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Publications - 1999
Last Updated on Friday 8 July 2005.

117 Published this year

1999-1  An Empirical Test of Different Ionization Balance Calculations in an Isothermal Solar Plasma
Allen, R., Landi, E., Landini, M. & Bromage, G. E.
1999, ESA SP-448: Magnetic Fields and Solar Processes, 563-+
1999-2  The Role of Velocity Redistribution in Enhancing the Intensity of the He II 304 A Line in the Quiet Sun Spectrum
Andretta, V., Jordan, S. D., Brosius, J. W., Davila, J. M., Thomas, R. J., Behring, W. E., Thompson, W. T. & Garcia, A.
1999, NASA STI/Recon Technical Report N 99, 9151-+
1999-3  Observations of Hydrogen and Helium Continua in Solar Prominences
Andretta, V., Kucera, T. A. & Poland, A. I.
1999, ASP Conf. Ser. 158: Solar and Stellar Activity: Similarities and Differences, 162-+
1999-4  A Direct Comparison Between EUV Coronal Flux and Helium Resonance Line Photon Flux from SOHO/CDS Data
Andretta, V., Landi, E., DelZanna, G. & Jordan, S. D.
1999, NASA STI/Recon Technical Report N 99, 9153-+
1999-5  A Direct Comparison Between EUV Coronal Flux And He Resonance Line Photon Flux From SOHO/CDS Data
Andretta, V., Landi, E., del Zanna, G. & Jordan, S. D.
1999, ESA SP-446: 8th SOHO Workshop: Plasma Dynamics and Diagnostics in the Solar Transition Region and Corona, 123-+
1999-6  Filament-Prominence-Cme Magnetic Evolution Study
Bagala', L. G., Mandrini, C. H., Fernandez Borda, R., de Pontieu, B., Rovira, M. G. & Rank, G.
1999, ESA SP-446: 8th SOHO Workshop: Plasma Dynamics and Diagnostics in the Solar Transition Region and Corona, 149-+
1999-7  Heating events in the quiet solar corona: multiwavelength correlations
Benz, A. O. & Krucker, S. ;.
1999, A&A 341, 286-295
1999-8  What is Moss?
Berger, T. E., De Pontieu, B., Fletcher, L., Schrijver, C. J., Tarbell, T. D. & Title, A. M.
1999, Solar Physics 190, 409-418
1999-9  Active region EUV transient brightenings - First Results by EIT of SOHO JOP80
Berghmans, D. & Clette, F.
1999, Solar Physics 186, 207-229
1999-10  Active Region Transient Brightenings : EIT Versus SXT
Berghmans, D., McKenzie, D. & Clette, F.
1999, ESA SP-446: 8th SOHO Workshop: Plasma Dynamics and Diagnostics in the Solar Transition Region and Corona, 173-+
1999-11  Synoptic Sun during the first Whole Sun Month Campaign: August 10 to September 8, 1996
Biesecker, D. A., Thompson, B. J., Gibson, S. E., Alexander, D., Fludra, A., Gopalswamy, N., Hoeksema, J. T., Lecinski, A. & Strachan, L.
1999, JGR 104, 9679-9690
1999-12  Observational Signatures of Microscale Heating
Bocchialini, K., Aletti, V., Vial, J.-C. & Lemaire, P.
1999, ESA SP-448: Magnetic Fields and Solar Processes, 539-+
1999-13  Observations of Transition Region Plasma
Brekke, P. ;.
1999, Solar Physics 190, 379-408
1999-14  Jets and Eruptions in the Transition Region Observed with CDS, EIT and TRACE
Brekke, P., Kjeldseth-Moe, O., Tarbell, T. & Gurman, J.
1999, ASP Conf. Ser. 183: High Resolution Solar Physics: Theory, Observations, and Techniques, 357-+
1999-15  Characteristics Of Blinkers Observed With CDS
Brkovic, A., Ruedi, I. & Solanki, S. K.
