CDS IDL library - one-liners
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ABS - Returns the absolute value of its argument.
ACGAUNT - Calculate continuum gaunt factor using approximations
ACOS - Returns the angle, in radians, whose cosine is X
ADDTIME - If optional keyword delta_min is supplied, then add a offset in
ADD_ALT() - Adds a CDS alternate science plan record to the database
ADD_ANOMALY() - Adds a SOHO anomaly to the database
ADD_CAMPAIGN() - Adds a CDS campaign record to the database
ADD_CDS_POINT - Adds a pointing calibration curve to database
ADD_DATAWIN() - Adds a data window list definition to the database
ADD_DETAIL() - Adds a CDS detailed science plan record to the database
ADD_EFFICIENCY - Adds an overall efficiency value to database
ADD_EFF_AREA - Adds an effective area curve to database
ADD_EXPER() - Adds a CDS experiment entry to the as-run database
ADD_EXP_COMM() - Adds a CDS experiment comment entry to the as-run database
ADD_FLAG() - Adds a CDS flag receiver science plan record to the database
ADD_F_RASTER() - Adds a fundamental raster definition to the database
ADD_F_STUDY() - Adds a fundamental study definition to the database
ADD_GSET() - Adds an entry to the GIS setup database.
ADD_INST_DLYD() - Adds an entry to the instrument delayed command database.
ADD_KW2HDR - Add keywords set in _EXTRA to a FITS header. The mapping of _ext
ADD_LINELIST() - Adds a line list definition to the database
ADD_MAIN() - Adds a CDS main entry to the as-run database
ADD_METHOD - Dynamically add a method to a class (and it's objects)
ADD_MIRSHIFT() - Register NIS mirror shift calibrations in the database.
ADD_NRT_RES() - Adds an entry to the NRT reserved database.
ADD_OTHER_OBS() - Adds a plan entry for another observatory to database
ADD_PATH - Add directory (and optionally all its subdirs) into IDL path
ADD_PLAN() - Adds a SoHO/CDS science plan record to the database
ADD_PROGRAM() - Adds a CDS program definition to the database
ADD_PROP - Add a property to a map object
ADD_RAW() - Adds an entry to the GIS raw data file catalog.
ADD_RESOURCE() - Adds an entry to the general resource database.
ADD_RES_TYPE() - Adds a resource type name to the database
ADD_TAG - add a tag to a structure
ADD_TEL_MODE() - Adds an entry to the telemetry mode database.
ADD_TEL_SUBMODE() - Adds an entry to the telemetry submode database.
ADD_TILTCAL() - Register NIS tilt calibrations in the database.
ADD_T_STUDY() - Adds a fundamental study definition to the title database
ADD_V_RASTER() - Adds a raster variation definition to the database
ADD_V_STUDY() - Adds a study variation definition to the database
ADD_WAVECAL() - Register wavelength calibrations in the database.
ADD_WAVE_EFF - Adds an efficiency versus wavelength curve to database
ADJUST() - Adjust the range of an image.
ADJUST_COLOR - Adjust the color table with the cursor.
ADJUST_TIMES - check input times and adjust if required
AFFINE - Apply the affine transformation given by the input parameters
AFFINE_SOLVE - Calculate the parameters of a general affine image
ALIGN_CUBE_CORREL - align a data cube via cross correlation; update coordinates
ALIGN_LABEL - meta-label (via xyouts) an image via relative positions/align
ALL_VALS - Find and sort unique values in an array
ALOG - Returns the natural logarithm of X.
ALOG10 - Returns the logarithm to the base 10 of X.
ALPHA_PAGE - This procedure switches to alpha from graphics page under Tektron
AMEDIAN - Works the same as MEDIAN, but the effect tapers off at the edges.
AMOEBA_C - Reiteratively fits an arbitrary function
AMOEBA_F - Reiteratively minimizes an arbitrary function
ANAFRD - for reading various types of image files written by ana
ANAHEAD2STRUCT - convert an ana header (per lapalma) -> SSW structure
ANYDATA2PAPER - analyze your data and submit to selected Journal
ANYNAME2STD() - Converts user format of line name to CDS standard.
ANYTIM - This function converts one of several recognized time formats int
ANYTIM2CAL() - Converts (almost) any time format to calendar format.
ANYTIM2DOY - Given a time in the form of a (1) structure, (2) 7-element time
ANYTIM2EX - Given a time in the form of a (1) structure, (2) 7-element time
ANYTIM2INTS - Given a time in the form of a (1) structure, (2) 7-element time
ANYTIM2JD() - Converts any input time format to full Julian day.
ANYTIM2TAI() - Converts any standard CDS time format to TAI.
ANYTIM2UTC() - Converts (almost) any time format to CDS UTC format.
ANYTIM2WEEKS - Given a starting and ending time, return a vector
ANYTIM_REPORT - This routine checks the performance of anytim for all of its inpu
AN_NIMCP - Analyze data from runs of NIMCP.
AN_NIMCP_1_2 - Analyze data from runs of NIMCP_1 and NIMCP_2
AN_NIMCP_AVG - Analyze data from runs of NIMCP.
APPEND_ARR - Manageable method for concatanating arrays
APPLY_CDS_ADEF - Apply CDS analysis definition(s), generating an analysis.
APPLY_LOCK - create a LOCK file
ARCMIN2HEL() - Convert arcmin from sun centre to heliographic coords.
ARCTAN - Generalized arctan function that resolves the 180-degree ambiguit
ARR2GIF - Write images to a series of GIF files
ARR2STR() - Convert an array to a delimited string.
ARRAY_CONCAT - concatenate a dynamic array with subarrays of variable lengths
ARRAY_DECAT - decatenates a dynamic array into subarrays of variable lengths
ARRAY_JHUAPL - Force given argument to be an array.
ARRAY_MATCH() - Detect if a vector matches any row or column of a 2D array
ARRAY_XOR() - Returns the XOR elements of two arrays.
ARROW2 - Wrapper routine for IDL user library ARROW routine.
ARR_DIFF - boolean function - arrays different? (string/struct/numeric OK)
ASCII - Print ASCII characters based on its numerical decimal value.
ASIN - Returns the angle, in radians, whose sine is X
ASK - Gets a single letter response from the keyboard.
ASMOOTH() - Smooths a one or two-dimensional array.
ASSOC - Associates an array structure with a file.
ATAN - Returns the angle, in radians, whose tangent is X.
ATIME - Convert argument UT to string of format YY/MM/DD, HHMM:SS.XXX or
AVERAGE() - Averages an array over one or all of its dimensions.
AVG - Return the average value of an array, or 1 dimension of an array
AVG_WO_CR() - Average together multiple images, ignoring cosmic rays
AVOID_SPIKES - Return the subscript list of data values which don't have spikes
AXIS - Draws an axis of the specified type and scale.
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BASELINE() - Returns baseline value of the input array.
BASE_INTERP() - Interpolate to the base of a curve, ignoring outliers.
BBSO__DEFINE - Define a BBSO data object
BELL - To ring the terminal bell a specified number of times.
BELLS() - Fits bell splines to data array.
BESELI - Returns the I Bessel function of order N.
BESELJ - Returns the J Bessel function of order N.
BESELY - Returns the Y Bessel function of order N.
BGAUSS - Compute multiple CDS broadened gauss functions with quadratic bac
BIGPICKFILE - Pickfile, but with more space for everything.
BIN2DEC - Convert binary representation to decimal integer.
BIN2HEX - Convert binary representation to hexadecimal.
BINDGEN - Returns a byte array with the specified dimensions.
BINUP - to rebin data into arbitrary dimensions
BITS - Given a byte or integer, return a vector of 8 or 16 values
BITS2 - Given a byte or integer, return a vector of 8 or 16 values
BLANK() - To make a blank string with a given length
BLINK_IMAGES - Blinks two images together by modifying the color tables.
BLINK_MAP - blink two maps using XINTERANIMATE
BOOST_ARRAY - Append array onto an array of arrays.
BOOST_TAG - boost a tag value
BOX_AV() - Produce a box average of an array.
BOX_CRS - Two-button equivalent of BOX_CURSOR for Microsoft Windows.
BOX_CURSOR - Emulate the operation of a variable-sized box cursor
BOX_CURSOR2 - Emulate the operation of a variable-sized box cursor
BOX_MESSAGE - message to user, highlight with box around text
BP_SEEK_POS - Display and look at BP_SEEK study data
BREAKPOINT - Allows you to insert and remove breakpoints.
BREAK_FILE - Break a filename into its component parts.
BREAK_MAP - Break map up into small pieces
BREAK_PATH() - Breaks up a path string into its component directories.
BSCALE - Scale images into byte arrays suitable for displaying.
BSC_CHECK - check that index or data structure is of type BSC
BSC_STRUCT - Define the following BSC specific database structures
BSORT - Sorts data into ascending order.
BUILDGEN - build 'super structure' for generic files
BUILD_STR - build data structure for generic files using size
BYTARR - Returns a byte vector or array.
BYTE - Returns a result converted to byte type.
BYTE2INT() - Convert byte(s) to integer(s), nothing else.
BYTEORDER - Converts integers between host and network byte ordering.
BYTESWAP() - Swaps the bytes in an integer (as a function).
BYTSCL - Scales all values of Array to 0 to 255.
BYTSCLI - Variation on BYTSCL which allows MAX < MIN.
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CACHE_DATA - cache data in pointer for fast retrieval
CACHE_LIST - Cache time-based listing
CACHE__DATA - create a cache object, whose contents persist
CALC_RAS_DUR() - Calculate the duration of a raster.
CALL_EXTERNAL - Calls a function in an external sharable object.
CALL_EXTERNAL_INFO - return system dependent info required by call_external
CALL_FUNCTION - Calls IDL function specified by the string Name.
CALL_PROCEDURE - Calls Procedure specified by Name.
CATEGORY - List procedure/function names and categories.
CAT_DURATION - Lists the durations of rasters performed on the CDS.
CAT_FITS() - Cataslogues available FITS files and optional info.
CD - Is used to set and/or change the current working directory.
CDD - Change directory and set IDL prompt to current path name
CDSCONGRID - Shrink/expand the size of an array by an arbitrary amount.
CDSFOV - Plots given (x,y) in CDS Field Of View
CDSHEADFITS() - Read a FITS file header record
CDSLOG - Accumulate messages from other routines, option to save
CDSLOGO - Puts a CDS logo in one corner of a PostScript plot
CDSLR2XY() - Calculates solar (x,y) values for given OPS position.
CDSNOTIFY - Display a message to the user.
CDSPICKFILE - This function allows the user to interactively pick a file.
CDSXY2LR() - Calculates CDS OPS values for given solar (X,Y) position.
CDS_ADEF_PARSEFILE - Parse file names++ according to a CDS Analysis Definition
CDS_AR_OBS - To find files which contain observations on a given AR.
CDS_ASRUN_POINT - create map structures for ASRUN CDS pointings from catalog
CDS_CLEAN - Removes cosmic rays from CDS data
CDS_CLEAN_EXP - Clean cosmic rays (based on local median) from QLDS data.
CDS_CLEAN_IMAGE - Clean cosmic rays & missing pixels from NIS raster images
CDS_CLEAN_SPIKE - Removes cosmic rays from QLDS data.
CDS_COMPRESS - read and compress a sequence of CDS FITS QL files
CDS_CORR_GRADIENT - Apply local intensity gradient correction to line position.
CDS_FILES - find CDS files
CDS_GAUSS() - Fits Gaussian with constant, linear or quadratic background.
CDS_IMAGE - Reads a CDS image from a FITS file (QL or Level-1).
CDS_NEW_SPIKE - Removes cosmic rays from CDS quicklook data structures
CDS_OUTPLOT - To overplot time series data on a plot created by UTPLOT
CDS_PAD_QLDS - Make sure all detector data windows have same size.
CDS_PLAN_BRIEF - Read detail (or other) plans from DB and display them in text wid
CDS_PLAN_POINT - create map structures for planned CDS pointings
CDS_PLOT_ERR - Plot data with error bars in both X and Y directions
CDS_QUASI_FIT() - Quasi-fits line profile to extract image
CDS_READ_MISSING - Read list of missing pixels and apply to QLDS
CDS_REPAIR_TOP - "Repair" the tops of saturated lines ( 4095 counts )
CDS_SATURATE - Checks NIS data for saturation
CDS_SAVE_MISSING - Save a list of MISSING pixels to a file
CDS_SHOW_IMAGE - Displays a CDS image read by CDS_IMAGE.
CDS_SIMPLE_FITS - Write out simple 2D FITS files.
CDS_SLINE() - Select from basic CDS Kelly or BB spectral line list
CDS_SLINE_DATA - Create save file from Kelly or CDS spectral line list.
CDS_SNAPSHOT - Makes a thumbnail sketch of images from a CDS study.
CDS_STACK - store CDS QL structures in a pointer stack
CDS_TILT_COR - Produce tilt corrected CDS wavelength scale
CDS_UTPLOT - To plot time series data with sensible time axis labelling.
CDS_UTSTRING - To overprint a string on a UTPLOT graph
CDS_WAVE_CAT() - Find data extraction windows that match a given input.
CDS_WAVE_FILES() - Find data files which contain named data window(s).
CDS_WAVE_LABEL() - Converts CDS wavelength labels into a nicer format
CDUP - Change directory path to an upper level
CENTROIDW - Calculate the weighted average of ARRAY
CFIT - Make a best fit of the sum of components to the supplied data
CFITSLIST - Create/update the lfitslist.txt file.
CFIT_APATCH - Patch CFIT analysis result at specific points
CFIT_APIXLIST() - Return masked CFIT analysis pixels given masking program
CFIT_BLOCK - Apply a component fit to a block of data.
CFIT_BLOCK_ERROR() - Calculate parameter errors from CFIT structure.
CFIT_BPATCH - Patch block result at specific points
CFIT_ERRDEMO - Demonstrate analytical vs empirical errors of line fitting.
CFIT_ERROR - Calculate parameter errors from CFIT structure.
CHANGE_TAG_VALUE - Change a tag value in a structure
CHECKDATA - Check an input against a specified set of properties. This allow
CHECKFONT - This function changes the default widget hardware font to be one
CHECKVAR - This procedure checks sets a non-existent variable
CHECK_ANOMALY - check directory location of anomaly database file: anomaly.db
CHECK_CDS_MODES - check CDS raster telemetry against DSN submodes
CHECK_CHECK_TIME - check to see that msod is within the range
CHECK_COMPILE - verify whether input module will compile (syntax checker)
CHECK_CONFLICT - To check any conflict of IDL procedure/function names.
CHECK_EXT_TIME - Checks CDS external time values for logical consistency.
CHECK_FITS - Check that keywords in a FITS header array match the associated d
CHECK_FTP - check if ftp server is alive
CHECK_INTEG - Checks the integrity of the CDS catalog databases
CHECK_INT_TIME - Checks CDS internal time values for logical consistency.
CHECK_KAP - Check validity of campaign numbers in IAP file
CHECK_KAP_ANOMALY - check lines in KAP files for anomalous activity keywords
CHECK_LOCK - check if a LOCK file created by APPLY_LOCK has expired
CHECK_LOG - check idl batch logfile for abnormal termination
CHECK_MATH - Returns and clears the accumulated math error status.
