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Scientific Operations | ![]() |
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September 1996============================================================================== September 1, 1996 -- 245 INSTRUMENT STATUS: nominal CDS GROUND SYSTEM: nominal PLANNING : ===== September 2, 1996 -- 246 INSTRUMENT STATUS: nominal CDS GROUND SYSTEM: Imported the following studies from RAL: BURST_1, NFFAST1_1, NFFAST2_1, and UVCS44W_12. Changed the duration of UVCS44W_12 from 6312 s to 7000 s. PLANNING : ===== September 3, 1996 -- 247 INSTRUMENT STATUS: Secondary event detected again. Event was later overwritten. CDS GROUND SYSTEM: nominal PLANNING : ===== September 4, 1996 -- 248 INSTRUMENT STATUS: nominal CDS GROUND SYSTEM: nominal PLANNING : ===== September 5, 1996 -- 249 INSTRUMENT STATUS: nominal CDS GROUND SYSTEM: nominal PLANNING : ===== September 6, 1996 -- 250 INSTRUMENT STATUS: nominal CDS GROUND SYSTEM: changed quicklook disk to /cdsr1. In order to automate feature tracking, placed the following lines into LOADPLAN to ensure that the feature tracking parameters are loaded: @ARGV=("today.dt"); do 'CB2FEAT'; Detector 1 tripped again. Detector was reset and was okay. PLANNING : ===== September 7, 1996 -- 251 INSTRUMENT STATUS: nominal CDS GROUND SYSTEM: nominal PLANNING : ===== September 8, 1996 -- 252 INSTRUMENT STATUS: nominal CDS GROUND SYSTEM: nominal PLANNING : ===== September 9, 1996 -- 253 INSTRUMENT STATUS: nominal CDS GROUND SYSTEM: nominal, EGSE crashed for some unknown reason. Then, the connection between CDS and EOF would not terminate. After logging out and back in again, the problem cleared up. .REL files from EOF were ftp'd to recover the lost data. PLANNING : ===== September 10, 1996 -- 254 INSTRUMENT STATUS: nominal CDS GROUND SYSTEM: nominal, changed the HV trip on detector 1 to 26 uA from 25 uA. Change also included in GIS_SETUP. PLANNING : ===== September 11, 1996 -- 255 INSTRUMENT STATUS: *** Closed CDS doors for momentum management at 17:00 UT * ** CDS GROUND SYSTEM: nominal PLANNING : ===== September 12, 1996 -- 256 INSTRUMENT STATUS: nominal, doors reopened at 21:30 UT. CDS GROUND SYSTEM: nominal PLANNING : ===== September 13, 1996 -- 257 INSTRUMENT STATUS: nominal CDS GROUND SYSTEM: nominal PLANNING : ===== September 14, 1996 -- 258 INSTRUMENT STATUS: nominal, 5 studies between 0000 and 0730 were run with slit 6 instead of slit 4 due to an error in which the slit was manually set to 6 before the studies were run and was not set back to slit 4. The instrument assumes the slit to be at 4 and continued to run the studies as though that were the case. CDS GROUND SYSTEM: nominal PLANNING : ===== September 15, 1996 -- 259 INSTRUMENT STATUS: Primary SEU at 8001cdf4 - compression module. Rebooted CDHS beginning at 17:15 UT. The GIS software patch was not recovered and had to be reloaded. The reload was successful. CDS GROUND SYSTEM: nominal, /cdsfits4 at 96%, moved some fits files to /user1/ master/fits_temp for temporary storage. PLANNING : ===== September 16, 1996 -- 260 INSTRUMENT STATUS: nominal CDS GROUND SYSTEM: nominal PLANNING : ===== September 17, 1996 -- 261 INSTRUMENT STATUS: nominal, ran the lube study at 17:00 UT. CDS GROUND SYSTEM: nominal PLANNING : ===== September 18, 1996 -- 262 INSTRUMENT STATUS: nominal CDS GROUND SYSTEM: nominal, imported study demst_1 into the EOF, software update performed at 19:00 UT. PLANNING : ===== September 19, 1996 -- 263 INSTRUMENT STATUS: nominal, very degraded data from 0000 to 0800 last night. Data was recorded at the station, so a retransmission is necessary. Most fits files created during those times are worthless. Once retransmission is done, we