1999, ESA SP-446: 8th SOHO Workshop: Plasma Dynamics and Diagnostics in the Solar Transition Region and Corona, 191-+
1999-16  Brightness Variations in the Solar Atmosphere as Seen by SOHO
Brkovic, A., Ruedi, I., Solanki, S. K., Huber, M. C. E., Stenflo, J. O., Stucki, K., Harrison, R. & Fludra, A.
1999, ASSL Vol. 239: Motions in the Solar Atmosphere, 231-234
1999-17  The quiet Sun extreme ultraviolet spectrum observed in normal incidence by the SOHO coronal diagnostic spectrometer
Brooks, D. H., Fischbacher, G. A., Fludra, A., Harrison, R. A., Innes, D. E., Landi, E., Landini, M., Lang, J., Lanzafame, A. C., Loch, S. D., McWhirter, R. W. P., Summers, H. P. & Thompson, W. T.
1999, A&A 347, 277-312
1999-18  Coronal Magnetography of Solar Active Regions Using Coordinated SOHO/CDS and VLA Observations
Brosius, J. W.
1999, NASA STI/Recon Technical Report N , 32789-+
1999-19  EUV Observations of Sunspot Regions with CDS on SOHO
Brynildsen, N., Brekke, P., Haugan, S. V. H., Kjeldseth-Moe, O. & Maltby, P.
1999, ASP Conf. Ser. 184: Third Advances in Solar Physics Euroconference: Magnetic Fields and Oscillations, 266-270
1999-20  Transition Region Oscillations in a Sunspot Region
Brynildsen, N., Fredvik, T., Kjeldseth-Moe, O. & Maltby, P.
1999, ASP Conf. Ser. 184: Third Advances in Solar Physics Euroconference: Magnetic Fields and Oscillations, 146-150
1999-21  Sunspot Transition Region Oscillations
Brynildsen, N., Kjeldseth-Moe, O., Maltby, P. & Wilhelm, K.
1999, 8th SOHO Workshop: Plasma Dynamics and Diagnostics in the Solar Transition Region and Corona. Proceedings of the Conference held 22-25 June 1999 in CAP 15, 1-13 Quai de Grenelle, 75015 Paris, France. Sponsored by ESA, NASA, C.N.R.S.-I.N.S.U., Euroconferences, Institut d'Astrophysique Spatiale, Matra Marconi Space, SCOSTEP, Universite} Paris XI. ESA Special Publications 446. Edited by J.-C. Vial and B. Kaldeich-Schu}mann., p.207, 8, 207-+
1999-22  Nonlinear Sunspot Transition Region Oscillations in NOAA 8378
Brynildsen, N., Kjeldseth-Moe, O., Maltby, P. & Wilhelm, K.
1999, ApJL 517, L159-L162
1999-23  Sunspot Transition Region Oscillations in NOAA 8156
Brynildsen, N., Leifsen, T., Kjeldseth-Moe, O., Maltby, P. & Wilhelm, K.
1999, ApJL 511, L121-L124
1999-24  EUV Line Emission and Dynamics in Sunspot Regions
Brynildsen, N., Maltby, P. & Kjeldseth-Moe, O.
1999, ESA SP-446: 8th SOHO Workshop: Plasma Dynamics and Diagnostics in the Solar Transition Region and Corona, 201-+
1999-25  SOHO Observations of the Structure and Dynamics of Sunspot Region Atmospheres
Brynildsen, N., Maltby, P., Brekke, P., Haugan, S. V. H. & Kjeldseth-Moe, O.
1999, Solar Physics 186, 141-191
1999-26  EUV and radio observations of an equatorial coronal hole
Chiuderi Drago, F., Landi, E., Fludra, A. & Kerdraon, A.
1999, A&A 348, 261-270
1999-27  Comparison Between Euv And Radio Observations : A Powerful Diagnostic For The Upper Solar Atmosphere
Chiuderi Drago, F., Landi, E., Fludra, A., Delouis, J. M. & Kerdraon, A.