CHECK_NIS_WCAL - Demonstrates applicability of current NIS wavecal.
CHECK_TAPE_DRV - Associate tape drive numbers with device files. *Unix only*
CHG_CTABLE - Change current color table in terms of gamma, bottom and top
CHILD_POINTER() - to retrieve child of a pointer variable
CHKARG - Determine calling arguments of procedure or function.
CHKLOG - Determine actual name of logical or environment variable.
CHK_DATAWIN() - Check the existence in CDS database of a given datawin
CHK_DIR() - Check the validity of a directory name.
CHK_F_RASTER() - Check existence in CDS database of a given raster structure
CHK_F_STUDY() - Check existence in CDS database of a given fundamental study
CHK_LINELIST() - Check the existence in CDS database of a given linelist
CHK_STRUCT_NAME - check if a structure name is unique
CHK_TMFILE - Checks CDS tm file for misplaced APIDs and bad chksums.
CHK_TM_TIME - Check packet times are incrementing correctly.
CHK_T_STUDY() - Check existence in CDS database of a given study title
CHK_V_RASTER() - Check the existence in CDS database of a raster variation
CHK_V_STUDY() - Check existence in CDS database of a given study variation
CH_SCALE - This procedure computes a scale factor for charsize that is appro
CINDGEN - Returns a complex, single-precision array.
CIRCLE_SYM - Define (part of) a circle as the user plotting symbol.
CIR_MASK() - Get indices of a circular mask over a 2D array
CLEAN - To fix-up a gif image with a weird color table. Gifs, in general
CLEANPLOT - Reset all plotting system variables (!P,!X,!Y,!Z) to their defaul
CLEAN_EXPOSURE - Clean cosmic rays from single (slit spectrogram) exposure
CLEAN_JOURNAL - This procedure removes some of the output in journal files to mak
CLEAN_PATH - clean up SSW path by reorganizing directories
CLEAN_SPIKE - Removes cosmic rays from a 3-D CDS array
CLEARPLOT - To clear the IDL plotting parameters
CLEAR_SCREEN - Writes escape sequence to clear screen and set cursor to top left
CLEAR_STRUCT - clear all field values in a structure
CLEAR_UTPLOT - Restores plotting structures !x and !y to their values prior to c
CLIPBOX - To draw a box around the outside of the clip box
CLON2EX - Calculate times corresponding to input 'Carrington'
CLONE__DEFINE - Define a CLONE class
CLOSE - Closes the file units specified as arguments.
CLOSE_ANACUBE - Close ANA data cube opened with OPEN_ANACUBE
CLR_INST_DLYD() - Deletes instrument delayed command entries from the database
CLR_NRT_RES() - Deletes NRT reserved entries from the database
CLR_OTHER_OBS() - Deletes entries from the "other_obs" database
CLR_RESOURCE() - Deletes SoHO resource entries from the database
CLR_TEL_MODE() - Deletes SoHO telemetry mode entries from the database
CLR_TEL_SUBMODE() - Deletes SoHO telemetry submode entries from the database
CLS - Clear screen (in Xterm's VT102 mode)
CMOUSE - Controlling the "Mouse button action" selection & display
CMOUSE_ACTION - Translate a mouse click accorrding to the CMOUSE status
CMP_ALL_PRO - Compares all procedure files in one path against another.
CMP_FILES() - Checks whether two text files are identical or not.
CMP_LIBS - Compares one IDL library against another.
CMP_TREES - Compares all procedure files in one path against another.
CMTEST - Demonstration of CMOUSE
CNVRT_MSPTIME - Convert a date/time string from Microsoft Project format.
CNVT_COORD() - Conversion between any 2 of 4 coord systems for solar images
COLLEXC - Compute effective excitation rate coefficients for a given Temper
COLORBAR__DEFINE - The purpose of this routine is to implement a COLORBAR object
COLORSET - Select true color (24 bit) if available, or pseudo color (8 bit)
COLOR_BAR - Display a color bar on an image display screen.
COLOR_CONVERT - Converts colors to and from the RGB system.
COLOR_PALETTE - To display the numerical values associated
COLOR_QUAN - Quantizes a true-color image.
COMBINE_COLORS - Combines two color tables into one.
COMBINE_STRUCT - Combine two structures
COMBINE_VEL - Combines current color table with a velocity color table.
COMDIM - Collapse degenerate dimensions of an array.
COMPILE_CLASS - compiles CLASS definitions
COMPILE_SFIT - Write and compile evaluation function for given SFIT
COMPLEX - Returns complex scalars or arrays.
COMPLEXARR - Returns a complex, single-precision vector or array.
COMP_BGAUSS - Evaluate broadened Gaussian for use in CURVEFIT/CFIT/MCURVEFIT
COMP_FITS_CEN - compute XCEN (or YCEN) from FITS standard keywords
COMP_FITS_CRPIX - Compute CRPIX from FOV center
COMP_FITS_CRVAL - Compute CRVAL from FOV center
COMP_GAUSS - Evaluate gaussian component for use in CURVEFIT/CFIT/MCURVEFIT
COMP_POLY - Evaluate polynomial component for fitting.
COMP_PPOLY - Evaluate pivoted polynomial component for fitting.
COMP_VOIGT - Evaluate Voigt profile for use in CURVEFIT/CFIT/MCURVEFIT
CONCAT2D() - Concatenate two or more 2-d arrays.
CONCAT3D() - Concatenate two or more 3-d arrays.
CONCAT4DOS - Concatenates IDL procedure files for copying to DOS machine.
CONCAT_DIR - To concatenate directory and file names for current os.
CONCAT_PNT - Concatenates instrument pointing to contiguous areas
CONCAT_STRUCT - concatanate two structures
CONFAC - simplify interface to congrid
CONFIGURE_HTTP - configure an HTTP server within the SSW environment
CONFLX - Calculate continuum flux in (ph s-1 A-1) or (erg s-1 A-1).
CONGRDI() - Interpolates an array into another array.
CONJ - Returns the complex conjugate of X.
CONNECT - Find objects of connected pixels in a binary image
CONTOUR - Draws a contour plot from data.
CONTV - Places contour plots over displayed images.
CONVERT_2_STREAM - This procedure converts fixed-length-record files to stream files
CONVERT_COORD - Transforms one or more sets of coordinates.
CONVOL - Convolves an array with a kernel.
CONV_A2H - Converts arcmins-from-suncenter coordinates to heliographic
CONV_A2P - To convert from a an angle from sun center to a pixel location
CONV_H2A - Computes arcsecs-from-suncenter coordinates from
CONV_H2P - To convert from a pixel location to heliocentric coordinates
CONV_UNIX_VAX - To convert Unix IDL data types to Vax IDL data types.
CONV_VAX_UNIX - To convert VAX IDL data types to UNIX (Sun,MIPS,etc.) IDL data ty
COORD_CONV - This procedure computes the data, normal, and device coordinates
COORD_L2V - To convert linear pixel coordinates to x,y,z pixels.
COORD_V2L - To convert pixels (x,y,z) to linear coordinates
COPY_QLDS() - Make a copy of a QLDS, including data windows.
COPY_STRUCT - Copies one structure to another (with options).
COPY_TAG_VALUES - Copy tag values of one structure into another structure
COPY_VAR - to copy data by pointer
COS - Returns the trigonometric cosine of X.
COSH - Returns the hyperbolic cosine of X.
COSMIC_STAT - return number of cosmic ray 'hits' or %affected area
COUNTDOWN - Prints a message showing where you are in a long job.
COVSRT - Repack the covariance matrix to the true order of the parameters
CP_GET_ENTRY() - Retrieves latest entries for a given command mnemonic and set of
CP_GET_HISTORY() - Retrieves history for a given command mnemonic and parameter numb
CP_GET_INDECES() - Returns structure elements corrsponding to particular pnumbers.
CP_GET_MNEMONIC() - Retrieves latest entries for a given command mnemonic from the CD
CRANGE - This function returns the plot range limits for the X,Y, or Z coo
CREATE_STRUCT - Create an IDL structure from a list of tag names and dimensions
CREATE_UPDATE_TAR - This procedure creates a tar file suitable for updating a remote
CRONTAB - Simulate running IDL commands in a cron job
CROSSBAR - This procedure overplots a crossbar for the procedures point and
CROSS_CORR - Perform a cross correlation match on two images
CROSS_CORR2() - Takes two-dimensional cross-correlation of two arrays.
CROSS_HAIR - Plot a rectangle or cross hair on the current plotting device.
CRS - Simplified CURSOR, with continuous readout option.
CSCALE - my own color scale routine
CT_HANDLING - User Interface to work with color tables. One can load
CUBE_EDIT - edit 3D cube (mouse -OR- command line) w/optional rebin
CUM_SUM - This function returns the cumulative sum along
CURDIR - return current directory
CURSOR - Used to read position of the graphics cursor.
CURSOR_INFO - Report cursor's position to a text widget.
CWF_COMPONENT - Compound widget showing one fit component
CWF_FIT - Comp. widget for showing/editing Component Fit structures
CWF_STATUS - Comp. widget showing a CFIT structure's CONST/INCLUDE status.
CWQ_CUBE - Show one data cube from a QLDS any way you like it
CWQ_DSPWAV - Constitutes one column of the data display in DSPWAV.
CWQ_IMAGE - QuickLook compound widget for zoomabel images.
CWQ_SPECTR - QuickLook compound widget for spectral plots.
CWQ_WINSEL() - QL compound widget for selecting a line window
CW_ALOGSLIDER - The standard slider provided by the WIDGET_SLIDER() function is
CW_BSELECTOR - CW_BSELECTOR is a compound widget that appears as a pull-down
CW_CHECKBOX() - "Checkbox" or "cross-box" widget (status on/off).
CW_CUBEVEIW - Compound widget for visualizing data n-cubes (0 < n < 8)
CW_DROPLIST() - Create a compound widget to simulate a droplist widget
CW_EDROPLIST - Create a compound widget that is an editable droplist widget,
CW_ENTERB - A button with user editable content
CW_FLIPSWITCH - Implements a pusbutton status switch (e.g., On/Off)
CW_INFILTRATE - Infiltrate a widget hierarchy to tap into its events.
CW_LOADCT() - Color table picker w. gamma/top/bottom control.
CW_MOUSE() - Controlling the "Mouse button action" selection & display
CW_PLOTZ() - One-window compound widget plot zoom
CW_PSELECT - Simplified management of a pulldown selection menu
CW_PZOOM() - One-window compound widget image zoom.
CW_RANGE - Create a compound widget consisting of two editable droplist
CW_TEXT - compound text widget that switches itself to a label when non-edi
CW_TMOUSE() - Convert a draw-event into an action string.
CW_TVZOOM - Compound widget for displaying zoomed images. (cf CW_ZOOM).
C_EXPECTED - Expectation value of the C-statistic
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DARKLIMB_CORRECT - Calculate limb darkening function for specified wavelength
DAT2GIF - Write 2-d data to GIF file
DATA2FILES - convert data (2D or 3D) -> file or file sequence
DATA_COMPRESS - Compress and decompress data using UNIX compress or gzip by
DATA_PATHS - check for directories/subdirectories pointed to by
DATA_QUALITY - determine empirical data quality
DATA_SUM2FITS - add data summary fields to fits header (data not effected)
DATE2MJD() - Convert calendar dates to Modified Julian Days.
DATE_CODE() - Convert any date/time value into YYYYMMDD format.
DATPLOT - This procedure is used to OVERplot histograms between channel edg
DAYCNV - Converts Julian dates to Gregorian calendar dates
DAYS2LAUNCH() - Calculates days until SOHO launch.
DBBUILD - Build a database by appending new values for every item.
DBCLOSE - Procedure to close a data base file
DBCREATE - Create new data base file or modify description.
DBDELETE - Deletes specified entries from data base
DBEDIT - Interactively edit specified fields in a database.
DBEDIT_BASIC - Interactively edit specified fields in a database.
DBEXT - Extract values of up to 12 items from data base file.
DBEXT_DBF - Subroutine of DBEXT to extract values of up to 18 items from a da
DBEXT_IND - routine to read a indexed item values from index file
DBFIND() - Search data base for entries with specified characteristics
DBFIND_ENTRY - Subroutine of DBFIND to perform an entry number search
DBFIND_SORT - Subroutine of DBFIND to perform a search using sorted values
DBGET - Find entry numbers which contain specified values of a given item
DBHELP - List available databases or items in the currently open database
DBINDEX - Procedure to create index file for data base
DBINDEX_BLK() - Set associated variable in preparation for writing to file.
DBL2ARRAY - Convert a 64 bit flag word to a byte array of 1's and 0's.
DBLARR - Returns a double-precision vector or array.
DBMATCH - Find the entry number in a database for each element of item valu
DBOPEN - Routine to open an IDL database
DBPRINT - Procedure to print specified items from a list of database entrie
DBPUT - Put new value for specified item into data base file entry.
DBRD - Read an entry from a data base or linked multiple databases.
DBREPAIR - Repairs problem with IEEE format databases.
DBSEARCH - Subroutine of DBFIND() to search a vector for specified values
DBSORT() - Routine to sort list of entries in data base
DBTITLE() - Function to create title line. Subroutine of DBPRINT
DBUPDATE - Update columns of data in a database -- inverse of DBEXT
DBVAL() - Extract value(s) of an item from a data base file entry.
DBWRT - procedure to update or add a new entry to a data base
DBXPUT - Routine to replace value of an item in a data base entry
DBXVAL() - Quickly return a value of the specified item number
DB_CHECK - check input search string for syntax errors
DB_ENT2EXT - Converts database entry from host to external format.
DB_ENT2HOST - Converts database entry from external to host format.
DB_GBO - Poor man's database
DB_INFO() - Function to obtain information on opened data base file(s)
DB_ITEM - Returns the item numbers and other info. for an item name.
DB_ITEM_INFO() - Returns information on selected item(s).
DB_OR() - Combine two vectors of entry numbers, removing duplicates.
DB_TITLES - Print database name and title. Called by DBHELP
DD - Display directory stack used by PD and PPD
DEC2BIN - Convert integer decimal number to binary representation.
DEC2HEX - Convert a non-negative decimal integer to a hex string.
DEC2SUN - Converts data written on a DEC machine to SUN format by swapping
DECODE_GEV - decode gev structures (return event times in desired format)
DEFAULT - Supply default values for variables
DEFAULTS - Supply default volume, directory, and extension parts of a file n
DEFAULTS_2 - Supply default volume, directory, and extension parts of a file n
DEFINE_KEY - Programs the keyboard function Key.
DEFSYSV - Creates a new system variable.
DEF_ANOMALY - define anomaly structure
DEF_CDS_DETAIL - Define CDS detailed plan structure
DEF_CDS_STUDY - define a base CDS study structure
DEF_CDS_UTPLOT - Setup x-axis for time plot.
