNOP, to minimise pointing). Each run consists of three runs of UCLAN_N4 (Study ID 11, var 65) - the south polar runs would also have two additional runs of UCLAN_N2 (ID 44, var 36). See runs in previous months for pointing. DURATION: 3 hours on one day each week. TITLE: SUNSPOT OSCILLATIONS STUDY DATES: To be run once per week. WHO: Andrzej Fludra - ACTIVITY: High cadence, single slit observations of sunspots. Point to large sunspot if possible. Run TRIM22N (ID 41, var 29). Then run SAS250N (var 4) pointing 6 arcsec to the right of the right-hand side edge of the sunspot's penumbra, repeat raster 5-7 times (5-7 hours, so that whole sunspot crosses the slit). Keep pointing fixed. Then run NET24 (ID 41, var 4) with same pointing as SAS250N. DURATION: 6-9 hours total, once per week. TITLE: OSLO-2 ACTIVE REGION LOOPS WITH NIS AND GIS DATE: T.O.O, run once a week WHO: Olav Kjeldseth-Moe, Terje Fredvik, ACTIVITY: Regular observation of AR loops above the limb with NIS and GIS. If possible, select the same region as observed by TRACE. STUDIES TO BE RUN: STUDIES TO BE RUN: O_LOOP1 (NIS, STUDYVAR 4) and O_LOOP11 (GIS, STUDYVAR 1) - use the latest GSET ** number 76 ***. First run O_LOOP1 3 times followed by as many O_LOOP11 as there is room for in the plan (24 or more is good, 12 is an absolute minimum), End the observations with 3 more runs of O_LOOP1. The target should be an active region at either limb, CONTACT TERJE FREDVIK before 10:30 EST for coordinates for the next day's observations. COMMENTS ON POINTING: In the EIT Fe IX/X 171 image pick a location (x,y) exactly at the limb where activity may be expected. Read out the (x,y) values from image_tool, then ADJUST THE POINTING for both GIS O_LOOP11 and NIS O_LOOP1 to (x+20", y-23"). TITLE: OSLO ACTIVE REGION LOOPS DATES: T.O.O. run once per week. WHO: Olav Kjeldseth-Moe and Paal Brekke ACTIVITY: Regular observation of AR loops above the limb. STUDIES TO BE RUN: Mainly run O_LOOP1 (var 4; duration about 10 minutes) for a few hours and put an O_LOOP2 (var 5; 45 min) at beginning or/and end of sequence. Want active region loops above the limb, with field of view just touching limb. O_LOOP3 (var 7) is wide slit and should not be used on a bright active region. It may be run occasionally off the limb on the AR loops. (Long series of single-point and small rasters (i.e. many hours) can use a lot of series table space, check with Ron or Chris - the preferred running time may be after SYNOP to enable the plan for the next day to be loaded on time). DURATION: A few hours once each week. TITLE: OSLO SUNSPOT CAMPAIGN DATES: T.O.O. - run once a week. WHO: Olav Kjeldseth-Moe and Paal Brekke ACTIVITY: Regular observation of sunspots STUDIES TO BE RUN: Use O_SPOT_A (var 1) series. Place the sunspot at the centre of the raster. Repeat the Study 3-4 times, following the target. NOTE: the Study consists of one large raster followed by three smaller rasters. In Imagetool, the area of the first raster is displayed (4x4). The smaller rasters are 2x2. Thus, it is important to ensure that the sunspot is in the centre of the field. DURATION: Each O_SPOT_A sequence is about 2 hours, i.e. up to 6 hours once per week. TITLE: INTERCALIBRATION 1 DATES: To be run once per month ACTIVITY: CDS to run this once a month even if no-one else is running with us, i.e. for our own calibration and monitoring work. Usually point to quiet Sun. STUDIES TO RUN: Standard CDS intercal, run ICAL1_G (Study ID 14, Var. 1), followed by ICAL1_N (Study ID 13, Var. 20 ***PLEASE MAKE SURE IT IS VARIATION 20! ***) and repeat this three times at the same pointing. Finish with full atlas NISAT_S (50 s exposure). If running with SUMER, use the following order instead, ICAL1_G (before SUMER starts, to ensure GSETS loaded), then starting with SUMER, ICAL1_N four