1999, 8th SOHO Workshop: Plasma Dynamics and Diagnostics in the Solar Transition Region and Corona. Proceedings of the Conference held 22-25 June 1999 in CAP 15, 1-13 Quai de Grenelle, 75015 Paris, France. Sponsored by ESA, NASA, C.N.R.S.-I.N.S.U., Euroconferences, Institut d'Astrophysique Spatiale, Matra Marconi Space, SCOSTEP, Universite} Paris XI. ESA Special Publications 446. Edited by J.-C. Vial and B. Kaldeich-Schu}mann., p.287, 8, 287-+
1999-28  EUV and Radio Observations of an Equatorial Coronal Hole
Chiuderi-Drago, F., Kerdraon, A., Landi, E. & Fludra, A.
1999, Space Science Reviews 87, 141-144
1999-29  Asymmetries Across a Coronal Hole Extension
Clegg, J. R., Browning, P. K., del Zanna, G. & Bromage, B. J. I.
1999, ESA SP-448: Magnetic Fields and Solar Processes, 1159-+
1999-30  SOHO/CDS Post-Flare Observations
Czaykowska, A., de Pontieu, B., Alexander, D. & Rank, G.
1999, ESA SP-448: Magnetic Fields and Solar Processes, 773-+
1999-31  Chromospheric Evaporation In The Gradual Flare Phase
Czaykowska, A., de Pontieu, B., Alexander, D. & Rank, G.
1999, ESA SP-446: 8th SOHO Workshop: Plasma Dynamics and Diagnostics in the Solar Transition Region and Corona, 257-+
1999-32  Evidence for Chromospheric Evaporation in the Late Gradual Flare Phase from SOHO/CDS Observations
Czaykowska, A., de Pontieu, B., Alexander, D. & Rank, G.
1999, ApJL 521, L75-L78
1999-33  Dynamics of Transition Region `Moss' at high time resolution
De Pontieu, B., Berger, T. E., Schrijver, C. J. & Title, A. M.
1999, Solar Physics 190, 419-435
1999-34  The Elephant's Trunk: Spectroscopic diagnostics applied to SOHO/CDS observations of the August 1996 equatorial coronal hole
Del Zanna, G. & Bromage, B. J. I.
1999, JGR 104, 9753-9766
1999-35  Electron densities above a polar coronal hole based on improved SI IX density diagnostics
Doyle, J. G., Keenan, F. P., Ryans, R. S. I., Aggarwal, K. M. & Fludra, A.
1999, Solar Physics 188, 73-80
1999-36  Working Group 3 Report: Coronal Hole Boundaries and Interactions with Adjacent Regions
Esser, R.
1999, Space Science Reviews 87, 93-104
1999-37  Plasma Diagnostics of Transition Region ``Moss'' using SOHO/CDS and TRACE
Fletcher, L. & de Pontieu, B.
1999, ApJL 520, L135-L138
1999-38  Transition Region Oscillations in Sunspot Plumes
Fludra, A.
1999, ESA SP-446: 8th SOHO Workshop: Plasma Dynamics and Diagnostics in the Solar Transition Region and Corona, 327-+
1999-39  Intensity oscillations in a sunspot plume
Fludra, A.
1999, A&A 344, L75-L78
1999-40  Electron density and temperature of the lower solar corona
Fludra, A., Del Zanna, G., Alexander, D. & Bromage, B. J. I.
1999, JGR 104, 9709-9720
1999-41  EUV Observations Above Polar Coronal Holes
Fludra, A., del Zanna, G. & Bromage, B. J. I.
1999, Space Science Reviews 87, 185-188
1999-42  Coronal Radiation and Helium lambda584 Emission in Active Regions
Fredvik, T. & Maltby, P.
1999, Solar Physics 184, 113-132
1999-43  The Radial and Angular Variation of the Electron Density in the Solar Corona
Gallagher, P. T., Mathioudakis, M., Keenan, F. P., Phillips, K. J. H. & Tsinganos, K.
1999, ApJL 524, L133-L137
1999-44  Transient events in the EUV transition region and chromosphere
Gallagher, P. T., Phillips, K. J. H., Harra-Murnion, L. K., Baudin, F. & Keenan, F. P.
1999, A&A 348, 251-260
1999-45  Whole Sun Month at solar minimum: An introduction
Galvin, A. B. & Kohl, J. L.