DEF_DIRLIST - Define directory list using setenv or setlog
DEF_FONT - return system dependent default fonts using system variable
DEF_INST_PLAN - Define a plan structure
DEF_MAP - Define a basic 2x2 element image map
DEF_PROGRAM - define program structure
DEF_STUDY - define a base study structure
DEF_YSSYSV - define system variables for Yohkoh SW
DELETE_ANALYSIS - Delete a CFIT ANALYSIS structure, freeing the handles.
DELETE_CDS_ADEF - Delete and free handles of a CDS Analysis Definition (ADEF)
DELETE_FILE() - Delete a named file.
DELETE_QLDS - Delete a QLDS and free handles.
DELETE_SYMBOL - (VMS Only) Deletes a DCL interpreter symbol.
DELLOG - (VMS Only) Deletes a VMS logical name.
DELVAR - Deletes variables from the main IDL program level.
DELVARX - delete variables for memory management (can call from routines)
DEL_ALT() - Deletes a CDS alternate plan record from the database
DEL_ANOMALY() - Deletes a SoHO anomaly from the DB
DEL_DETAIL() - Deletes a CDS detailed science plan record from the database
DEL_FLAG() - Deletes a CDS flag receiver record from the database
DEL_PLAN() - Deletes a SoHO/CDS science plan record from the database
DEL_SOHO_DET() - Deletes a SoHO/CDS DETAILS plan record from the database
DEMO_4TH_PIX - Demonstrates the 4th pixel readout effect in NIS1 data.
DERIV_ARR - Procedure to return the rate of change of the
DESPIKE_GEN - Remove (cosmic ray) spikes from an image.
DETABIFY() - Converts tabs to spaces in character strings.
DETDATA() - Retrieve Spectral Window data from a QL Data Structure
DETDESC() - Retrieve Spectral Window info from a QL Data Structure
DETREND - Removes linear or higher order polynomial trends from 1-D data
DEVICE - Provides device-dependent control.
DEVICELIB - Definitions needed for the SERTS graphics device library.
DHELP - Diagnostic HELP (activated only when DEBUG reaches DLEVEL)
DIFFERENCE_MOVIE - difference a data cube and provide some statistics
DIFF_MAP - Difference two maps
DIFF_ROT() - Computes the differential rotation of the sun
DILATE - Implements the morphologic dilation operator.
DIMREBIN - As REBIN, but dimensions supplied as an array
DIMREFORM - As reform, but dimensions supplied as an array
DINDGEN - Returns a double-precision array.
DIR_EXIST - check if elements of input list are existing directories
DIR_SINCE - directory listing for spcified age files
DISKFREE - To return the number of free bytes available on the disk in megab
DISK_HOG - show disk usage, order by size
DISMOUNT - Emulates the VMS DISMOUNT function in Unix.
DISPLAY_NIMCP - Displays the relevant NIMCP data for a given date
DISPLAY_OK() - Detect if device display has been set properly
DMY2YMD() - To convert date string DD-MM-YY format to YY/MM/DD format.
DOC_HEAD - return idl documentation header from source file
DOC_LIBRARY2 - To find a routine and to display the full contents of the file.
DOC_LIB_UNIX - Extract the documentation template of one or more procedures.
DOC_LIB_VMS - Extract the documentation template of one or more procedures.
DOC_MENU - Extract documentation template of one or more procedures.
DOC_SUMM - Extract portions of documentation headers and present in some
DONT_USE_THIS - To print a message to the screen asking that the routine not be
DOUBLE - Returns a result converted to double-precision.
DOUBLE_CLICK_DETECT.pro - Detect a double click in a draw widget
DOY2UTC() - Converts day of year to internal CDS time format.
DOYTIM2EX - Convert a string with day-of-year and time into external format.
DO_DEMO - run an idl demo program (format can be IDL main routine)
DO_EIT_MAP - make EIT maps
DO_EIT_SCALING - scale EIT images (degrid, take log, etc)
DO_REG_BACKUP - To make a regular backup of a directory tree
DPRINT - Diagnostic PRINT (activated only when DEBUG reaches DLEVEL)
DRAWBOX - Draw a rubber-band box (or circle)
DRAW_BOXCENSIZ - To draw a box on the screen in either data or device coordinates
DRAW_BOXCORN - To draw a box on the screen in either data or device coordinates
DRAW_CIRCLE - Draw a circle.
DRAW_GRID - Draw a Stonyhurst grid
DREXC - Compute effective excitation rate due to dielectronic recombinati
DROT_MAP - differentially rotate image contained within structure created by
DROT_MAP_FAST - fast version of DROT_MAP
DROT_NAR - Solar rotate NOAA AR pointings to given time
DROT_XY - wrapper around ROT_XY to correct for roll in map
DR_CARR - If ARG is a time interval (in decimal days) this routine
DR_PHOTO - If ARG is a time interval (in decimal days) this routine
DSCALE - scale data
DSPEXP - Display all exposures of selected Spectral Windows.
DSPLINE (DELUXE SPLINE) - Perform cubic spline interpolation or linear interpolati
DSPSPEC() - Displays all Spectral Windows from specific exposures.
DSPWAV - Display data slices at specific wavelength +line profiles
DSP_AUX - Plot/display auxiliary data from a qlds.
DSP_CUBE - Display CDS QLDS data cubes any way you like it...
DSP_INFO - Display basic information from a CDS QL Data Structure
DSP_MENU - Selection of display modes for CDS QL data.
DSP_MOVIE - Display a movie of CDS "slit spectrograms" (SCANX/Y/T)
DSP_POINT - Show pointing area for QLDS with IMAGE_TOOL
DSP_RASTER - Displays locations of CDS raster using IMAGE_TOOL.
DSP_STRARR - To display a string array in a text widget.
DSP_STRUCT - Display contents of a structure as a pulldown menu.
DSP_WAV - Show images at given wavelengths + spectra at given point
DUMMYPLOTS - This procedure is called by utplot to set up plot system variable
DVOIGT_FIT - Double voigt function fit to line profile
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EDGE_PRODUCTS - From a vector of contiguous channel boundaries return the
EIT__DEFINE - Define an EIT map object
ELLIPSE - Return function value and its derivatives of an ellipse
EMENU - same as WMENU but can handle almost infinite size lists
EMON - Gather/plot engineering data statistics.
EMON_1PAR - To extract and plot a single parameter from telemetry.
EMON_CDS_MODE - To extract and plot the CDS mode setting from telemetry.
EMON_ERROR - To detect any CDS error in the telemetry.
EMON_GIS_HV_CNT - Extract and plot GIS HV and counts from CDS tm file.
EMON_LUT - To extract GIS LUT details from telemetry.
EMON_MAIN_HTRS - To extract and plot the main heaters data from Eng B pkts.
EMON_MECH_LOG - To summarize CDS mechanism movements.
EMON_QCM_LOG - Accumulates CDS QCM logs.
EMON_RELAYS_LOG - Updates the history of any CDS relay use.
EMON_SENSITIVE - To (de)sensitize EMON control buttons.
EMON_TEMP_LOG - Accumulates CDS temperature logs.
EMPTY - Causes all buffered output to be written.
ENABLEFLAG - Reenable a previously set but disabled image display flag.
EOF - Tests the specified file unit for the end-of-file condition.
EPLOT - Overplot x and y error bars on a previously drawn plot.
ERASE - Erases the screen of the currently selected graphics device.
ERODE - Implements the morphologic erosion operator.
ERRORF - Returns the value of the error function.
ERRPLOT - Overplot error bars over a previously drawn plot.
ESEGMENT - to transform image into a form in which loop-like
ESPAWN - spawn a shell command and return STDIO and STDERR
EUTPLOT - Plot error bars on previously (using UTPLOT) drawn plot with
EVAL_CFIT - Evaluates a component fit at given points.
EVAL_SFIT - Evaluate "short" fit structure at given points.
EVENTS_BY_TIME - This procedure finds events for different instruments over input
EVENT_MOVIE - form a 3D plot movie from UT events (via evt_grid)
EVENT_MOVIE_DEFAULTS - set some color "defaults" for event_movie.pro
EVT_GRID - To annotate previously drawn utplot output with event times
EX2DOW - To convert from the standard 7 element time array
EX2FID - Given a 7-element time array, generate the fileID (YYMMDD.HHMM)
EX2INT - Convert conventional date and time into days since 1979
EX2WEEK - To convert from any standard times to a week number.
EXECUTE - Compiles and executes one or more IDL statements.
EXEC_STRUCT - Execute CREATE_STRUCT to dynamically create new structure
EXIST - To See if variable Exists
EXIST_JOB - determine if a job exists
EXIT - Quits IDL and exits back to the operating system.
EXP - Returns the natural exponential function.
EXPAND_TILDE() - Expand tilde in UNIX directory names
EXPAND_TV - Expands and displays an image.
EXPINT_DEMO - Demonstrate effect of packetization module patch
EXPORT_PLAN - Exports a CDS science plan from the database
EXPORT_STUDY - Exports a study definition from the database
EXPSLICE() - Returns slice of a Spectral Window at specific exposure
EXPTV - Uses SCALE_TV and EXPAND_TV to display an image.
EXP_ZDBASE - expand ZDBASE into component directories
EXTEND_MATRIX() - Extand dimension of a given matrix by attaching a submatrix
EXTRACT_FID - extract embedded FIDS from file names, return fids and times
EXTRACT_FIDS - find & extract embedded FIDS in file names
EXTRA_KEYWORDS - extract keyword settings from _extra structure
EXT_RANGE() - Calculate extended range for plotting variables.
EZFIT - Easy Gauss fit to data.
EZMGN - To fit multiple Gaussians to NIS data and compare to CHIANTI
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FAKE_POINT_STC() - Create a fake pointing structure for IMAGE_TOOL to use
FASTFIT - Least-squares fit of linear function without error analysis
FBLUE - Compute 2 component gaussian where one is blueshifted
FCHECK - This functions checks sets a non-existent variable
FCOLOR - This function is used with LINECOLORS.PRO for defaults if the dev
FDECOMP - Decompose file name into components.
FFT - Returns the complex, discrete FFT of an array.
FF_DEMO - Demonstrates new on board flat-field for OV region.
FID2EX - Given a fileID, generate the 7-element time array
FID2TIME - Infer file time from file ID name with "_yymmdd_hhmmss"
FID__DEFINE - Define a FID (file id) object
FIFO__DEFINE - Define a FIFO object
FIG_CLOSE - Finish a plot in a postscript-file of a figure
FIG_MULTI_POS() - multi-plot !p.positions maintaining correct aspect ratio of
FIG_MULTI_TV() - multi-plot of images in grey-scale representation
FIG_OPEN - Set device parameters to start a display or postscript-file
FIG_TV() - plot of image in grey-scale representation
FILE2FID - move files from a directory into another based on file
FILES2DATA - read multiple files->3D cube w/optional congrid
FILES_HANDLING - User Interface which handle image files. Makes use of
FILES_SEARCH - Search all files in a set of Unix sub-directories for an input st
FILES_SINCE - return files in newer than file
FILETIMES - return start and stop times in Yohkoh reformatted files
FILE_ACC - Determine existence, type and access of file on UNIX system.
FILE_APPEND - append text to text file - optionally, only append uniq text
FILE_COMPRESS - provide IDL interface to gzip and Unix compress utility
FILE_DELETE - system/shell independent file delete
FILE_DIFF - check for ascii file difference (boolean)
FILE_EXIST - returns true(1) if any files match pattern=file
FILE_LIST - Given a set of directories (and optionally a partial
FILE_MENU - Given a set of directories (and optionally a partial
FILE_OR_STRING - check if a valid filename or string datatype is being input
FILE_PATH - find file in tree (recursive version of RSI filepath.pro)
FILE_PURGE - Purge files that have similar file names. Purge is based on
FILE_PURGE_SIZES - purge files > -OR- < some file size threshold
FILE_SIZE - return file sizes - optionally as string with units
FILE_STAT() - Vector version of FSTAT
FILE_UNCOMPRESS - provide IDL interface to standard unix uncompress & gzip utility
FILL_BOX - To fill a plot box with one of a selection of patterns.
FILL_CATEGORY - Load save file with current categories
FILL_MISSING - Fill in missing pixels in a data array
FILL_TFTD - Load save file with current one-liners
FILM_THUMBNAIL - embed thumbnail image in "film" (make www logos/thumbnails)
FILT_DATA - filter data according to specified criteria
FINDFILE - Returns array containing names of files matching specification.
FINDFILE_LIST - This procedure takes a list of files and path (!path format) and
FINDGEN - Returns a single-precision array.
FINDVAL - Linearly interpolates X,Y arrays for (xval,yval)
FIND_ALL_DIR() - Finds all directories under a specified directory.
FIND_CAMPAIGN - Shell around LIST_CAMPAIGN to fix the annoying
FIND_CAT - Find and list routines matching input category string
FIND_CDS_STUDIES - Find CDS studies or programs matching search criteria
FIND_CDS_STUDY - find a CDS study in database
FIND_COMMON() - Find which elements are common to the input vectors.
FIND_COMPRESSED - find compressed version of a file
FIND_CONTIG_RANGES - Compress a set of ranges to leave only the non-contiguous ranges
FIND_COSMIC_RAYS - Find cosmic rays and determine their strengths
FIND_DATA_RUNS() - Detect runs of data in an array and return their boundaries.
FIND_DRAW_WIDGET() - Find the widget ID corresponding to a draw window.
FIND_DUP() - Function to identify duplicate values in a vector.
FIND_DURATION - Find the actual durations of rasters from the FITS headers
FIND_FID - find files based on encoded fid names (yymmdd_hhmm)
FIND_FILE() - Fixing builtin FINDFILE() problem
FIND_FILES - Find multiple files in a multiple path
FIND_FILE_DUR() - Find the duration of a single CDS FITS file.
FIND_IX - This function finds the nearest neighbor index in the
FIND_KAP_FILE - Find latest KAP (or CAP or IAP) file for the given date
FIND_LIMB2 - Find the solar coordinates from an aspect camera image.
FIND_PROC - Find routine in SSW tree
FIND_SYNOP - FIND Synoptic data files in Archive
FIND_VALUE() - Finds where an array is equal to a value.
FIND_WIND_DIR() - Finds all directories under a specified directory under windows.
FIND_WITH_DEF() - Searches for files with a default path and extension.
FIND_ZDBASE - set ZDBASE to appropriate CDS/USER/SOHO Database location
FINITE - Returns 1 (True) if its argument is finite.
FIT2GIF - convert FITS file to a GIF image file
FITS2MAP - Make an image map from a FITS file
FITS2RM - Read a response matrix from a FITS file. Optionally read EBOUNDS
FITS2SPECTRUM - Read spectral rate data from a FITS file, including the ENEBAND
FITS2TIME - convert fits header times to Yohkoh convention
FITSHEAD2STRUCT - convert FITS header->struct, optionally add useful standard TAGS
FITSTAPE() - Function to perform FITS tape I/O.