will redo the fits files for that data. Secondary event recorded at 1750 UT. Rebooted at 1830 UT with no problems. CDS now nominal. CDS GROUND SYSTEM: nominal, /cdsfits4 at 96% again. May have to move more files tomorrow. PLANNING : ===== September 20, 1996 -- 264 INSTRUMENT STATUS: nominal CDS GROUND SYSTEM: Initial command load failed due to duplicate request ID being generated by the IWS. This seemed to be due to the IWS crashing while still connected for commanding. It did not store the last request ID it had used. A retry of the command load succeeded. PLANNING : ===== September 21, 1996 -- 265 INSTRUMENT STATUS: CB2FTI (Feature Tracking Interval) error generated by MCU backup. This was due to the duty scientist forgetting to run PREPARE_FT. No action taken except to run CLEAR_ERRORS. CDS GROUND SYSTEM: XCPT is reporting no entries in the SCI_FLAG database. In addition XCPT compiled command loads for the wrong time period when called from MK_PLAN. Stopping XCPT while doing this at one point caused an LTB file to be erased. This was only discovered when the command load was attempted. The LTB file had to be manually reconstructed, by this time it was to late to run the first study - SYNOP. PLANNING : ===== September 22, 1996 -- 266 INSTRUMENT STATUS: CB2FTI (Feature Tracking Interval) error generated by MCU backup. This was due to the duty scientist forgetting to run PREPARE_FT. No action taken except to run CLEAR_ERRORS. CDS GROUND SYSTEM: Nominal PLANNING : ===== September 23, 1996 -- 267 INSTRUMENT STATUS: nominal CDS GROUND SYSTEM: nominal PLANNING : ===== September 24, 1996 -- 268 INSTRUMENT STATUS: nominal CDS GROUND SYSTEM: Transition to IDL version 4. Mounted a new (temporary) disk on cdsa1 called cdsfits5. When our new disks arrive, we will be transitioning to the new disks. PLANNING : ===== September 25, 1996 -- 269 INSTRUMENT STATUS: nominal CDS GROUND SYSTEM: nominal, for some reason CPT twice incorrectly included the wrong times for a plan. There was a timetagged study which just crossed the time boundary, and when CPT was run, it included that study in the plan. CPT was rerun twice, and finally the plan had to be modified as to make the timetagged study which crossed the boundary and untagged study. CPT then worked fine. PLANNING : ===== September 26, 1996 -- 270 INSTRUMENT STATUS: No studies ran last night due to a sequence ID error. The reason was due to a multiple runs of CPT without using a /new. As a result, a sequence ID error was reported and the instrument ran nothing between 0000 UT and 1722 UT. CPT was run with a /new and a plan was loaded to start at 1722 UT. CDS GROUND SYSTEM: nominal, Some GIS studies had an icorrect GSET ID of -1 in the catalog entry. Studies were identified and edited to correct the errors in the catalog. After running an IDL routine on the catalog, it was discovered that a 16 other studies were missing either the SCI_OBJ or the SCI_SPEC. These were also edited to correct the errors. These studies will be reprocessed through the CDROMs at a later time. Also, changed the archive disk to /cdsd5. PLANNING : ===== September 27, 1996 -- 271 INSTRUMENT STATUS: nominal CDS GROUND SYSTEM: nominal PLANNING : ===== September 28, 1996 -- 272 INSTRUMENT STATUS: nominal CDS GROUND SYSTEM: nominal PLANNING : ===== September 29, 1996 -- 273 INSTRUMENT STATUS: nominal CDS GROUND SYSTEM: nominal PLANNING : ===== September 30, 1996 -- 274 INSTRUMENT STATUS: nominal CDS GROUND SYSTEM: nominal PLANNING : ===== From the CDS Operations Management Team in the Space Science & Technology Department at CCLRC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory Site maintained by John Rainnie. Last revised on Tuesday (17/Jul/2001) at 08:54. |