1999, JGR 104, 9673-9678
1999-46  The Effect of Different Ion Fraction Datasets on FIP Effect Studies
Gianetti, D., Landi, E. & Landini, M.
1999, ESA SP-448: Magnetic Fields and Solar Processes, 599-+
1999-47  Solar minimum streamer densities and temperatures using Whole Sun Month coordinated data sets
Gibson, S. E., Fludra, A., Bagenal, F., Biesecker, D., Zanna, G. D. & Bromage, B.
1999, JGR 104, 9691-9700
1999-48  Searching for Sigmoids in SOHO/CDS
Gibson, S., Mason, H., Pike, D. & Young, P.
1999, ESA SP-446: 8th SOHO Workshop: Plasma Dynamics and Diagnostics in the Solar Transition Region and Corona, 331-+
1999-49  Structure and Dynamics in the Transition Region
Gontikakis, C. P., Dara, H. C., Alissandrakis, C. E., Zachariadis, T. G., Vial, J.-C., Bastian, T. & Chiuderi Drago, F.
1999, ESA SP-448: Magnetic Fields and Solar Processes, 297-+
1999-50  Physical properties of a coronal hole from a coronal diagnostic spectrometer, Mauna Loa Coronagraph, and LASCO observations during the Whole Sun Month
Guhathakurta, M., Fludra, A., Gibson, S. E., Biesecker, D. & Fisher, R.
1999, JGR 104, 9801-9808
1999-51  Dynamics of solar active region loops
Harra-Murnion, L. K., Matthews, S. A., Hara, H. & Ichimoto, K.
1999, A&A 345, 1011-1018
1999-52  Emerging Flux and Coronal Heating: Small-Scale Transient Events in the Low Solar Atmosphere
Harrison, R. A.
1999, ESA SP-448: Magnetic Fields and Solar Processes, 531-+
1999-53  SOLAR PHYSICS: A new view of our star: observations from SOHO
Harrison, R. A.
1999, Physics Education 34, 112-117
1999-54  A study of extreme ultraviolet blinker activity
Harrison, R. A., Lang, J., Brooks, D. H. & Innes, D. E.
1999, A&A 351, 1115-1132
1999-55  Anomalous Line Shifts From Local Intensity Gradients on the Soho/cds NIS Detector
Haugan, S. V. H.
1999, Solar Physics 185, 275-287
1999-56  Working Group 2 Report: Energy Input, Heating, and Solar Wind Acceleration in Coronal Holes
Hood, A. W.
1999, Space Science Reviews 87, 79-92
1999-57  Alan Gabriel-A Career between Spectroscopy and the Sun
Huber, M. C. E.
1999, ESA SP-446: 8th SOHO Workshop: Plasma Dynamics and Diagnostics in the Solar Transition Region and Corona, 9-+
1999-58  Multi-wavelength observations of the onset phase of a coronal mass ejection
Innes, D. E., Inhester, B., Srivastava, N., Brekke, P., Harrison, R. A., Matthews, S. A., Noens, J. C., Schmieder, B. & Thompson, B. J.
1999, Solar Physics 186, 337-361
1999-59  A CDS Observation of the Relationship Between a Coronal Hole and Chromospheric Structure
Insley, J. E.
1999, Space Science Reviews 87, 215-218
1999-60  A wavelet analysis of active region oscillations
Ireland, J., Walsh, R. W., Harrison, R. A. & Priest, E. R.
1999, A&A 347, 355-365
1999-61  Wavelet Analysis Of Active Region Oscillations
Ireland, J., Walsh, R. W., Priest, E. R. & Harrison, R. A.
1999, ESA SP-446: 8th SOHO Workshop: Plasma Dynamics and Diagnostics in the Solar Transition Region and Corona, 363-+
1999-62  Does Velocity Redistribution Really Enhance the He 304\AA Line to Observed Intensities?
Jordan, S., Andretta, V., Garcia, A., Brosius, J. & Behring, W.
1999, ESA SP-448: Magnetic Fields and Solar Processes, 303-+
1999-63  The Time Variable Solar Atmosphere - Dynamical and Variable Active Region Loops Observed with CDS on SOHO.