FITS_DATATYPE() - Return datatype of FITS data for the given BITPIX value
FITS_DISP_MONTH - To display a single image per day for a single month
FITS_INFO - Provide information about the contents of a FITS file
FITS_MENU - Display available FITS file and read selected file into IDL
FITS__DEFINE - Define a FITS map object
FITTER - Least-squares fit of linear function
FIT_CDS_MAP - Produce maps of QL Gaussian fit results
FIT_CDS_QL - Gaussian fit of CDS QL spectra
FIT_CIRCLE - Fit a circle to vector of points.
FIT_GAUSS - Fits a gaussian plus a quadratic to data points
FIT_SPEC - fit spectra
FIX - Returns a result converted to integer type.
FIX_CATALOG - Fix an entry in the CDS catalog.
FIX_DATE - Fix date that uses digit month into one with a string month
FIX_IAP - Update KAP file with new IAP info
FIX_LINELIST - Recalculates all the cen_pix values in the linelist db.
FIX_MAIN_TIMES - Fixes start and stop times in the MAIN catalog
FIX_OBS_SEQ - Fix blank OBS_SEQ and OBS_MODE values in the catalog
FIX_STRLEN() - Make a string have a fixed length by appending spaces.
FIX_STRLEN_ARR() - Make a string have a fixed length by appending spaces.
FIX_ZDBASE() - To control the value of env. var. ZDBASE.
FLAG_LONG_NAMES - Flags procedure names that would appear the same under DOS
FLASH_MSG - Flashes an information message in a text widget.
FLASH_PLOTS - Make a flashing plot of a polygon
FLOAT - Returns a result converted to single-precision.
FLTARR - Returns a single-precision vector or array.
FLUSH - Causes all buffered output to be written.
FLUSH_CATALOG - Flush the CDS catalog databases.
FMEDIAN - Median filtering w/rectangular neighbourhood & MISSING
FMT_DOC - format output buffer containing documentation header info
FMT_TAG - Converts a data structure (as represented by the IDL SIZE
FMT_TIM - Given a time (or array of times) return the formatted
FMT_TIMER - print formatted times of an index file
FMT_VECT() - Formats a vector (any length) into a parenthesized string.
FONT_SIZE - Determine character width and height in pixels for a given
FORCE_EVT - make new event structure for input into event routine
FORM_CHISQR - Forms function to be minimized
FORM_FILENAME() - Adds default paths and extensions to filenames.
FORM_HISTO - Forms a histogram from the variable ARRAY.
FORM_INT() - Scales an intensity image for use with split color tables.
FORM_SIGMAS - Forms denominator in function to be minimized.
FORM_VEL() - Scales a velocity image for display.
FREEZE_RAS_DUR - Freeze raster durations, using measured values.
FREE_LUN - Deallocates file units allocated with GET_LUN.
FREE_POINTER() - to free a pointer variable
FREE_VAR - free variable memory (pointer, objects, structures)
FREE_VAR__DEFINE - Define a FREE_VAR class
FSELECT - Read operator selected flare numbers from the terminal and store
FSTAT - Returns a structure containing information about the file.
FSTATS - vector version of fstat
FSTRING - Shell around STRING function to fix 1024 size limit on formatting
FSUMER_DETAIL() - Create a fake sumer detail structure
FTP_BBSO - FTP BBSO H-alpha files for a given date
FTP_COPY - To build an FTP command and execute it from IDL (Default=PUT)
FTP_COPY_NEW - Wrapper to call ftp_copy. Does a remote listing on the source
FTP_HEADER - standard FTP header to include in FTP access routines
FTP_KISF - FTP Kiepenheuer-Institut H-alpha files for a given date
FTP_MLSO_IMAGES - FTP MLSO MK3 coronameter GIF images
FTP_MWSO - FTP Mt. Wilson Solar Tower images for a given date
FTP_SYNOP - Driver to ftp synoptic images for a given date
FTP__DEFINE - Define an FTP client object
FUNCIR - Return function value and its derivatives of the equation of a ci
FUNCT_FIT - Non-linear least squares fit to a function of an
FUNCT_VAL - evaluate any function and its partial derivatives
FXADDPAR - Add or modify a parameter in a FITS header array.
FXBADDCOL - Adds a column to a binary table extension.
FXBCLOSE - Close a FITS binary table extension opened for read.
FXBCOLNUM() - Returns a binary table column number.
FXBCREATE - Open a new binary table at the end of a FITS file.
FXBDIMEN() - Returns the dimensions for a column in a FITS binary table.
FXBFIND - Find column keywords in a FITS binary table header.
FXBFINDLUN() - Find logical unit number UNIT in FXBINTABLE common block.
FXBFINISH - Close a FITS binary table extension file opened for write.
FXBHEADER() - Returns the header of an open FITS binary table.
FXBHELP - Prints short description of columns in a FITS binary table.
FXBHMAKE - Create basic FITS binary table extension (BINTABLE) header.
FXBINTABLE - Common block FXBINTABLE used by "FXB" routines.
FXBISOPEN() - Returns true if UNIT points to an open FITS binary table.
FXBMHEADER() - Returns the file header of an open FITS binary table.
FXBOPEN - Open binary table extension in a disk FITS file for reading.
FXBPARSE - Parse the binary table extension header.
FXBREAD - Read a data array from a disk FITS binary table file.
FXBSTATE() - Returns the state of a FITS binary table.
FXBTDIM() - Parse TDIM-like kwywords.
FXBTFORM - Returns information about FITS binary table columns.
FXBWRITE - Write a binary data array to a disk FITS binary table file.
FXFINDEND - Find the end of a FITS file.
FXHCLEAN - Removes required keywords from FITS header.
FXHMAKE - Create a basic FITS header array.
FXHMODIFY - Modify a FITS header in a file on disk.
FXHREAD - Reads a FITS header from an opened disk file.
FXKVALUE() - Get value from a set of candidate keywords of a FITS header
FXMOVE - Skip a specified number of extensions in a FITS file
FXPAR() - Obtain the value of a parameter in a FITS header.
FXPARPOS() - Finds position to insert record into FITS header.
FXPOSIT - Return the unit number of a FITS file positioned at specified ext
FXREAD - Read basic FITS files.
FXTAPEREAD - Copy FITS files tape to disk with interactive capabilities.
FXTAPEWRITE - Procedure to copy disk FITS files to tape with interactive
FXTPIO_READ - Copies FITS files from tape to disk -- internal routine.
FXTPIO_WRITE - Copy FITS files from disk to tape -- internal routine.
FXWRITE - Write a disk FITS file.
F_ATIME - Changes time info from numbers into formatted strings
F_CROSSP - This function returns the Vector (Cross) product of vectors v1 a
F_GAUSS_INTG - This function returns the sum of a Gaussian and 2nd order polynom
F_PDER - This function returns the partial derivative of a function.
F_USE_WIDGET - This function provides global control over allowed use of widget
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GAMINC - Compute the function = exp(X) / X^P * Int[exp(-X)*X^(P-1)dx]
GAMMA - Returns the gamma function of X.
GAUSSINT - Returns the integral of the Gaussian probability function.
GAUSSJ - Linear equation solution by Gauss-Jordan elimination
GAUSS_FUNCT2 - Evaluate the sum of a gaussian and a 2nd order polynomial.
GAUSS_INTG - This procedure sums a Gaussian and 2nd order polynomial.
GAUSS_PUT() - Load a 1-d or 2-d Gaussian into an array.
GDSPSPEC - Displays all spectral windows from specific exposures.
GENX2HTML - convert a 'genx' file to an html file in a 'standard' format
GENX_HEAD - define version dependent genx file header structures
GENX_NEWVER - create new version of genx file - only updates genx header
GEN_STRUCT - Define the following general database structures
GEN__DEFINE - Define a GENeric object
GETENV - Returns the equivalence string for Name.
GETFILES - Interactively asks for a list of tape file numbers.
GETLOG() - Returns correct logical dir. for given operating system.
GETTOK() - Extracts tokens from strings.
GETUT - Retrieve base, start, or end time from common UTCOMMON.
GETUTBASE - Function to retrieve value of utbase fromm common UTCOMMON withou
GET_ALT - Extracts a CDS alternate entry from the database
GET_ANGLE - This function returns the angle (degrees) between two vectors
GET_ANOMALY - Extracts a SOHO anomaly definition from the database
GET_ARR_CENTER - compute center of input coordinates array
GET_ASPECT - This function calculates and returns the normalized position
GET_ATOMIC - Return a data structure with atomic data parameters
GET_AVGSPEC - Loads averaged example NIS spectrum.
GET_CALLDETAILS() - Return details of calling program (at any stack depth)
GET_CALLER - Get name of caller routine
GET_CAMPAIGN - Extracts a SOHO campaign definition from the database
GET_CDHS_DEXWIN() - Returns the parameters of an internal CDHS dexwin ID.
GET_CDHS_RASTER() - Returns the parameters of an internal CDHS raster ID.
GET_CDHS_SERIES() - Returns the parameters of an internal CDHS series ID.
GET_CDHS_VDSWIN() - Returns the parameters of an internal CDHS vdswin ID.
GET_CDS_ASRUN - return ASRUN raster parameters from CDS Main catalog entry
GET_CDS_DELAY - get delay (secs) due to pointing and slit changes between
GET_CDS_DUR - compute study duration based on CDS plan details
GET_CDS_FOV - get CDS FOV size (width, height) for CDS rasters in a plan
GET_CDS_GIS - get CDS GIS detectors
GET_CDS_HOME - get CDS home position
GET_CDS_OH - computes time after a set of un-tagged
GET_CDS_PLAN - Get nearest CDS detailed plan given a TIME, STUDY_ID,
GET_CDS_PNTCAL - Gets a pointing calibration curve from database
GET_CDS_POINT - Create structure from given CDS plan for use in IMAGE_TOOL
GET_CDS_RASTER - get a CDS raster from database
GET_CDS_STATE - determine CDS state just prior to input time
GET_CDS_STUDY - get a CDS study from database
GET_CDS_XY - get central (X,Y) coordinates CDS rasters in a plan
GET_CENT_OFF - determine pixel offsets for centering widget bases
GET_COMPRESS - Extracts a SOHO compression description from the database
GET_CORREL_OFFSETS - calculate rigid displacement via cross-correlation
GET_DATAWIN - Extracts a data window list definition from the database
GET_DATE - Return the current UTC date in CCYY-MM-DD format for FITS headers
GET_DEF_PRINTER - Get default printer from available printers
GET_DEF_TIMES - return default times
GET_DELIM - returns file delimiter that is appropriate to VMS or UNIX
GET_DETAIL - Extracts a CDS detailed science plan observation
GET_DFONT() - Return widget font with size compatible with current device
GET_DOC - retrieve a subset of idl header info. in a standard structure
GET_DROT_DUR - compute durations (in seconds) to solar rotate a map
GET_EFFICIENCY - Gets an overall efficiency value from database
GET_EFF_AREA - Gets an overall effective area curve from database
GET_ELEMABUN - Return elemental abundances. H = 1, He = (approx) .2, etc.
GET_ENVIRON() - Get environment variables.
GET_EXPER - Extracts a CDS raster entry from the as-run database
GET_FID - determine YYMMDD names based on date/time
GET_FITS_CDELT - Get FITS CDELT values from header
GET_FITS_CEN - Return XCEN and/or YCEN from FITS-like stucture
GET_FITS_PAR - get image parameters from FITS header
GET_FITS_TIME - Get FITS observation time from header
GET_FLAG - Extracts a CDS flag receiver status from the database
GET_F_RASTER - Extracts a fundamental raster definition from the database
GET_F_STUDY - Extracts a fundamental study definition from the database
GET_GEV - Wrapper around RD_GEV
GET_GIS_DELAY - to get CDS GIS LUT delay
GET_GIS_DET - get CDS GIS detectors used by a particular GSET
GET_GROUP - Find out the name of the group of the current process.
GET_GSET - Extracts a GIS raw data file entry from the database
GET_GZIP - find GZIP command on a Windows system
GET_HANDLER_ID - to get widget ID of base associated with event handler
GET_HANDLER_NAME - to get name of event handler for widget ID.
GET_HEAP_INDEX - Function to return the heap index of a pointer or object as a str
GET_HISTORY - get HISTORY from structures or FITS header, optionally match patt
GET_HOST - Find out the name of the ultrix system as defined in the system
GET_IJ() - Determine (i,j) indices from a 1-d index of values
GET_IM_KEYWORD - Gets the value of a SERTS keyword/flag.
GET_INDX - Compute set of N indexes for an N-dimensional array given 1-D ind
GET_INFOX - convert IDL structure info to string summary (1 line/structure)
GET_INSTRUMENT - Extracts a SOHO instrument name and code from the database
GET_INST_COLOR() - Get color code for the given SOHO instrument
GET_IONBAL - Return interpolated ionization fractions.
GET_KBRD - Returns the next character available from the standard input.
GET_KEYWORD - Extract values in a string array that appear after
GET_LATEST_IAP - get latest IAP files from SOC
GET_LATEST_KAP - find most recently created KAP file for a given date
GET_LEAP_SEC - Returns the dates of all known leap seconds.
GET_LIB() - Place elements of !PATH into a string array..
GET_LINELIST - Extracts a line list definition from the database
GET_LOGENV - provide system independent front end to get_env and trn_log
GET_LUN - Allocates a file unit from a pool of free units.
GET_MAIN - Extracts a CDS main entry from the as-run database
GET_MAP_DRANGE - extract min/max data of map
GET_MAP_FOV - compute map FOV
GET_MAP_PROP - extract map properties
GET_MAP_REGION - compute pixel indicies of region [xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax]
GET_MAP_SPACE - extract dx,dy spacings from map
GET_MAP_SPACE - extract xc,yc center from map
GET_MAP_SUB - extract sub-field from a map
GET_MAP_TIME - extract map time
GET_MAP_XP - extract X-coordinate arrays of map
GET_MAP_XRANGE - extract min/max X-coordinate of map
GET_MAP_YP - extract Y-coordinate arrays of map
GET_MAP_YRANGE - extract min/max Y-coordinate of map
GET_MAX_TAG - find max dimension of a tag in a structure
GET_METHODS - return all methods of a class or object
GET_MIRSHIFT - Get the NIS mirror shift calibration for a given date.
GET_MOD() - Extract list of procedure modules.
GET_MONTH - get month name
GET_NAR - Wrapper around RD_NAR
GET_NIMCP - Gets the relevant NIMCP data for a given date
GET_NOAA - get latest NOAA NEUTRAL-line GIF from EIT MAC
GET_OBJECT - Extracts a SOHO object description from the database
GET_OBS_DATE() - Get date and time of obs. from FTIS header in CCSDS format.
GET_ORBIT() - Get the SOHO orbit information.
GET_PATH_DELIM - returns IDL !path delimiter that is appropriate to OS
GET_PID - return user PID and TTY for given process
GET_PLAN - Extracts a SoHO science plan observation
GET_PLAN_DEF - Get definition of plan type
GET_PLAN_FUNCT - Get DEL, ADD, LIST function for a given plan structure
GET_PLAN_ITIME() - Get index of time field in plan structure
GET_PLAN_PROG - return program names for set of plans
GET_PLAN_SCI - replace blank plan fields with SCI_PLAN values
GET_PLAN_SPEC - construct SCI_SPEC title for PLAN
GET_PLAN_TIME() - Get plan times
GET_PLAN_TT - Find start time of next time-tagged study in a series of plans
GET_PLAN_TYPE - Get type of plan structure
GET_POINTER() - to get a pointer value from a pointer variable
GET_PROC() - Extract procedure from a library or directory.
