Planning Notes - Flexible Operations
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Planning Notes - Flexible Operations

Main | Weekend | Flexible | Synoptic | Notices

Title Polar Coronal Hole Oscillations
Dates Frequently, as time allows, when a good polar coronal hole visible
Contact A. Fludra
Activity -
Studies NET14/var.25 and SAS250W/var. 15 (var. fifteen)
Duration 6 - 16 hours/day
Pointing Preferably point to the base of a strong polar plume. If none available, point all studies to x,y = 0, -900 for the South coronal hole, or (0, +900) for the North coronal hole. In all cases, approximately 80% of the slit length should be on disk
Sequence One NET14/var.25, followed by several repeats of SAS250W/var. 15 (var. fifteen). Repeat several times as needed. One repeat is 2.5 hours. Finish with one NET14/var.25
Notes All studies use the same fixed pointing

Title Template
Dates Dates
Contact Contact
Activity Activity
Studies Studies
Duration Duration
Pointing Pointing
Sequence Sequence
Notes Notes

From the CDS Operations Management Team in the Space Science & Technology Department at CCLRC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory
Site maintained by John Rainnie.
Last revised on Wednesday (27/May/2009) at 17:00.