Rotating jets |
 EUV dimming under a CME |
 Evidence for wave dissipation |
 Twisted flux-tube arrangements with counter-flowing streams |
 Prominence Errupting |
 Transition Region brightenings |
 Active Region Loops |
 Deriving Intensity & velocity distributions |
 Temperatures in the Solar Atmosphere. |
 Material streaming back into the sun after an erruption |
 Carrington rotation map. |
 Full Sun images |
 Quiet Sun blinker event. |
 Gas loops at different temperatures on the limb. |
 Prominence erupting and dispersing into space. |
 Solar Tornados. |
 Three images looking down onto the centre of the solar disc. |
 Huge magnetic loops extending tens of thousands of km into space |
 A full-Sun image made by detecting radiation from oxygen. |
 Images of a developing active region near disk center. |
 Active region loops observed on the West limb. |
 Long, thin strips of the Sun, 7400 km x 44400 km. |
 Active region loops seen with both CDS and EIT. |
 Images of a solar prominence. |
 Quiet sun spectra in the four GIS spectral bands. |
 Quiet sun spectra in the two NIS spectral bands. |
 Mosaics of the full sun, built up from a series of NIS rasters. |
 Mosaic of the full sun, in He I 584.34 A |
 High velocity event observed, 22 March 1996, 13:49 UT. |
 Image showing the beautiful magnetic loop system of an active region |
 Bright active region loops on East limb. |
 A prominence on the west solar limb |
 Active region loop system above the east limb |
 Active region observed simultaneously in a range of temperatures. |
 NIS Spectral Atlas. |