GET_PROGRAM - Extracts a CDS program definition from the database
GET_QLDS() - Returns the QLDS that the display routine is working on.
GET_RASTER - Extracts a complete raster definition from the database
GET_RASTER_PAR - to get CDS raster parameter information
GET_RAW - Extracts a GIS raw data file entry from the database
GET_RAW_FIL - Extracts GIS raw filament data file entry from database
GET_RB0P - Determine the solar radius, b0 angle, and p angle for a set of ti
GET_RECENT_EIT - get recent EIT images
GET_RECENT_FILE - This function returns the name of the most recent file
GET_RECON - This function returns the number of lines in an ASCII FILE
GET_RES_NAME - return a valid resource name
GET_RID - return a random ID
GET_SCREEN - return screen scaling parameters for controlling widget
GET_SC_ATT() - Get the SOHO spacecraft attitude.
GET_SC_POINT() - Get the SOHO spacecraft pointing.
GET_SECTION_NO - Get a set of section numbers from a string.
GET_SID - Return a session ID (SID) for tracking users CGI forms
GET_SOHO_DET - Extracts a SoHO detailed science plan observation
GET_SOHO_INST() - Return one or more SOHO instrument names
GET_SOHO_MAP - return SOHO SCI_PLAN instrument that is being used for ACTIVITY
GET_SOHO_SUBMODE - return DSN subformat definitions for SOHO instruments
GET_SOLAR_INDICES - return selected solar/geomag indices for time range
GET_SOURCE_STC() - Get a source structure based on the datatype.
GET_STUDY - Extracts a complete study definition from the database
GET_STUDY_PAR - to get CDS study parameter information
GET_SUBDIRS - To return a list of the subdirectories under a given location
GET_SUB_REGION - get coordinate range in an image
GET_SUMER_POINT() - Make a pointing structure for use by IMAGE_TOOL from SUMER study
GET_SUN - Provides geocentric physical ephemeris of the sun.
GET_SYMBOL - (VMS Only) Returns the value of a VMS DCL interpreter symbol.
GET_SYNOPTIC() - Return list of FITS files for given dates and instrument
GET_TAG_INDEX - Return index of structure tag name
GET_TAG_VALUE - get tag values from within a structure
GET_TAPE - get and mount available tape drive unit
GET_TEMP_DIR - return system dependent temporary directory
GET_TILTCAL - Get the NIS tilt calibration for a given date.
GET_TIME_DELAY() - Get the time delay between SOHO and the Earth
GET_TM_FILE - Return the telemetry file that corresponds to a UTC time.
GET_TV_SCALE - Retrieves information about displayed images.
GET_UNIQ - return unique elements of an array
GET_UNIQ_LIST() - Extract uniq list of string values from a string array
GET_USER - Find out the name of the user as defined by the environment
GET_USER_ID - return user name and host
GET_UTAXIS - This function returns the system variable axis structures set and
GET_UTC - Gets the current date/time in UTC.
GET_UTEVENT - return time ranges for various Yohkoh events - optionally use
GET_UTRANGE - get user to enter UT start and end times
GET_UVXSECTIONS - return UV/EUV xsections for input lambda, O, N2, and O2
GET_VDS_BIAS - Determines CCD bias levels in the VDS.
GET_VDS_SLITPOS - Gets VDS state database information.
GET_VDS_STATE - Gets VDS state database information.
GET_VIEWPORT - Gets current viewport values, in device coordinates.
GET_WAVECAL - Get the wavelength calibration for a given date.
GET_WAVE_EFF - Gets an efficiency versus wavelength curve from database
GET_WIDTH_CORR() - Get adjustments for selected NIS line widths.
GET_WUVALUE - return widget uvalue
GET_WVALUE - return widget value
GET_XFONT - return font (front end filter to device,get_font=)
GET_XWIN - get a free X-window
GET_ZDBASE - set ZDBASE file appropriate CDS/USER/SOHO Database location
GET_ZENANG - Return solar Zenith angle (see ssw_pos2zenith wrapper)
GHOST_AMOUNT - Find amount of ghosting
GHOST_BUSTER - Move GIS detector ghosts
GHOST_INFO - Display the ghosting information associated with a QLDS
GHOST_MOVE - Manually move GIS detector ghosts
GHOST_PLOT_ALL - Plots all 4 GIS detector data with likely ghost regions
GHOST_PLOT_ONE - Plots a GIS detector data with likely ghost regions
GHOST_PLOT_SAMPLE - Plots (or returns) a theoretical sample GIS spectrum
GHOST_RESTORE - Automatically move GIS detector ghosts
GHOST_TEST - Add correlation tests to GIS ghost plots
GIF2PICT - copy GIF image to PICT format
GISPLOT - Plot engineering data from all four GIS detectors.
GIS_CALIB - Applies calibration factors to GIS spectra.
GIS_CALIB_ANALOGUE - Applies analogue calibration factors to GIS spectra.
GIS_CALIB_AREA - Applies effective area calibration to GIS data
GIS_CALIB_EXTRACT - Extracts GIS data for use with GIS_CALIB
GIS_CALIB_FF_LTGD - Corrects GIS data for flat field and long term gain depression
GIS_CALIB_FIFO - Applies FIFO calibration factors to GIS spectra.
GIS_CALIB_HEII - Marks HeII data uncalibratable in GIS spectra.
GIS_CALIB_LONGSLIT - Corrects GIS data for using the big slits (4, 5, and 6)
GIS_CALIB_PRINT - Prints summary of GIS data.
GIS_CALIB_QUIZ - Applies calibration factors for the GIS quiz-show.
GIS_CALIB_STGD - Calibrates GIS data for short term gain depression
GIS_DUMMY - Creates dummy data array for CDS GIS spectrograph
GIS_FF_WRITE - Write a GIS flat field
GIS_GHOSTING - Finds likely GIS ghost regions
GIS_PLOT - Plots a summary of GIS detector data
GIS_SMOOTH - Smooths GIS spectra to 'remove' fixed patterning
GIS_WRITE_CALIB - Prints calibration factors for GIS spectra.
GMT_OFFSEC - Return offset in seconds from local time to GMT (UT).
GOES2FLUX() - Convert GOES class to flux.
GOOD_PIXELS() - Returns all the good (not missing) pixels in an image.
GO_BATCH - make and idl 'batch' job and 'submit' it (using VMS terminology)
GO_FILE_PURGE - cron driver for file_purge
GO_UPDATE_SSW - single point routine to maintain SSW system at remote sites
GRAPHICS - This procedure switches to graphics from alpha page under Tektron
GREP() - Search for string through a string array (cf grep in Perl)
GRID_DATA - return gridded subset of input (~fixed cadence if no gaps)
GRID_MAP - Regrid an image map
GRID_XY - Make a uniform 2d X-Y grid of coordinates
GRWCH_ST - This function returns the apparent RA of the meridian at Greenwic
GT2EXE - convert gt function shorthand to valid calls (for use w/execute)
GT_BIMAGE - Return wavelength band integrated image.
GT_BINX() - Return detector X binning factor for a QLDS.
GT_BSC_BINCAL - to get BCS crystal bin calibration data from CALFILEs
GT_BSC_CHAN - extract channel nos and/or channel IDs BSC index
GT_BSC_WAVE - return nominal wavelength arrays for BSC spectra
GT_CDS_TIME - Returns the time of a specified exposure
GT_CONV2STR - After a "GT" routine has extracted the relevant information, opti
GT_DATA_UNITS() - Returns the current data units in the QLDS
GT_DAY - To extract the word corresponding to day and optionally
GT_DETECTOR - Returns the detector name ('NIS' or 'GIS')
GT_DETY - Return detector Y guess (for NIS) given YIX and waveband.
GT_DIMENSION - Returns information on the dimensionality of a QLDS
GT_DURATION() - Get the duration of a raster from a file or data structure.
GT_EXPTIME - return exposusure time from input
GT_EXPTIME() - To retrieve the exposure time from a file or data structure.
GT_FPOINT() - Gets the pointing from FITS file header.
GT_HDR() - Return value of FITS header parameter for a given QLDS
GT_HXS - To extract the word corresponding to the HXS counts. The units
GT_IIMAGE - Return image formed at a given dispersion pixel number
GT_LAMBDA - Returns the wavelength for data points
GT_MIMAGE - Return monochromatic image.
GT_MIRRPOS() - To retrieve the mirror posns from a file or data structure.
GT_NIS_ALIGNMENT - Retrieve the NIS-1 to NIS-2 alignment offsets
GT_NUMEXP() - Get the number of exposures from a file or data structure.
GT_NUMWIN() - Get the number of windows from a file or data structure.
GT_POINT() - Gets the pointing from a data structure.
GT_RELAYS_HIST - Restores data structure of CDS relay usage.
GT_RT_FILE() - Create expected current CDS telemetry file name.
GT_SCANP - Return a "slit spectrogram" from freely chosen points.
GT_SCANT - Return a "slit spectrogram" with (lambda,TIME) dimension
GT_SCANX - Return a "slit spectrogram" with (lambda,X) dimension
GT_SCANY - Return a "slit spectrogram" with (lambda,X) dimension
GT_SLITNUM() - To retrieve the slit number from a file or data structure.
GT_SLITPOS() - Retrieve the slit positions from a file or data structure.
GT_SOLARX - Returns the Solar X coordinates for data points
GT_SOLARY - Returns the Solar Y coordinates for data points
GT_SOLAR_XY - Return solar X and Y values for a CDS data window
GT_SPECTRUM - Returns one-dimensional spectrum at specified point
GT_START() - Gets the exposure start times from a file or data structure.
GT_SUM_H - To extract the word corresponding to the SUM_H. It is the HXT
GT_SUM_L - To extract the word corresponding to the SUM_L. It is the HXT
GT_SUM_M1 - To extract the word corresponding to the SUM_M1. It is the HXT
GT_SUM_M2 - To extract the word corresponding to the SUM_M2. It is the HXT
GT_SXS1 - To extract the word corresponding to the SXS1 counts. The units
GT_SXS2 - To extract the word corresponding to the SXS2 counts. The units
GT_TAGVAL - return value stored in specified tag - (nested N-deep struct OK)
GT_TIME - To extract the word corresponding to time and optionally
GT_TOTAL_CNTS - To extract the word corresponding to the BCS total counts (as
GT_VALID() - Determine if keyword values are valid for gt_xxx calls.
GT_VMAP - Compute a velocity map from a fitted map structure that
GT_WAVEBAND() - Return the waveband number given detector and wavelengt
GT_WINDATA() - Return block of detector data from one detector window.
GT_WINDESC() - Return descriptor structure for one detector window.
GT_WINDOW() - Find a (valid) window from BAND + DETX
GT_WINSIZE() - Get the size of data windows from a file or data structure.
GT_WLABEL() - Get the label of a window from a file or data structure.
GT_WLIMITS() - To retrieve the window limits from a file or data structure.
GT_WNUM() - Get the number of a window from a file or data structure.
GZIP - gzip files
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HANDLE_KILLER - Kill handles hooked up with HANDLE_KILLER.
HANDLE_KILLER_HOOKUP - Hook up handles for automatic freeing when widget dies.
HARDCOPY - Dump an 'X' window screen display to the hardcopy laser
HAS_ERROR() - Handles an error message and return the error status
HAVE_EXE - Check if an executable program exists
HAVE_FILES - given a directory and a set of filenames, return
HAVE_METHOD - check if method is supported by object
HAVE_PROC - Check if a program exists in !path
HAVE_TAG - Checks if structure has a specified tag name
HAVE_WIDGETS - Tests whether current graphics device supports widgets.
HAVE_WINDOWS - Tests whether current graphics device supports windows.
HCK_BS - Evaluate formulae in Hudson, Canfield, and Kane
HEAD2STC - convert FITs header to structure
HEADCAT - Loads CDS header catalogue
HEADFITS - Read a FITS (primary or extension) header into a string array.
HEL2ARCMIN() - Compute position relative to sun centre from heliographic.
HEL2XY - convert heliographic coords to arcsecsdetermine GOES events withi
HELP - Gives the user information on many aspects of the IDL session.
HELP_CDS - Pocket help to CDS Planning software
HELP_WINDOWS - Print help text for starting SolarSoft under Windows
HEX2BIN - Convert hexadecimal number to binary representation.
HEX2DEC - Convert hexadecimal representation to decimal integer.
HISCAL() - Performs histogram equalization on an array.
HISTOGRAM - Returns the density function of Array.
HIS_EXIST - Simple function to see if the history structure (.HIS) exists
HOST_TO_IEEE - Translate an IDL variable from host to IEEE representation
HPRINT - Print a FITS header (or other string array) one line at a time
HTML_DOC - handle standard header and trailer html documents (templates)
HTML_FORM_ADDTIME - add times to an html form (template)
HTML_GET_FILES - get relative files referenced by an html doc (recursive)
HTML_HIGHLIGHT - highlight some user specified html (usually tables)
HTML_LINKLIST - make a series of htmlfiles a 'linked list'
HTML_REMOVE_TEMPLATE - remote html header and trailer templates (site specific)
HTML_SPLAN - Make SOHO plans for a give date range
HTML_TAGS - include file for useful HTML tags
HTTP_NAMES - convert filename to WWW link
HTTP__DEFINE - Define a HTTP class
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IAP2STC - convert IAP file (or array) to structure
IDL5TO4 - Convert IDL/v5 array[] syntax to IDL/v4 array() syntax.
IDL_RELEASE - check if IDL release version within specified range
IDL_ROUTINE - Create a string array of names of all IDL internal routines
IDL_SERVER_COMMAND - spawn an rpc command to an idl/www server
IDL_SERVER_CONTROL - operate on an IDL server (kill, restart, commmand..)
IDL_STARTUP_WINDOWS - Initial startup file for Windows
ID_ESC - To bijectively map character strings to identifiers, allowing
ID_ESC_INIT - Initialize the common blocks used by id_esc and id_unesc
ID_UNESC - Convert identifiers escaped with id_esc back into strings.
IEEE2VAX - To convert Unix IDL floating/double to VAX IDL data types.
IEEE_TO_HOST - Translate an IDL variable from IEEE-754 to host representation
IIONBAL - Return interpolated ionization fractions.
IMAGE2GIFANIM - convert an image file sequence (gif, jpeg) to gif animation
IMAGE2MOVIE - convert an image file sequence (3d, gif, jpeg) to mpeg or gif ani
IMAGELIB - Defines variables/common blocks for the SERTS IMAGE library.
IMAGE_DECONVOLVE - Deconvolve a PSF from an image
IMAGE_TOOL - User interface of SOHO Pointing Tool and synoptic/summary databas
IMAGE_TOOL_COM - Common blocks for IMAGE_TOOL
IMAGE_TOOL_EVENT - Event handler of image tool
IMAGE_TOOL_HLP - Print selected help message for a given uvalue of a widget
IMAGINARY - Returns the imaginary part of complex-valued argument.