times, followed by ICAL1_G twice. This is to ensure coincident timing with similar lines. This assumes that the SUMER running order is 584, 629, 629, 624, 770, 770 Angstrom. DURATION: Total duration 2-3 hours. TITLE: GIS QUIET SUN MONITORING DATE: Twice a week, run during NRT. Dates TBD depending on NRT schedule. Can be the same dates as for GIMCP_1B and GIMCP_2 studies. ACTIVITY: Run G2AL (ID 91, var. 1 - 100 s exposure) on a quiet sun area. Repeat with pointing offset 20'' North or South. This study is a substitute for SPECT_1 QS atlas. DURATION: 1.5 hour (25 min table load + 2x34 minutes) TITLE: EUV INTENSITIES IN ACTIVE REGIONS DATES: target of opportunity (active regions well positioned on both sides of the central meridian) WHO: Andrzej Fludra ACTIVITY: Map of active regions on the disk. Active region of any size is suitable, as long as it is located between X= -400'', x=400''. Make a mosaic of several rasters (as many as necessary to FULLY cover the active region or the active region complex, from 4 to 20 rasters). Use EIT 195 and/or 284 to select pointings. Run study GENE (ID 11, var 100). Make sure rasters overlap by at least 20''. Example: see plan on February 14, 2002. Limb ARs are not useful. **NOTE**: to minimise the number of tables created by the CPT, there must be only one entry GENE in mk_plan covering all pointings, i.e., it should not be split into several entries. Example: Number of pointings= 9 in mk_plan. DURATION: anything between 2 and 17 hours/day TITLE: TRANSITION REGION EMISSION IN ACTIVE REGIONS DATES: Run when active regions positioned close to the central meridian. Run at least ONCE a week. NOTE: This study has similar requirements as 'EUV Intensities', except a different study is used and the emphasis is on the magnetic field. If possible, select the same region as observed by TRACE. WHO: Andrzej Fludra ACTIVITY: Map of active regions on the disk. Active region of ANY size is suitable (small, medium or large), as long as it is located between X= -400'', x=400''. Regions **NOT** likely to flare are preferred (flare during or close to the observing time spoils the result). Make a mosaic of several rasters (as many as necessary to FULLY cover the active region magnetic field, from 1 to 25 rasters). Use full disk MDI to select pointings. Make sure that all the relevant magnetic field areas are covered. Run study NETWORK (ID 10, var 65). Make sure rasters OVERLAP by at least 20''. Limb ARs are not useful. **NOTE**: to minimise the number of tables created by the CPT, there must be only one entry NETWORK in mk_plan covering all pointings, i.e., it should not be split into several entries. EXAMPLE: Number of pointings= 9 in mk_plan. DURATION: anything between 1 and 17 hours/day. BEYOND.... TITLE: SOHO/Hinode Campaign: CDS/SUMER/VTT/HINODE/TRACE/STEREO DATES: TBD WHO: CDS users ACTIVITY: Selection of targets as per detailed plan DURATION: all day TITLE: Active region morphology studies, CDS/HINODE/TRACE/STEREO DATES: T.O.O. WHO: AF for CDS ACTIVITY: Observe an active region with a number of selected studies DURATION: several hours/day TITLE: EIT SHUTTERLESS CAMPAIGN DATES: a periodic campaign, scheduled by the EIT team WHO: A. Fludra for CDS, shared with other CDS users as required. ACTIVITY: Actual studies may vary, depending on users' request. As a default, run high-cadence, small area raster FL_AR2 (ID 13, var.1). Choose an active region in the EIT/Trace field of view. Point to a compact bright area that shows fast variability in the recent EIT movies. Follow the area with solar rotation. End the sequence with one raster GENE (var. 100). NOTE: "Use Mirror for pointing" when running CPT. DURATION: 4 - 6 hours, centred on the EIT shutterless period THE WEEKEND PROGRAMME The weekend programme involves a set of high-priority, long-duration