Kjeldseth-Moe, O. & Brekke, P.
1999, ASP Conf. Ser. 184: Third Advances in Solar Physics Euroconference: Magnetic Fields and Oscillations, 286-290
1999-64  Filament channel structures in a SI IV line related to a 3d magnetic model
Kucera, T. A., Aulanier, G., Schmieder, B., Mein, N. & Vial, J.-C.
1999, Solar Physics 186, 259-280
1999-65  Probable Detection of a Bright Infrared Coronal Emission Line of Si IX near 3.93 Microns
Kuhn, J. R., MacQueen, R. M., Streete, J., Tansey, G., Mann, I., Hillebrand, P., Coulter, R., Lin, H., Edmunds, D. & Judge, P.
1999, ApJ 521, 478-482
1999-66  Relationships among the Intensities of LI-, BE-, and NA-like Resonance Lines in Collisionally Ionized Astrophysical Plasmas (10^5\lt=T_e\lt=10^7 K)
Laming, J. M. & Feldman, U.
1999, ApJ 527, 461-469
1999-67  Relative intensity calibration of CDS-GIS detectors on SOHO using a plasma diagnostic technique
Landi, E., del Zanna, G., Breeveld, E. R., Landini, M., Bromage, B. J. I. & Pike, C. D.
1999, A&AS 135, 171-185
1999-68  Loop Models from SOHO Observations
Landini, M., Brkovic , A., Landi, E., Ruedi, I. & Solanki, S.
1999, Space Science Reviews 87, 245-248
1999-69  Loop Models from SOHO Observations
Landini, M., Brkovic, A., Landi, E., Ruedi, I. & Solanki, S.
1999, ESA SP-446: 8th SOHO Workshop: Plasma Dynamics and Diagnostics in the Solar Transition Region and Corona, 423-+
1999-70  Working Group 1 Report: Solar Wind Models from the Sun to 1 AU: Constraints by "in situ" and Remote Sensing Measurements
Leer, E. & Marsch, E.
1999, Space Science Reviews 87, 67-77
1999-71  Calentamiento de arcos coronales en una region activa por reconfiguracion topologica del campo magnetico.
Lopez Fuentes, M., Mandrini, C. H., Demoulin, P., Schmieder, B., Fletcher, L. & Mason, H.
1999, Boletin de la Asociacion Argentina de Astronomia La Plata Argentina 43, 24-24
1999-72  The anomalous intensities of helium lines in the quiet solar transition region
MacPherson, K. P. & Jordan, C.
1999, MNRAS 308, 510-526
1999-73  Dynamical Behaviour Of Helium Lines In The Quiet Solar Transition Region
MacPherson, K. P., Jordan, C. & Smith, G.
1999, ESA SP-446: 8th SOHO Workshop: Plasma Dynamics and Diagnostics in the Solar Transition Region and Corona, 461-+
1999-74  Plasma Diagnostics Of A Solar Prominence Observed On 12 June 1997 by EIT, Sumer And CDS
Madjarska, M. S., Vial, J.-C., Bocchialini, K. & Dermendjiev, V. N.
1999, ESA SP-446: 8th SOHO Workshop: Plasma Dynamics and Diagnostics in the Solar Transition Region and Corona, 467-+
1999-75  On the sunspot transition region
Maltby, P., Brynildsen, N., Fredvik, T., Kjeldseth-Moe, O. & Wilhelm, K.
1999, Solar Physics 190, 437-458
1999-76  SOHO - Where has the Quiet Sun gone?
Mason, H. E.
1999, ASP Conf. Ser. 158: Solar and Stellar Activity: Similarities and Differences, 348-+
1999-77  SOHO - Where has the Quiet Sun gone?
Mason, H. E.
1999, ASP Conf. Ser. 158: Solar and Stellar Activity: Similarities and Differences, 348-+
1999-78  Working Group 4 Report: Composition and Elemental Abundance Variations in the Solar Atmosphere and Solar Wind
Mason, H. E. & Bochsler, P.