IMG_SUMMARY - To display summary information of an image. Display the image
IMPORT_PLAN - Imports a science plan file written by EXPORT_PLAN.
IMPORT_STUDY - Imports a study definition file written by EXPORT_STUDY.
IMP_DATAWIN() - Reads data window definition from database export file
IMP_DETAIL() - Reads a detailed science plan from an export file.
IMP_F_RASTER() - Reads fundamental raster def. from database export file
IMP_F_STUDY() - Reads fundamental study def. from database export file
IMP_LINELIST() - Reads a linelist definition from a database export file
IMP_SCI_PLAN() - Reads a SCI_PLAN definition from an export file.
IMP_V_RASTER() - Reads raster variation def. from database export file
IMP_V_STUDY() - Reads study variation def. from database export file
IM_CONV_COORD - Convert between different image coordinate systems.
IM_KEYWORD_SET() - Checks whether an image display keyword/flag is set.
INDD - Return index of array A(i) for which
INDEX2FOV - FOVs for input index(s) - optionally EXTREMEs of multiple FOVs
INDEX2MAP - Make an image map from index/data pair
INDEX2OMAP - convert INDEX/DATA to object maps
INDGEN - Returns an integer array.
INLINE_TEXT() - Return inline text immediately following call line
INPUT - Prompt the user for input and allow a default
INPUT_TIME - To allow a user to interactively enter a start and end time.
INQ_GEN - Provide summary of SXT generic file
INSERT - To insert a smaller array into a larger array
INT2EX - Convert days since 1979 and milliseconds of day into
INT2SEC - To convert the "standard" internal
INT2SECARR - To convert any time format into a time series vector in seconds.
INT2UTC() - Converts CDS internal time to calendar format.
INTARR - Returns an integer vector.
INTERP1D - Perform fast linear 1d interpolation
INTERP2() - Performs a two-dimensional interpolation on IMAGE.
INTERP2D - Perform bilinear 2d interpolation using the IDL intrinsic
INTERP2INTEG - This function integrates over the limits on an interpolated array
INTERPOL8 - Linearly interpolate vectors with a regular or irregular grid.
INTERPOLATE - Returns an array of linear, bilinear or trilinear
INTERP_ARR - Linearly interpolate the two input arrays to the requested time.
INTER_MAP - interpolate an image map onto a new coordinate system
INT_STRETCH - Stretch one of two combined intensity color tables.
INVERT - Returns an inverted copy of a square array.
IOCTL - Provides a thin wrapper over the Unix ioctl(2) system call.
IPRINT - Print array with counter, e.g. 1) value
ISARRAY - Tests if the argument is an array.
ISHFT - Performs the bit shift operation on variables.
IS_ALIVE - check health of remote host
IS_BATCH - return 1/0 if in batch mode or not
IS_BESTNODE - quick and dirty search for 'best' node in nodelist
IS_BLANK - return true is input is blank string
IS_CLASS - check if an object is an instance of the specified class. Calls
IS_COMPRESSED - returns true if file has .Z or .gz ext
IS_DIGIT - Determine if a character is a digit [0 - 9].
IS_DIR - platform/OS independent check if input name is a
IS_IEEE_BIG - Determine if the current machine is use IEEE, big-endian numbers.
IS_LENDIAN.PRO - Many routines (WRITEFITS, ANAFRD, etc) depend on the endianness
IS_LINK - check if file name is actually a link
IS_MAP_LIST - check if input object was inherited from a MAP_LIST
IS_MEMBER - check set membership (element(s) IN set?), return boolean
IS_METHOD_ADDED - check if a method has been added to a class
IS_NUMBER - Test string (or array of strings) to see if it is a number
IS_OPEN - check if a file unit is open
IS_PS - boolean function - is file a PostScript File?
IS_STRING - return true is input is a non-blank string
IS_WINNT - check if current Windows OS is NT
IS_WOPEN - platform/OS independent check if current window
ITOOL2MAP() - Convert ITOOL data structure into MAP or vice versa
ITOOL_ADJ_CTABLE - Adjust color table interactively through a draw widget
ITOOL_BUTTON_REFRESH - Make sure all buttons appear properly
ITOOL_COMPOSITE() - Make composite image array out of two image arrays
ITOOL_COPY_TO_PIX - Copy current main plot window to a pixmap window for later use
ITOOL_CROSS_HAIR - Plot a rectangle or cross hair on the current plotting device.
ITOOL_DIFF_ROT() - Coalign and differentially rotate a solar image to a new time
ITOOL_DISP_ROT - Plot diff. rotation indicator over the displayed image
ITOOL_DRAW - Handling draw events from the main graphics window
ITOOL_DRAW_DRAG - Handles press and drag events of draw widget
ITOOL_DRAW_ICON - Event handler for draw_icon events
ITOOL_EIT_DEGRID() - Degrid an EIT full-resolution, full field-of-view image
ITOOL_EIT_SCALE() - Rescale an image based on EIT image scaling algorithm
ITOOL_GETFILE() - Get list of files for given dates and path
ITOOL_GET_SRC() - Get 4-char image origin code
ITOOL_GET_TIME() - Get date and time of obs. from FTIS header in CCSDS format.
ITOOL_GET_TYPE() - Get 5-char image type code
ITOOL_IMG_MATCH() - Make the given image array match the base image
ITOOL_IMG_SRC() - Return a string of an appropriate image source for a given code
ITOOL_IMG_TYPE() - Return a full label of an appropriate image type
ITOOL_INSIDE_LIMB() - Detect if points defined by ppx and ppy are within the limb
ITOOL_LIMBFITTER - Widget interface of limb-fitter for Image Tool
ITOOL_LOAD_IMAGE - Load in a FITS or GIF file and try to determine the CSI structure
ITOOL_MAKE_FH() - Make a valid FITS header array based on given CSI structure
ITOOL_MODIFY_FH - Modify header of given FITS file
ITOOL_NEW_CSI() - Create a new CSI (coordinate system info) structure
ITOOL_PICKFILE() - Return a string array of SOHO synoptic or summary image file name
ITOOL_PKFILE_BS - To create pickfile widget upon a given parent base in IMAGE_TOOL
ITOOL_PLOT_AXES - Plot axes and labels around the current displayed image
ITOOL_POINT_PLOT - Plot all pointing area in Pointing Tool
ITOOL_PTOOL - Make a widget base for pointing for an appropriate SOHO instrumen
ITOOL_RANGE - Get solar X and Y range of a given image
ITOOL_RD_FITS - Driver program of FXREAD and CDS_IMAGE to read any FITS file
ITOOL_RD_GIF - To read a GIF file and to get related obs time
ITOOL_RESTORE - Restore zoomed-in image to its original status
ITOOL_RESTORE_PIX - Restore current plot window with pixmap saved in pixmap.id
ITOOL_SELECT_IMG() - Get X and Y range of selected image indices
ITOOL_SET_CSI() - Obtain iamge scale and disk center coord. from the given FITS hea
ITOOL_SOLAR_GRID - Plot grid lines over the solar image
ITOOL_SWITCHER - Switch tools in Image Tool (from curr_tool to prev_tool)
ITOOL_WRITE_FITS - Write FITS file or modify its header
ITOOL_XY - Create array for Solar X and Solar Y coordinates for a given CSI
ITOOL_ZOOM - Zoom in on part of an image in a given draw widget window
ITOOL_ZOOMINOUT - Event handler for zooming in/out
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JDCNV - Converts Gregorian dates to Julian days
JOIN_STRUCT - join two structures
JOURNAL - Provides a record of an interactive session.
JSMOVIE - Make a Javascript movie HTML file for a series of GIF/JPEG images
JSMOVIE2 - Make a Javascript movie HTML file for a series of GIF/JPEG images
JUMPER - This procedure corrects 2-byte or other counter overflow.
JUMPER2 - This procedure corrects 2-byte or other counter overflow.
JUSTIFY() - Make string array right/left/center justified
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KANZ__DEFINE - Define a KANZ data object
KAP_CONTENTS() - Read in the latest KAP (or CAP or IAP) file for the given date
KAP_DATE() - Returns the date of a KAP file
KAP_VERS() - Returns the version number of a KAP file
KEYBOARD_CRS - Move the graphics cursor with the keyboard.
KEYWORD_DB - return info from one or more keyword database files
KEYWORD_SET - Returns a nonzero value if Expression is defined and nonzero.
KILLOLD - kill old jobs (PIDs)
KILL_JOB - Kill a UNIX job
KISF__DEFINE - Define a KISF data object for Kiepenheuer-Institute Obs.
KORREL - Calculate the x/y offset between an image (or a series of images)
KPNO__DEFINE - Define a KPNO data object
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LABEL_CURVE - Plots a label with a line from it to a curve.
LABEL_IMAGE - Puts labels on images.
LABEL_LINE - Plots a horizontal line (w/ or w/o symbols) with a label.
LABEL_SYMBOL - Plots a symbol with a label next to it on a graph.
LASTSTAT - format status info for task_wait
LAST_ITEM - Returns the last element of the input variable.
LAST_KAP_VERS() - Gets version number of last KAP file read for given date
LAST_NELEM - return last NN elements of vector or last NN images of data cube
LAT2Y() - Convert heliographic latitute to Y value in arcsec
LCUR_CALC - To calculate the light curve averages for the LCUR_IMAGE routine
LCUR_IMAGE - To display a normalized light curve plot for image data. The use
LCUR_PLOT - To plot the light curve averages for the LCUR_IMAGE routine
LCUR_PLOTR - To generate a line plot showing the location of the regions selec
LEAP_YEAR() - Check if a given year number is a leap year
LIMB_INFO - Get position of solar disk center and radius from an image.
LINDGEN - Returns a longword integer array.
LINECOLOR - Set a color index to a particular color.
LINE_TABLE - make an ~IDL image color table cooexist with a table
LINFLX - Compute the Mewe line spectrum for EM=1.e44 cm^-3
LINKEDLIST - The purpose of this program is to implement a list that
LINKIMAGE - Merges routines written in other languages with IDL.
LIST_ALT - List the CDS alternate science plan for a date range.
LIST_ANOMALY - List the SoHO anomalies for a given time range.
LIST_CACHE__DEFINE - Define a cache list object, whose contents persist
LIST_CAMPAIGN - List all the SoHO campaigns for a date range.
LIST_CDROM - List the contents of CDS level-0 CDROMs
LIST_COM_TIMES - List the SoHO command contact times for a given period
LIST_DATAWIN - List the available data window lists for a given line list.
LIST_DETAIL - List the CDS detailed science plan for a given date range.
LIST_DLYD_TIMES - List the SoHO delayed command times for a given period
LIST_DSN - List the SoHO DSN contacts for a given period
LIST_DURATION - Find the actual durations of rasters from the catalog
LIST_EXPER - List the CDS raster as-run entries for a given date range
LIST_EXP_COMM - List the comments on a CDS raster as-run entry
LIST_FITS() - Produce a list of available FITS files and optional info.
LIST_FLAG - List the CDS flag receiver status for a date range.
LIST_F_RASTER - List the fundamental parameters of all available rasters.
LIST_F_STUDY - List the fundamental parameters of all available studies.
LIST_GEV - determine GOES events within center/fov
LIST_GSET - List GIS setup
LIST_INST_DLYD - List the instrument delayed command times for a given period
LIST_LINELIST - List all the available line lists.
LIST_MAIN - List the CDS main as-run entries for a given date range
LIST_MDI_M - List the MDI-M times for a given period
LIST_MEUD - List MEUDON H-alpha files
LIST_NAR - determine NOAA AR's within center/fov
LIST_NRT_RES - List the NRT reserved times for a given period
LIST_OBJECT - List the available SoHO object abbreviations.
LIST_OTHER_OBS - List plan for other observatories for given date range
LIST_OTHER_RES - List simple resource items that contains only start & stop times
LIST_PATH - Manage listing of IDL path
LIST_PLAN - List the SoHO science plan for a given date range.
LIST_PRINTER - LIST available printers
LIST_PRINTER_UNIX - LIST available printers from /etc/printcap or /etc/printers.conf
LIST_PRINTER_VMS() - List names of all printer queues
LIST_PROGRAM - List the available CDS program definitions.
LIST_RAW - List raw data files for given GIS detector
LIST_RESOURCE - List the resource times for a given period
LIST_RES_TYPE - List all resource types
LIST_SOHO_DET - List the SoHO detailed plan for a given date range.
LIST_SUPPORT - List Ground Support a given period
LIST_TM() - Produce a list of available TM files.
LIST_TO_DETAIL - convert LIST structure to DETAILS structure
LIST_V_RASTER - List the defined variations for a given raster ID.
LIST_V_STUDY - List the defined variations for a given study.
LIST_WITH_PATH() - Searches for files with a default path and extension.
LNGAMMA - Returns the logarithm of the gamma function of X.
LOADCT - Load predefined color tables.
LOAD_EIT_COLOR - Load EIT color table based on the wavelength (in FITS header)
LOAD_RED - Load "Red Temperature" with a gamma effect.
LOAD_VEL - Loads a velocity color table.
LOAD_WAVECAL() - Loads wavecal into common block for use by pix2wave etc
LOCAL_DIFF() - Gets the current difference between local and UTC time.
LOCAL_DIFFS - This procedure finds all of the idl procedures in a directory(ies
LOCATE_FFCAL - Help locate the scan for FFCAL
LOCATE_VAL() - Locates a particular value in a vector or array.
LOCK_DATABASE - Lock a CDS database for write.
LOCK_ZDBASE - Lock directories defined by ZDBASE
LOC_FILE() - Get files from a set of directories.
LOC_SYNOP - Locate Synoptic data file
LONARR - Returns a longword integer array.
LONG - Returns a result converted to longword integer type.
LONGHEX() - Converts an array of short int values into a fixed hex string for
LOW_RES - create a low resolution image/vector by removing every n'th pixel
LOW_RES_1D - create a low resolution vector by removing every n'th pixels
LOW_RES_2D - create a low resolution 2d image by removing every n'th pixels
LSPLOT - plot lightcurves of selected spectral regions
LSTSQR - Least-squares fit of arbitrary function to data points
LTC_MAP - Plot time history of mean values in vicinity of pixels
LUBKSB - With LUDCMP, solves the set of N linear equations Ax = b.
LUDCMP - Replaces an N by N matrix, A, with the LU decomposition.
LVIEW_XY - wrapper around SOHO_XY to adjust for L1 view
LZPLOT - print a PostScript plot file
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MAIL - To send a mail message to yourself or a list of users
MAIN_EXECUTE - execute idl 'command' file (in IDL_STARTUP format)
MAKE_ARRAY - Returns an array of the specified type.
MAKE_INTO_BYTARR - convert input to byte array
MAKE_MAP - Make an image map
MAKE_MIRROR - build a mirror file
MAKE_POINTER - to make a pointer variable
MAKE_SFIT_STC - Make an SFIT structure from a CFIT structure.