observations which are run over many weeks at weekends. The content of this programme changes periodically. The current items which are run each weekend are given below. A suggested, regular schedule for them is the following: Saturday: 00:00-07:00 - Synoptic scan (SYNOP_F) 07:00-17:00 - Explosive Event Study or AR/FLare Diagnostic Study 17:00-24:00 - Off-Limb Spectral Study (part 1) Sunday: 00:00-07:00 - Synoptic scan (SYNOP_F) 07:00-14:00 - Off-Limb Spectral Study (part 2) 14:00-24:00 - CME Onset Study TITLE: CDS Off-LIMB CORONAL STUDY DATES: To be run once every weekend either side of the Sunday SYNOP. ACTIVITY: Off limb spectral monitoring study CONTACTS: Andrzej Fludra - STUDY TO BE RUN: Run STRE4W (Study ID 11, Var. 75) once at each of the following locations: N. Pole 1 = X=+220, Y=+1040 N. Pole 1 = X=0, Y=+1040 N. Pole 2 = X=-220, Y=+1040 N. Pole 3 = X=0, Y=+870 S. Pole 1 = X=+220, Y=-1040 S. Pole 1 = X=0, Y=-1040 S. Pole 2 = X=-220, Y=-1040 S. Pole 3 = X=0, Y=-870 Pointing to be confirmed by Andrzej. * Since these are on opposite poles, pointing movements could be minimised by running the N and S components either side of other Studies. DURATION: Total duration about 2x 6 hr 45 min. TOTAL 13.5 hours. TITLE: EXPLOSIVE EVENT MONITOR DATES: To be run once every weekend for 8 hours minimum. However, if there is a small/medium AR which is active, run the AR/Flare Study instead. ACTIVITY: Search for velocity events in the coronal regions CONTACTS: Dave Pike -, and Helen Mason - STUDY TO BE RUN: Run series of EE_SEEK rasters (Study ID 11, Variation 55) for MINIMUM OF 8 HOURS. Point to central meridian, preferably at coronal hole region (if available! - otherwise quiet Sun). DURATION: 8 HOURS MINIMUM. TITLE: AR/FLARE DIAGNOSTICS DATES: To be run during weekend programme when target is available. Required target is an active small/medium active region. CONTACTS: Helen Mason - and Giulio Del Zanna - ACTIVITY: The HIGHEST PRIORITY is to observe jointly with Trace. Run regardless of target size. However, a preferred target is a small/medium sized active region which has shown recent activity or is predicted to be active and flare. If there is a choice of regions choose one which best fits in the 4x4 arcmin field. If possible, repeat on same region as it crosses the disk and at the limb a few days later. STUDIES TO RUN: Run ARDIAG_2 (ID 11, var 92 - 1 h 23 m duration) and then SIG_FT44 (ID 11, var 82) series of at least six rasters (25 min each), followed by another ARDIAG_2 at the end. Move as infrequently as possible to follow solar rotation but so that any cumulative rotations offsets are kept below 20 arcsec from the initial ARDIAG_2 run. DURATION: 6-8 HOURS. TITLE: CME ONSET WATCH DATES: To be run for 10 hours minimum each weekend. ACTIVITY: To be run in three 4x4 arcmin mosaic forming a 4x12 arcmin field on west or east limb, to monitor limb over a number of hours. See, e.g. run 20741 or 15379. Target limb should be above a prominence/filament or active region near the limb. NOTE: MK_PLAN settings - number of pointings =3, repeat raster = 1, repeat plan = N (where N fills the available time). CONTACT: Richard Harrison - STUDY TO RUN: EJECT_V3 (Study ID 11, Var. 18) - 15m53s cadence per raster, i.e. about 45m cadence per 12x4 image. DURATION: Minimum of 10 hours. THE CDS SYNOPTIC AND MONITORING PROGRAMME This is the CDS schedule for regular monitoring and calibration activities - the so-called Skeleton Schedule. TITLE: SYNOPTIC SCAN DATES: Run ONCE PER DAY as near to 00:00 UT as possible ACTIVITY: N-S scan in several lines running down central meridian. CONTACTS: Richard Harrison - STUDY TO BE RUN: SYNOP_F (Study ID 37, Var 4) [Assumes medium telemetry, i.e. 11.3 kbit/s. If high rate run SYNOP_HI, Study ID 37, Var. 2 instead]. On a day