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Publications - 1994
Last Updated on Tuesday 19 July 2005.

27 Published this year

1994-1  SOHO contribution to the understanding of mass supply and flows in the solar corona
Antonucci, E.
1994, Space Science Reviews 70, 149-+
1994-2  A Review of Electron Impact Excitation of Fe XV-Fe XVII
Badnell, N. R. & Moores, D. L.
1994, Atomic Data and Nuclear Data Tables 57, 329-+
1994-3  A Review of Electron Impact Excitation Data for the Beryllium Isoelectronic Sequence (Z = 4 to 28)
Berrington, K. A.
1994, Atomic Data and Nuclear Data Tables 57, 71-+
1994-4  Electron Impact Excitation of Fluorine-like Ions
Bhatia, A. K.
1994, Atomic Data and Nuclear Data Tables 57, 253-+
1994-5  Evaluation of EUV toroidal diffraction gratings for SOHO/Coronal Diagnostic Spectrometer
Boucarut, R. A., Leviton, D. B., Thomas, R. J. & Madison, T. J.
1994, Proc. SPIE Vol. 2011, p. 565-576, Multilayer and Grazing Incidence X-Ray/EUV Optics II, Richard B. Hoover; Arthur B. Walker; Eds., 2011, 565-576
1994-6  CDS quicklook display software
Brekke, P. & et al.
1994, ESA SP-373: Solar Dynamic Phenomena and Solar Wind Consequences, the Third SOHO Workshop, 437-+
1994-7  Effective Collision Strenghts for Hydrogen and Hydrogen-like Ions
Callaway, J.
1994, Atomic Data and Nuclear Data Tables 57, 9-+
1994-8  A Review of Effective Collision Strengths for He-like Ions
Dubau, J.
1994, Atomic Data and Nuclear Data Tables 57, 21-+
1994-9  Effective Collision Strengths for Si II-SIV
Dufton, P. L. & Kingston, A. E.
1994, Atomic Data and Nuclear Data Tables 57, 273-+
1994-10  EUV Line Diagnostics for CDS and SUMER on SOHO
Dwivedi, B. N.
1994, IAU Colloq. 144: Solar Coronal Structures, 625-+
1994-11  The Inter Agency Consultative Group campaign to study coronal mass ejection onsets
Harrison, R. A.
1994, ESA SP-373: Solar Dynamic Phenomena and Solar Wind Consequences, the Third SOHO Workshop, 355-+
1994-12  Electron Impact Excitation of Nitrogen and Nitrogen-like Ions: A Review of Available Data and Recommendations
Kato, T.
1994, Atomic Data and Nuclear Data Tables 57, 181-+
1994-13  Contamination control and material screening for the extreme ultraviolet coronal diagnostic spectrometer on SOHO
Kent, B. J., Swinyard, B. M. & Martin, E. L.
1994, Proc. SPIE Vol. 2210, p. 474-484, Space Optics 1994: Space Instrumentation and Spacecraft Optics, Thierry M. Dewandre; Joachim J. Schulte-in-den-Baeumen; Emmanuel Sein; Eds., 2210, 474-484
1994-14  The extension of explosive events from the transition region to the corona
Kjeldseth-Moe, O. & Cheng, C. C.
1994, Space Science Reviews 70, 85-+
1994-15  The Atomic Data Assessment Meeting, Abingdon, March 1992
Lang, J.
1994, Atomic Data and Nuclear Data Tables 57, 1-+
1994-16  A Review of Electron Impact Collisional Excitation Data for the Oxygen-like Isoelectronic Sequence
Lang, J. & Summers, H. P.
1994, Atomic Data and Nuclear Data Tables 57, 215-+
1994-17  An Assessment of Theoretical Electron Excitation Data for Fe IX-Fe XIV
Mason, H. E.
1994, Atomic Data and Nuclear Data Tables 57, 305-+
1994-18  Spectroscopic diagnostics for CDS and SUMER
Mason, H. E.
1994, Space Science Reviews 70, 111-+
1994-19  Spectroscopic diagnostics in the VUV for solar and stellar plasmas
Mason, H. E. & Fossi, B. C. M.
1994, \aapr 6, 123-179
1994-20  An Assessment of Collision Strengths for Lithium and Lithium-like Ions
McWhirter, R. W. P.
1994, Atomic Data and Nuclear Data Tables 57, 39-+
1994-21  The X-ray-EUV spectrum of optically thin plasmas
Monsignori Fossi, B. C. & Landini, M.
1994, Solar Physics 152, 81-86
1994-22  Electron Impact Excitation of Carbon-like Ions: An Assessment of the Available Theoretical Data
Monsignori Fossi, B. C. & Landini, M.
1994, Atomic Data and Nuclear Data Tables 57, 125-+
1994-23  Electron Impact Excitation Data for Fe I-Fe VIII: A Review
Pradhan, A. K.
1994, Atomic Data and Nuclear Data Tables 57, 297-+
1994-24  A Review of Available Collision Strength Data for the Boron Isoelectronic Sequence (Z = 5 to 28)
Sampson, D. H., Zhang, H. L. & Fontes, C. J.
1994, Atomic Data and Nuclear Data Tables 57, 97-+
1994-25  Wolter-Schwarzschild solar telescope coronal diagnostic spectrometer (CDS) flight model: manufacturing and assembly
Schmidt, M., Dinger, U., Petasch, T. & Trebstein, F.
1994, Proc. SPIE Vol. 2210, p. 383-394, Space Optics 1994: Space Instrumentation and Spacecraft Optics, Thierry M. Dewandre; Joachim J. Schulte-in-den-Baeumen; Emmanuel Sein; Eds., 2210, 383-394
1994-26  EUV and infra-red lines of FE XIII
Young, P. R. & et al.
1994, ESA SP-373: Solar Dynamic Phenomena and Solar Wind Consequences, the Third SOHO Workshop, 417-+
1994-27  Strahlungsnormale fur die solare Spektroradiometrie im VUV
Hollandt, J.
1994, PhD, Techischen Universitat Berlin.

From the CDS Operations Management Team in the Space Science & Technology Department at CCLRC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory
Site maintained by John Rainnie.
Last revised on Tuesday (19/Jul/2005) at 16:43.