MAKE_SSW_MIRROR - generate the mirror file required for SSW install/upgrades
MAKE_STR - Control dynamic structure building - avoids collision of
MAKE_STRUCT - a new way of creating structures
MAKE_XY - Make a uniform 2d X-Y grid of coordinates
MAP2EARTH - convert SOHO-view map to Earth-view
MAP2FITS - write image map to FITS file
MAP2GIF - make series of GIF images from series of maps
MAP2INDEX - convert D.M.Zarro map object(s) to "standard index,data"
MAP2L1 - convert EARTH-view image map to L1-view
MAP2MPEG - make MPEG movie from series of maps
MAP2SOHO - convert Earth-view map to SOHO-view
MAPX - hide/show map/unmap sensitize/desensitize widgets
MAP_CONTINENTS - Draws the projection of the continental boundaries.
MAP_ENV2DIR - make file which maps between environmentals and local pathnames
MAP_FORMAT - return data type string(s) for input format list
MAP_GRID - Draws the graticule of parallels and meridians.
MAP_IMAGE - Returns an image warped to fit the map projection.
MAP_LIST__DEFINE - Define a map linkedlist
MAP_MATRIX - This procedure creates a linear transformation matrix between two
MAP_SET - Establishes the axis type and coordinate conversion.
MAP__DEFINE - Define a object map
MARKPLOT - highlight features on plot (default is open crosshair)
MARK_POLY - draw polygon
MARK_REGION - This procedure selects an interval from a plot window.
MASK_MATRIX() - Create a mask matrix for image manipulation
MATCH - Routine to match values in two vectors.
MATCH_STRUCT - check if two structures are identical
MAX - Returns the value of the largest element of Array.
MCURVEFIT - Non-linear least squares fit to a function of an arbitrary
MDI_CAT - return MDI header/structures between time0 and time1
MDI_COPY - copy daily MDI magnetograms and intensitygrams to SYNOP_DATA
MDI_FILES - return MDI file names between time0 and time0
MDI_LINK - make a link between MDI file in $MDI_MAGS and
MDI_WRITE_GENXCAT - map mdi files (from SOI WWW requests) -> a time based catalog
MDI__DEFINE - Define an MDI data object
MEAN_MAP - Compute mean value in vicinity of pixels
MED3X3GEN - Generalized 3x3 median filter for image processing.
MEDIAN - Returns the median value of Array.
MERGE_FITS_HDRS - Merge two FITS headers.
MERGE_GENXCAT - merge multiple genx catalogs -> fewer (reduce granularity)
MERGE_MAP - merge to image maps
MERGE_STRUCT - merge/concatanate two structures
MESOLA__DEFINE - Define a MESOLA data object
MESSAGE - Issues error and informational messages.
MEUDON__DEFINE - Define a Meudon data object
MEWE_SPEC - Compute a Mewe thermal spectrum (line + continuum) for EM=1.e44 c
MGAUSS - Compute multiple gauss functions with quadratic background
MIN - Returns the value of the smallest element of Array.
MINF_PARABOL_D - Find a local minimum of a 1-D function up to specified tolerance,
MJD2DATE - Converts MJD to year, month, and day.
MJD2STR - Converts MJD to string format.
MKDARR - To make an array having two elements such as:
MKLOG - define a logical (VMS) or environment (UNIX) variable
MKLOG_LIST - define environmental for first valid listed argument
MKTHUMB - make a thumbnail of an image or movie sequence
MK_24BIT - scale image to 24 bit color table
MK_8BIT - scale image to 8 bit color table
MK_AGIF - Make animated GIF file from series of GIF files
MK_ANALYSIS() - Create/initialize a CFIT ANALYSIS structure.
MK_BSC_STR - Build the BSC data structure definition
MK_CDS_ADEF_STC() - Make a CDS Analysis Definition Structure with default values.
MK_CDS_ADEF_WIN_STC - Create CDS Analysis Definition (ADEF) window structure
MK_CDS_ANALYSIS() - Make a CFIT analysis structure from CDS data
MK_CDS_COM - Common blocks for MK_CDS_PLAN
MK_CDS_DBASE - makes a widget interface to CDS Detailed Plan
MK_CDS_IMAP - Make an image map from a CDS QL structure
MK_CDS_MAP - Make an image map from a CDS QL structure
MK_CDS_PLAN - Create/edit detailed, science, alternative and flag plan for CDS
MK_CDS_SMAP - Make an image map from a CDS QL structure in which
MK_CDS_STUDY - create studies by appending rasters to fundamental part
MK_COMPONENT_STC() - Return structure describing N-parameter fitting component
MK_COMP_BGAUSS() - Create a structure describing the fit component "bgauss"
MK_COMP_GAUSS() - Create a structure describing the fit component "gauss"
MK_COMP_POLY() - Create a structure describing a polynomial fit component
MK_COMP_PPOLY() - Create a structure for a pivoted polynomial fit component
MK_COMP_VOIGT() - Create a structure describing the fit component "voigt"
MK_DFONT - make some uniformly useful fonts for planning software
MK_EBAR - to compute error bars for a set of data arrays
MK_EIT_MAP - Make an image map from EIT FITS data
MK_FID - create FID directory (named YYMMDD based on date/time)
MK_FILE - create an empty file
MK_FITS_HEAD - Given a data array, build the minimal FITS header.
MK_FORMT_HTML - make FORM-ready html segment for times (start [and stop])
MK_GIF - Convert FITS files to GIF image files
MK_GISPLOT_LBL - Create text strings to label tick marks for MK_GIS_PLT
MK_HELP_STC() - To create a help structure to be used in help mode
MK_HXI_MAP - Make an image map from an HXI index/data structure
MK_IMG_ICON - iconize an image
MK_IVM_MAP - Make an image map from a Imaging Vector Magnetograph (IVM) data
MK_LINK - Link file(s) to a directory
MK_MAP_XP - compute X-coordinate arrays from center and spacing
MK_MAP_YP - compute Y-coordinate arrays from center and spacing
MK_MPEG - make an MPEG movie from a series of image files (def = GIF)
MK_NEW_CSI() - Create a new CSI (coordinate system info) structure
MK_NEW_MAP - convert old format map to new format
MK_OLD_MAP - convert new format map to old format
MK_PARAMETER_STC() - Return an "empty" structure describing a fitting parameter
MK_PIX - make a genx file of image or current window for display by show_p
MK_PLAN - Shell program to run MK_CDS_PLAN or MK_SUMER_PLAN
MK_PLAN_ADD - Add PLAN entry to PLANS array
MK_PLAN_CAMP - Check validity of campaign ID
MK_PLAN_CHANGE - change PLAN plan entries
MK_PLAN_CLONE - clone a plan from one OPS day to another
MK_PLAN_COMP - compare contents of two plans
MK_PLAN_CONV - convert plan time tags from TAI to UTC
MK_PLAN_COPY() - Make a new plan entry from a selected (highlighted) plan entry
MK_PLAN_COPY_EV - Event "processor" for MK_PLAN_COPY
MK_PLAN_CORR - correct plan entry so that PLAN.N_POINTINGS matches number of ele
MK_PLAN_CUSTOM - widget interface for customizing MK_DETAIL
MK_PLAN_DUR - compute study duration based on plan details
MK_PLAN_EXIST - check contents of MK_PLAN_SHARED common blocks
MK_PLAN_FIND - Find all plans between STARTDIS/STOPDIS (inclusive)
MK_PLAN_FORM - Make SOHO plan form in PNG format
MK_PLAN_HTML - Make list of SOHO plans of today in HTML table format
MK_PLAN_LOAD - load contents of MK_PLAN_SHARED common blocks
MK_PLAN_ORDER - orders plan entries according to time-tags and durations
MK_PLAN_PLOT - Plot timeline for arbitrary plan type and instruments
MK_PLAN_POINT() - Shell program for making a pointing structure for use with IMAGE_
MK_PLAN_PRIV() - Check to see if the user has the privilege of editing plan
MK_PLAN_READ - general reader for PLAN Database
MK_PLAN_RECAL - Recompute DETAILS based on time-tagged information
MK_PLAN_RECOVER - recover from a MK_PLAN crash
MK_PLAN_REM - Remove PLAN entry from given list of PLANS
MK_PLAN_RESET - reset contents of MK_PLAN_SHARED common blocks
MK_PLAN_SBASE - makes a widget interface to CDS or SUMER Science Plan
MK_PLAN_SEND - Send a new pointing structure to and trigger an event in IMAGE_TO
MK_PLAN_SHIFT - Event handler of draw events for MK_SOHO's "Shift" button
MK_PLAN_SORT() - Sort a list of plans by time
MK_PLAN_TAIL() - Find the last plan entry in the current plan block
MK_PLAN_UNLOAD - Unload contents of MK_PLAN_SHARED common blocks
MK_PLAN_WHERE - Find where input TIME or PLAN is relative to PLANS
MK_PLAN_WRITE - Rewrite PLAN entries
MK_PLAN_XY - format plan pointing fields
MK_POINT_BASE - Make a widget base for pointing for an appropriate SOHO instrumen
MK_POINT_STC - Make a fresh pointing structure to be used by IMAGE_TOOL
MK_RASTER - Widget selection and definition of a CDS raster observation.
MK_REFBAR - To display a reference color bar (to go along side an image)
MK_RMF_HDR - Make an header for a response matrix FITS extension.
MK_SOHO - Widget interface for displaying/editing SOHO SCI plans
MK_SOHO_COM - Common blocks for SOHO planning tool.
MK_SOHO_CUSTOM - Widget interface for customizing MK_SOHO
MK_SOHO_EDP - Clone a given plan entry to other instruments
MK_SOHO_EXTPLAN - Extract science plans for a given instrument from SOHO SCI plans
MK_SOHO_SBASE - Create widget fields for SOHO DET plans
MK_SOHO_SBASE - Create widget fields for SOHO SCI plans
MK_SOHO_SETUP - Set up things for SOC people to run MK_SOHO *more* easily
MK_SOHO_TARGET - Create an HTML file listing all SOHO plan targets
MK_STUDY - Create CDS studies
MK_SUB_DIR - create subdirectories under parent
MK_SUMMARY - Produce CDS summary data
MK_SXT_MAP - Make an image map from an SXT index/data structure
MK_SYNOPTIC - Puts together the CDS Meridian NIS synoptic scans.
MK_TEMP_DIR - Create a temporary directory
MK_TEMP_FILE - Create a temporary filename
MK_TIMETICK - Create time ticks to be used by AXIS
MK_WAVECAL - To allow loading of CDS wavelength coefficients to database.
MODE_VAL() - Returns the modal value of an array.
MOD_ALT() - Modify entry in the alternate science plan database.
MOD_CAMPAIGN() - Modify a CDS campaign record in the database
MOD_CATALOG() - Modify a catalog entry
MOD_DETAIL() - Modifies an entry in the science plan database.
MOD_EXPER() - Modifies a CDS experiment entry in the as-run database
MOD_FLAG() - Modify entry in the flag receiver science plan database.
MOD_GSET() - Modifies a GIS setup definition in the database
MOD_LINELIST() - Modifies a linelist definition in the database
MOD_MAIN() - Modifies a CDS main entry in the as-run database
MOD_PLAN() - Modifies an entry in the science plan database.
MOD_V_RASTER() - Modifies a raster variation definition in the database
MOD_V_STUDY() - Modifies a study variation definition in the database
MONO_SPEC() - Plots a spectrum chosen graphically by user.
MONTHNAMES - Returns a string array of month names.
MONTH_ID - Return the month number (1-12) as a function of the 3 letter
MORE - Display a text array using the MORE method.
MOVIE_MAP - make movie of series of map images
MPCURVEFIT - Perform Levenberg-Marquardt least-squares fit (replaces CURVEFIT)
MPFIT - Perform Levenberg-Marquardt least-squares minimization (MINPACK-1
MPFIT2DFUN - Perform Levenberg-Marquardt least-squares fit to a 2-D IDL functi
MPFIT2DPEAK - Fit a gaussian, lorentzian or Moffat model to data
MPFITEXPR - Perform Levenberg-Marquardt least-squares fit to arbitrary expres
MPFITFUN - Perform Levenberg-Marquardt least-squares fit to IDL function
MPFITPEAK - Fit a gaussian, lorentzian or Moffat model to data
MPROVE - Improves the solution of a linear set of equations, Ax = b.
MRDFITS2 - Read all standard FITS data types into arrays or structures.
MRD_HREAD - Reads a FITS header from an opened disk file or Unix pipe
MRD_SKIP - Skip a number of bytes from the current location in a file or a p
MRD_STRUCT - Return a structure as defined in the names and values data.
MREADFITS - read multiple FITs into data cube, header-> IDL structure array
MREADFITS_FIXUP - adjust some standard fields after mreadfits rebinning
MREADFITS_INFO - extract COMMENT and HISTORY info from mreadfits output variables
MRQCOF - Internal routine called by MRQMIN
MSPLOT - plot multiple data sets on a single set of axes
MULTI_DRAW - create multiple draw widgets for display
MVOIGT - Compute multiple voigt functions with quadratic background
MVOIGT_FIT - multiple voigt function fit to line profile
MWRITEFITS - index/data to specified type of FITS file
MXFDSET_MAP - map Multi-Fits-Extension user SS -> "dset array"
MXFREAD - Multi-Fits-Extension READer
MXF_DECOMP_DATA - convert fits extension header and byte stream to image
MXF_DSET_MAP - map Multi-Fits-Extension user SS -> "dset array"
MXF_READ_DATA - Multi-Xtension-Fits data reader
MXF_READ_HEADER - read headers from mxf files
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NANCAY__DEFINE - Define a Nancay data site object
NBYTES - Return the size in bytes of the input argument
NDIM_INDICES() - Return n-dimensional indices from a one-dimensional index
NDSPSPEC() - Displays all Spectral Windows from specific exposures.
NETSCAPE_CONTROL - control Netscape client process(es) from within SSW/IDL
NEW_FF_DEMO - Demonstrates application of Flat Field and its effects
NEW_VERSION - construct new file name using VMS-like syntax
NEXPOSURES() - Return the number of "exposures" in a QLDS
NEXT_TM_FILE - Get the next telemetry file in sequence.
NEXT_WINDOW - return next available window number, so they can be known in adva
NIMCP_DEPTH_FUNCT() - Function used by GET_NIMCP
NINT() - Returns the nearest integers to the input values.
NIS1_RELCAL - Demonstrate possible NIS1 relative intensity calibration.
NIS2_RELCAL - Demonstrate possible NIS2 relative intensity calibration.
NIS_AVG_SPECT_DEMO - Demonstrate the NIS average quiet sun spectra.
NIS_BIAS_DEMO - Demonstrates NIS bias levels from daily synoptic scans.
NIS_CALIB - Applies calibration factors to NIS images.
NIS_MRGDATA - Merge continguous/overlapping windows in a CDS/NIS raster
NIS_PIX_ANALYSE - Complementary routine to NIS_QUICKLOOK. Allows the spectrum
NIS_QUICKLOOK - Allows a quick-look at CDS data
NIS_ROTATE - Applies slant and tilt corrections to VDS images.
NIS_WAVECAL_DEMO - Demonstrate NIS wavelength calibration.