1999, Space Science Reviews 87, 105-121
1999-79  Electron density and temperature structure of two limb active regions observed by SOHO-CDS
Mason, H. E., Landi, E., Pike, C. D. & Young, P. R.
1999, Solar Physics 189, 129-146
1999-80  Properties of Transition Region and Coronal Loops
Matthews, S. A., Klimchuk, J. A. & Harra-Murnion, L. K.
1999, ESA SP-446: 8th SOHO Workshop: Plasma Dynamics and Diagnostics in the Solar Transition Region and Corona, 489-+
1999-81  Active Region Oscillations
O'Shea, E.
1999, ESA SP-448: Magnetic Fields and Solar Processes, 191-+
1999-82  A New Study of the Quiet Sun
O'Shea, E., Gallagher, P. T., Mathioudakis, M., Phillips, K. J. H. & Keenan, F. P.
1999, ESA SP-446: 8th SOHO Workshop: Plasma Dynamics and Diagnostics in the Solar Transition Region and Corona, 519-+
1999-83  Physical Parameters in Streamer From CDS and UVCS Observations
Parenti, S., Poletto, G., Raymond, J. & Bromage, B. J. I.
1999, 8th SOHO Workshop: Plasma Dynamics and Diagnostics in the Solar Transition Region and Corona. Proceedings of the Conference held 22-25 June 1999 in CAP 15, 1-13 Quai de Grenelle, 75015 Paris, France. Sponsored by ESA, NASA, C.N.R.S.-I.N.S.U., Euroconferences, Institut d'Astrophysique Spatiale, Matra Marconi Space, SCOSTEP, Universite} Paris XI. ESA Special Publications 446. Edited by J.-C. Vial and B. Kaldeich-Schu}mann., p.531, 8, 531-+
1999-84  A SOHO/CDS Observation of a Macrospicule in the South Coronal Hole
Parenti, S., del Zanna, G. & Bromage, B. J. I.
1999, ESA SP-448: Magnetic Fields and Solar Processes, 623-+
1999-85  Transition-Region Network Boundaries in the Quiet Sun: Width Variation with Temperature as Observed with CDS on SOHO
Patsourakos, S., Vial, J.-C., Gabriel, A. H. & Bellamine, N.
1999, ApJ 522, 540-546
1999-86  The Coarse Versus The Fine Structure Of The Quiet-Sun Chromospheric And Transition Region Network
Patsourakos, S., Vial, J.-C., Gabriel, A.-H. & Bellamine, N.
1999, ESA SP-446: 8th SOHO Workshop: Plasma Dynamics and Diagnostics in the Solar Transition Region and Corona, 537-+
1999-87  Intercalibration of SUMER and CDS on SOHO. I. SUMER detector A and CDS NIS
Pauluhn, A., Rudi, I., Solanki, S. K., Lang, J., Pike, C. D., Schuhle, U., Thompson, W. T., Hollandt, J. & Huber, M. C. E.
1999, Applied Optics 38, 7035-7046
1999-88  Abundance Variations and Flows in Plage Regions Observed with CDS/SOHO
Rank, G., Bagala, L. G., Czaykowska, A. & Haerendel, G.
1999, ESA SP-446: 8th SOHO Workshop: Plasma Dynamics and Diagnostics in the Solar Transition Region and Corona, 561-+
1999-89  CDS/SOHO Observations of Abundance Variations and Doppler-Shifts in Active Regions NOAA-8208
Rank, G., Czaykowska, A., Bagala, L. G. & Haerendel, G.
1999, ESA SP-448: Magnetic Fields and Solar Processes, 349-+
1999-90  Multi-Instrument Study Of The Evolution Of An Active Region
Regnier, S., Amari, T., Solomon, J., Vial, J. C. & Mickey, D.
1999, ESA SP-446: 8th SOHO Workshop: Plasma Dynamics and Diagnostics in the Solar Transition Region and Corona, 571-+
1999-91  Magnetic and Dynamic Evolution of an Active Region
Regnier, S., Solomon, J., Vial, J. C., Amari, T. & Mickey, D.