when USUN_4 is scheduled, run a shorter SYNOP_G5 (ID 219, var.1). DURATION: 6.75 hours TITLE: CONTAMINATION CHECK (QCM READING) DATES: Run ONCE PER DAY DURING NEAR-REAL TIME CONTACT ACTIVITY: QCM reading. CONTACTS: Jeff Payne - STUDY TO BE RUN: Acronym 'ENG' (and the title 'Run Anytime') in planning tool. Arrange timing with CDS Duty Engineer TITLE: GIS MCP SENSITIVITY MONITORING DATES: Run TWICE PER WEEK on Quiet Sun ACTIVITY: Wide/narrow slit comparison for mapping sensitivity degradation of GIS detectors CONTACTS: Eddie Breeveld - STUDY TO BE RUN: GIMCP_1B (Study ID 1, Variation 2) followed immediately by GIMCP_2 (Study ID 2, Variation 1) at same pointing. DURATION: 3.5 min and 20 s, not including table loads. TITLE: NIS MCP SENSITIVITY MONITORING DATES: Run THREE TIMES PER WEEK on Quiet Sun ACTIVITY: NIS wide/narrow slit comparison for mapping sensitivity of VDS. Pointing must be completely on the solar disk, in a featureless area of quiet Sun. CONTACTS: Bill Thompson - STUDY TO BE RUN: NIMCP (Study ID 61, Var. 1) DURATION: 17 min. TITLE: NIS SPECTRAL ATLAS DATES: Run ONCE PER WEEK on Quiet Sun ACTIVITY: NIS full spectral atlas on a quiet Sun region, for detailed spectral atlas and instrument monitoring. CONTACTS: Richard Harrison - STUDY TO BE RUN: NISAT_S (Study ID 17, Var. 2) DURATION: 58m TITLE: GIS SPECTRAL ATLAS DATES: Run ONCE PER WEEK on Quiet Sun ACTIVITY: GIS full spectral atlas on a quiet Sun region, for detailed spectral atlas and instrument monitoring. CONTACTS: Richard Harrison - STUDY TO BE RUN: SPECT_1 (Study ID 18, Var. 1) DURATION: 3h 15m TITLE: NIS FULL CCD STUDY DATES: Run ONCE PER WEEK on Quiet Sun ACTIVITY: Full NIS CCD read out test activity CONTACTS: Bill Thompson - STUDY TO BE RUN: FULLCCD (Study ID 15, Var. 3) DURATION: 1m 40s TITLE: FULL SUN SCAN DATES: Run ONCE EVERY TWO MONTHS ACTIVITY: Multi-pointed raster/scan of full solar disc CONTACTS: Bill Thompson - STUDY TO BE RUN: FSUN (Study ID 40, Var. 1) DURATION: 11 hours TITLE: FULL SPECTRAL FULL SUN SCAN DATES: Run at least ONCE PER MONTH, twice a month preferable ACTIVITY: Undersampled full Sun scan, returning full NIS spectrum CONTACTS: Bill Thompson - STUDY TO BE RUN: USUN_4 (Study ID 271, Var. 1) *** NOTE**** Notify Ron/Chris the day before the observation - a limit violation sheet must be submitted to FOT (violation CTM19). This study must be run 03:40 - 23:40 UT. ***NOTE: Run shorter **SYNOP_G5** before USUN_4 DURATION: 20 hours TITLE: CORONAL HOLE SPECTRAL ATLAS DATES: Run ONCE PER MONTH ON OR NEAR THE 20TH, when a coronal hole can be clearly identified ACTIVITY: Regular spectral atlas in a coronal hole region CONTACTS: Richard Harrison - STUDY TO BE RUN: NISAT_S (Study ID 17, Var. 2) DURATION: 58 m TITLE: ACTIVE REGION SPECTRAL ATLAS DATES: Run ONCE PER MONTH ON OR NEAR THE 20th, when an active region can be clearly identified ACTIVITY: Regular sampling of an active region atlas CONTACTS: Richard Harrison - STUDY TO BE RUN: NISAT_S (Study ID 17, Var. 2) DURATION: 58 m TITLE: NIS MCP SENSITIVITY SCAN DATES: Run ONCE PER MONTH ACTIVITY: Wide slit exposures taken during slewing of OPS to average intensities in quiet Sun CONTACTS: Dave Pike - STUDY TO BE RUN: FFCAL_3 during NRT and daytime hours at GSFC. Confirm the time with Ron/Chris. Choose pointing to avoid active regions (the study makes one leg of an X across the sun - the operator can choose the direction to be \ or /. The pointing value refers to the centre of the path). Make sure FFCAL_3 is time-tagged, and the study following it has to be time-tagged as well. DURATION: 1 hour From the CDS Operations Management Team in the Space Science & Technology Department at CCLRC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory Site maintained by John Rainnie. Last revised on Monday (27/Sep/2010) at 14:20. |