1999, ESA SP-448: Magnetic Fields and Solar Processes, 519-+
1999-92  SUMER Observations of Intensity Oscillations in the Transition Region of a Sunspot
Rendtel, J., Staude, J., Innes, D. E. & Wilhelm, K.
1999, ASP Conf. Ser. 184: Third Advances in Solar Physics Euroconference: Magnetic Fields and Oscillations, 271-275
1999-93  What May Spring Up in Solar Tornadoes?
Rogava, A. & Poedts, S.
1999, ESA SP-448: Magnetic Fields and Solar Processes, 355-+
1999-94  Use of Experimental Multi-Thermal Plasma Distributions as a Constraint for Coronal Heating Models
Schmelz, J. T., Scopes, R. T. & Wulser, J.-P.
1999, 8th SOHO Workshop: Plasma Dynamics and Diagnostics in the Solar Transition Region and Corona. Proceedings of the Conference held 22-25 June 1999 in CAP 15, 1-13 Quai de Grenelle, 75015 Paris, France. Sponsored by ESA, NASA, C.N.R.S.-I.N.S.U., Euroconferences, Institut d'Astrophysique Spatiale, Matra Marconi Space, SCOSTEP, Universite} Paris XI. ESA Special Publications 446. Edited by J.-C. Vial and B. Kaldeich-Schu}mann., p.589, 8, 589-+
1999-95  Fine-Structures and Dynamics of a Filament in EUV lines: SOHO/CDS and SUMER, TRACE
Schmieder, B., Engvold, O., Wiik, J. E. & Deluca, E.
1999, ESA SP-446: 8th SOHO Workshop: Plasma Dynamics and Diagnostics in the Solar Transition Region and Corona, 599-+
1999-96  SOHO/SUMER observations and analysis of hydrogen Lyman lines in a quiescent prominence
Schmieder, B., Heinzel, P., Vial, J. C. & Rudawy, P.
1999, Solar Physics 189, 109-127
1999-97  Coordinated Prominence Observations by SOHO and Ground-Based Observatories
Schmieder, B., Heinzel, P., Vial, J.-C., Malherbe, J. M., Mein, P., Rudawy, P. & Ceppatelli, G.
1999, ASP Conf. Ser. 184: Third Advances in Solar Physics Euroconference: Magnetic Fields and Oscillations, 296-301
1999-98  Diagnostics Constraints on Prominence Parameters from SOHO and Ground-based Observations
Schmieder, B., Kotr\v c, P., Heinzel, P., Kucera, T. & Andretta, V.
1999, ESA SP-448: Magnetic Fields and Solar Processes, 439-+
1999-99  Hydrogen Lyman Lines and Continuum Emission in a Polar-Crown Prominence Observed with SUMER/SOHO
Schmieder, B., Kucera, T., Heinzel, P. & Vial, J.-C.
1999, 8th SOHO Workshop: Plasma Dynamics and Diagnostics in the Solar Transition Region and Corona. Proceedings of the Conference held 22-25 June 1999 in CAP 15, 1-13 Quai de Grenelle, 75015 Paris, France. Sponsored by ESA, NASA, C.N.R.S.-I.N.S.U., Euroconferences, Institut d'Astrophysique Spatiale, Matra Marconi Space, SCOSTEP, Universite} Paris XI. ESA Special Publications 446. Edited by J.-C. Vial and B. Kaldeich-Schu}mann., p.605, 8, 605-+
1999-100  Waves and Plasma Motions in the Transition Region and Corona: the Observational Point of View
Spadaro, D.
1999, ESA SP-448: Magnetic Fields and Solar Processes, 157-+
1999-101  Variation of Thermal Structure with Height of a Solar Active Region Derived from SOHO CDS and YOHKOH BCS Observations
Sterling, A. C., Pike, C. D., Mason, H. E., Watanabe, T. & Antiochos, S. K.
1999, ApJ 524, 1096-1104
1999-102  Heating and Jet Formation by Hydrodynamic Cumulation in the Solar Atmosphere
Tarbell, T., Ryutova, M., Covington, J. & Fludra, A.
1999, ApJL 514, L47-L51
1999-103  UV detectors aboard SOHO
Thompson, W. T.
1999, Proc. SPIE Vol. 3764, p. 196-208, Ultraviolet and X-Ray Detection, Spectroscopy, and Polarimetry III, Silvano Fineschi; Bruce E. Woodgate; Randy A. Kimble; Eds., 196-208
1999-104  EUV Full Sun Imaged Spectral Atlas Using SOHO/CDS
Thompson, W. T. & Brekke, P.
1999, ESA SP-446: 8th SOHO Workshop: Plasma Dynamics and Diagnostics in the Solar Transition Region and Corona, 657-+
1999-105  Decaying Post-Flare Loops System Observed By SOHO/CDS And Yohkoh/SXT
Varady, M., Fludra, A. & Heinzel, P.
1999, ESA SP-446: 8th SOHO Workshop: Plasma Dynamics and Diagnostics in the Solar Transition Region and Corona, 669-+
1999-106  Helical Magnetic Structure Of EUV Polar Plumes
Veselovsky, I. S., Zhukov, A. N., Koutchmy, S., Delannee, C. & Delaboudini\` ere, J.-P.
1999, ESA SP-446: 8th SOHO Workshop: Plasma Dynamics and Diagnostics in the Solar Transition Region and Corona, 675-+
1999-107  SUMER Observations of the Source Regions of the Fast Solar Wind
Wilhelm, K.
1999, ESA SP-448: Magnetic Fields and Solar Processes, 1083-+
1999-108  Comparing Quiet Sun and Coronal Hole Regions with CDS/SOHO
Young, P. R. & Esser, R.
1999, Space Science Reviews 87, 345-348
1999-109  Temperature and density in a polar plume - measurements from CDS/SOHO
Young, P. R., Klimchuk, J. A. & Mason, H. E.
1999, A&A 350, 286-301
1999-110  Extreme Ultaviolet Spectroscopy of the Corona
del Zanna, G.
1999, Ph.D. Thesis ,
1999-111  SOHO/CDS Observations of Plumes in Coronal Holes
del Zanna, G. & Bromage, B. J. I.
1999, ESA SP-448: Magnetic Fields and Solar Processes, 1171-+
1999-112  Transition Region Densities And Abundances As Derived From SOHO/CDS Observations.
del Zanna, G. & Bromage, B. J. I.
1999, ESA SP-446: 8th SOHO Workshop: Plasma Dynamics and Diagnostics in the Solar Transition Region and Corona, 269-+
1999-113  Characterization of Solar Coronal Holes and Plumes Using Spectroscopic Diagnostic Techniques Applied to SOHO/CDS Observations
del Zanna, G. & Bromage, B. J. I.
1999, Space Science Reviews 87, 169-172
1999-114  Long-Term Evolution Of Emissivity And Heating In A Solar Active Region
van Driel-Gesztelyi, L., Thompson, B., Demoulin, P., Orlando, S., Bocchialini, K., Olah, K., Kovari, Z., Deforest, C., Khan, J., Fludra, A. & Mandrini, C.
1999, ESA SP-446: 8th SOHO Workshop: Plasma Dynamics and Diagnostics in the Solar Transition Region and Corona, 663-+
1999-115 The Laboratory Calibration of the SOHO Coronal Diagnostic Spectrometer
Lang, J., Kent, B.J., Breeveld, A.A., Breeveld, E.R., Bromage, B.J.I., Hollandt, J., Payne, J., Pike, C.D., and Thompson, W.T.
1999, Rutherford Appleton Laboratory Technical Report - RAL-TR-1999-036 (18 May 1999).
1999-116  EUV Spectral Variability and Non-Equilibrium Ionisation in the quiet Sun
Brooks, D.H., Summers, H.P., Harrison, R.A., Lang, J. and Lanzafame, A.C.
1999, Astrophys. and Space Sci. 261, 91.
1999-117 The Energetics of Solar Flares and Bright Points
McDonald, L.
1999, PhD. Thesis, University College London.

From the CDS Operations Management Team in the Space Science & Technology Department at CCLRC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory
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Last revised on Friday ( 8/Jul/2005) at 13:55.