NL_LSQFIT - Fit a user-supplied nonlinear function to two-dimensional data
NL_MRQMIN - Internal routine called by NL_LSQFIT
NOBE__DEFINE - Define a NOBE data object for Nobeyama Radio Obs.
NORMALIZE_CUBE - empirically normalize cube of data from relative signal levels
NOSPIKE.PRO - Despike an image using a median filter / dilation
NOTEPAD - Call the NOTEPAD editor to edit a file.
NUM2LET - Returns a letter ('A', 'B') from an input integer (1, 2).
NUM2STR() - Convert number to unpadded string
NUMCHAR() - Count all appearances of a character in a string.
NUM_CHK() - Checks to see if a string is a valid representation of an
N_DIMENSIONS() - Returns number of dimensions of a variable.
N_ELEMENTS - Returns the number of elements in an expression or variable.
N_PARAMS - Returns the number of non-keyword parameters.
N_TAGS - Returns the number of structure tags.
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OBJ_CLONE - Clone an object
OBJ_COMPILE - compile object methods including those of super class
OBJ_DISSECT - find methods & properties of an object or class
OBJ_EVENT - General object widget event handler
OBJ_METHODS - find methods in an object
OBJ_PARENT - find parents of object or class
OBJ_PROPS - find property names in an object
OBJ_SUPER - Execute a method of a super class
OBT2TAI() - Converts OBT/LOBT to UTC
OCC_PROFILE - This procedure calculates the occultation profile for a source in
OCONTOUR - To overlay a contour on top of an image
OLIST__DEFINE - Define a linkedlist object that stores objects
ON_ERROR - Determines the action taken when an error is detected.
ON_IOERROR - Specifies a statement to be jumped to if an I/O error occurs.
OPEN - Procedures open a specified file for input and/or output.
OPEN_ANACUBE - Opens ANA data cube for reading with WINDOW_ANACUBE
OPEN_KAP - Opens an KAP file.
OPEN_MSP_FILE - Opens an Microsoft Project file.
OPLOT - Plots vector data over a previously-drawn plot.
OPLOTBAR - Overplot a bar graph filled in with a pattern.
OPLOTERR - Over-plot data points with accompanying X or Y error bars.
OPLOT_ERR - Overplot data with error bars in both X and Y directions
OPLOT_IMAGE - Overplot an image.
OPLOT_NAR - Oplot NOAA AR pointing structures from GET_NAR
OPLOT_SPLAN - oplots individual planning items on plan timeline
OPLOT_STRING - Overplot an X,Y array using a character string as a symbol.
OPS_POINT - Calculate pointing from OPS data in the telemetry.
ORIENT_MARK - Plot orientation mark over the display
OS_FAMILY() - Return current operating system as in !VERSION.OS_FAMILY
OUTPLOT - Plot vector data over a previously drawn plot (using UTPLOT) with
OVERWRT_HDR_KW - Update FITS header by overwriting with keyword values from second
OVRO_DEFINE - Define an OVRO data object
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PAIR_STRUCT - Pair a structure down into component "tag:value" pairs
PARCHECK - Routine to check user parameters to a procedure
PARSE_ATIME - This procedure parses a time in any of the allowed
PARSE_COMLINE - This function parses a string that has fields separated by commas
PARSE_LINES - To take a string (or an array of strings) and to
PASSWORD_INFO - read/parse password file - optionlly match user PATTERN
PATCH_MAP - patch plot an array of maps
PATHFIX - remove elements from !path or restore original !path
PATH_DATA - return the path to on-line reformatted data files
PATH_DELIMITER - return system dependent !path delimiter
PATH_DIR() - Return directories in the path containing the input string
PATH_EXPAND - Expands VMS logical names in a search path.
PATH_LIB - Extract the path of one or more procedures.
PATH_LIB_UNIX - Extract the path of one or more procedures.
PAUSE - Request that the user hit between plots.
PB0R() - To calculate the solar P, B0 angles and the semi-diameter.
PCL - Sets graphics device to HP LaserJet PCL file.
PCLCLOSE - Close an HP LaserJet PCL plot file, reset graphics device.
PCLPLOT - Print an HP LaserJet PCL plot file, reset graphics device.
PCONVERT() - Convert Plot DEVICE, DATA, NORMAL and PIXEL coordinates
PCORRE() - Calculate significance of correlation coefficient.
PCTIME2SSW - convert a PC time->SSW (anytim output)
PCURSE - user cursor to select points from plot
PD - Push a directory onto the top of a directory stack
PEEK - Search and print IDL routine.
PERIODOGRAM() - Calculate periodogram of (unevenly spaced) time series.
PFIND() - Find Plot Region ID corresponding to an event.
PHNX__DEFINE - Define a site object for Phoenix data
PICKFITS - Browse/search lfitslist.txt to find CDS/SUMER fits files.
PICKFONT USE TO BE XFONT - Modal widget for selecting and viewing an X Windows font.
PICKLAMBDA - To sum the lines at the same wavelengths
PICK_LINE() - Pick lines from Kelly's line list
PICK_TIMES - pick times from a selection
PIX2WAVE - Calculate CDS wavelength given a detector pixel location.
PLAN_XCAT_SUMM - Prints out a summary of the plan for maintaining XCAT
PLOT - Draws graphs of vector arguments.
PLOTBAR - Plot a bar graph filled in with a pattern.
PLOTERR - Plot data points with accompanying X or Y error bars.
PLOTLTC - plot light curve
PLOTS - Plots vectors or points on the current graphics device.
PLOTTIME - Originally it simply put a message "Plot Made dd-MMM-yy hh:mm:ss"
PLOTTIMES - Ancient routine which effectively does an "xyouts, /norm"
PLOT_ARC - To allow a user to mark an arc on an image and the intensity
PLOT_CDS_CRAYS - Demonstrates counts of cosmic rays detected by CDS
PLOT_CDS_POINT - Plot CDS pointings on latest EIT image
PLOT_CMDTIMES - Plots commanding times on science plan.
PLOT_DELTAT - Plot the time interval between exposures in a raster.
PLOT_DEX - Plot the actual dew to be used in observation.
PLOT_ERR - Plot data with error bars in both X and Y directions
PLOT_EXPINT - Plots exposure intervals for a CDS raster.
PLOT_FRAME - Plots frame for science planning tool.
PLOT_GOESP - demo read & plot GOES proton/electron values
PLOT_HELIO - Plot solar heliographic grid and limb
PLOT_HIST - To plot a histogram with a properly labeled X axis.
PLOT_HISTO - Plots a histogram from the variable ARRAY.
PLOT_IMAGE - Display images with plot axes around it.
PLOT_IO - Is identical to the PLOT procedure, except...
PLOT_ITEM - Plots individual planning items on science plan.
PLOT_LCUR - Plot a light curve and allow the user to blowup
PLOT_MAP - Plot an image map
PLOT_MAP2 [WARNING-TEMPORARY FIX ONLY FOR 16 bit Z-Buffer suppor - Plot an image map
PLOT_MAP_ASPECT - include file for plot_map
PLOT_MAP_CONTOUR - include file for plot_map
PLOT_OI - Is identical to the PLOT procedure, except...
PLOT_OO - Is identical to the PLOT procedure, except...
PLOT_PLAN - plot plan timeline for a given date range and DB type
PLOT_RASTER - Plot the scan positions in a raster.
PLOT_RESOURCE - Plots any of given resource item on the resource row
PLOT_SCI_TLM - Demonstrates science content of CDS telemetry
PLOT_SLIT_OFFSETS - Demonstrates Y-pixel offsets for different slits.
PLOT_SPEC - plot spectra
PLOT_SPG__DEFINE - Define a PLOT_SPG method
PLOT_SPLAN - Plot SOHO SCIENCE plan for a given date range.
PLOT_SSW_FOV - Plot fields of view of selected instruments from catalogs
PLOT_STRING - Plot an X, Y array using a character string as the symbol.
PLOT_SUPPORT - Plots ground support times on science plan.
PLOT_TEMP_POS - Demonstrates temperature dependence of NIS wavecal
PLOT_TM_CALIB - Standard plot of calibrated CDS telemetry data.
PLOT_UTFRAME - Plots frame for science planning tool
PLOT_VDS_BIAS - Plot VDS CCD bias levels
PLOT_WINDOWS - Plot the data extraction windows in a raster.
PLOT_ZOOM - Wrapper of PLOT with zoom function.
PL_SCALE - This function scales distance in graphics output and multiplot e
PMM - print min, max of given argument (up to ten arguments)
POINT_LUN - Sets or obtains the current position of the file pointer.
POLAR_GRID - Overlay a polar grid on an image
POLYFILL - Fills the interior of a region of the display.
POLYFILLV - Returns a vector containing the 1-d subscripts of the elements...
POLYGON_CSR - Make a size-fixed polygon cursor movable with a mouse
POLYSHADE - Returns a shaded-surface representation.
POLY_2D - Performs polynomial warping of images.
POLY_FIT_MOST() - Fit a polynomial to a curve, ignoring outriders.
POLY_SPEC() - Averages spectra chosen graphically by user.
POLY_VAL() - Returns values from polygonal areas of displayed images.
POPUP_MENU - pop up a menu with a list of options to choose from
POPUP_MSG - Display a message from a popup text widget.
POSITIVE - boolean - 1 (true) if positive - scaler/arrays ok
PPD - Pop up directory name from the directory stack and CD to it.
PPRINT (OBSOLETE -- See SPRINT.PRO) - Closes currently open hardcopy plot device (if
PQLPROFILE - General purpose profile-drawing kit.
PQLZOOM - General purpose draw-window zoom.
PRCOLS - print up to 10 array parameters in aligned columns w/optional hea
PRED_PROG_NUM() - Predict the study counter for a given date/time.
PRESTORE - Restore Plot Region data (!P,!X,!Y,!D, and data X/Y size)
PRG_ALT() - Purges old and deleted CDS alternate plan records
PRG_ANOMALY() - Purges old and deleted SOHO anomaly records
PRG_DETAIL() - Purges old and deleted CDS detailed science plan records
PRG_FLAG() - Purges old and deleted CDS flag plan records
PRG_PLAN() - Purges old and deleted SOHO science plan records
PRG_SOHO_DET() - Purges old and deleted SOHO detailed science plan records
PRINT - Procedures perform formatted output.
PRINT_CFIT - Print some contents of a Component Fit structure
PRINT_GEV - Wrapper around GET_GEV
PRINT_HTML - print string in basic HTML format
PRINT_NAR - Wrapper around GET_NAR
PRINT_STR - Divide and print a string. Optionally write ascii file.
PRIV_ZDBASE() - Checks if current database has write access.
PRODUCT() - Calculates the product of all the elements of an array.
PROF() - Returns profiles from arrays along the path XVAL, YVAL.
PROFIL - Extract a profile from an image.
PROFILES - Interactively draw row or column profiles of an image in a separa
PROFILES2 - Interactively draw row or column profiles of an image in a separa
PROGBAR - interface to showprogress object to create and update a progress
PROGMETER - A widget that displays a progress meter with a color bar
PR_LOGENV - print or return Environment/Logical definitions
PR_LOGWINDOWS - print or return Environment/Logical definitions
PR_PATH - Procedure to print the IDL !path variable (since it
PR_PATH_LIB - Print the path of a file in !path
PR_STATS - To print the min/max/avg/dev for an array
PR_STATUS - print and/or return some status info
PR_SYNTAX - print syntax of calling procedure/function
PR_TIM2WEEK - Print Yohkoh week ID for specified time
PR_WEEK2TIM - Print time range for specified Yohkoh week ID
PS - Sets graphics device to PostScript file.
PSCLOSE - Close a PostScript plot file, reset graphics device.
PSPLOT - Prints PostScript plots and resets to the previous device.
PSTORE() - Store Plot Region data (!P,!X,!Y,!D, and data X/Y size)
PS_LONG - To stretch plotting area when device is PostScript printer.
PS_RESET - Resets PostScript plotting area to Portrait, normal size.
PTEST - Demonstration of the PQLPROFILE/PQLZOOM routines.
PTR_ALLOC - to allocate a heap variable to a null pointer
PTR_CLONE - Clone pointers
PTR_EXIST - check if a pointer is valid and has data in it
PULSE_SPREAD - This procedure generates a matrix of gaussian pulse-shapes which
PURGE_CDHSSTATE - Remove "TO BE DELETED" items from cdhsstate
PURGE_KAPS - Remove old versions of KAP files on archive.
PURPOSE - List procedure/function names and purposes.
PUT - Places one of several images on the image display screen.
PVOIGT - Compute voigt function with partial derivatives
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QCALIB - Compare NIS intensity calibrations
QLHELP - Widget to select help topics related to the QL Software.
QL_BSCALE() - Scales VDS data for display with QL_COLTABLE color table.
QL_DIMENSIONS - (Obsolete -- use(s) gt_dimension)
QL_MENU - Executive menu for QL software
QL_RD_LLIST - Read a CDS line list into the returned structure.
QL_SIZE - Avoid disappearance of singular trailing dimensions
QMCLOSE - Close a QMS plot file and reset the graphics device.
QMPLOT - Print a QMS plot file and reset the graphics device.
QMS - Sets graphics device to QMS Quikplot file.
QTILT() - Get the NIS tilt for a given wavelength.
QUALITY_FILTER - filter data with some qualitative checks
QUERY_ANOMALY - Query Anomaly rrcords and write result to a file
QWAVECAL() - Lists current calibration parameters
QZDBASE - Print the current value of env. var. ZDBASE
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RADIOSPECTROGRAM FITS File reader - Reads (solar) radio spectrograms from RAG-FITS fi
RANDOMN - Returns normally-distributed pseudo-random numbers.
RANDOMU - Returns uniformly-distributed pseudo-random numbers.
RASTER_SIZE - Get raster size based on RASTER structure from GET_RASTER.
RD_ASCII - Read sequential ASCII file
RD_ATODAT - Read the atomic data files: ssec3.dat, casec3.dat, fesec3.dat, f2
RD_CDS_POINT - Read CDS pointings for specified times
RD_CHIANTI - Read the CHIANTI line list
RD_GENX - Read SXT generic file and return contents in appropriate data
RD_GOES - read GOES data
RD_GOESP_ASCII - read goes ascii particle files and return structure vector
RD_IMAGE_FITS - Driver program of FXREAD and CDS_IMAGE to read any FITS file
RD_IMAGE_GIF - To read a GIF file and to get related obs time
RD_IONBAL - Read ascii files containing ionization balance calculations.
RD_MDI - simple mdi front end to mreadfits; ssw-rationalize output
RD_PLAN - Read a plan for a given date range.
RD_RDB - To read an RDB file (text file with TAB delimiters). Optionally
RD_RESOURCE - Read a resource (MDI, DSN, COM times etc) for a given date range.
RD_RSTN - read RSTN radio data
RD_SERTS - Read the SERTS Active Region line list
RD_TEXT - read an ascii file into an IDL session
RD_TFILE - read/return contents of text file - optionally interpret
RD_TFILES - Allow an array of input files and then basically call RD_TFILE
RD_ULIN_COL - Generic text file reader which has columns identified
READ - Perform formatted input into variables.
READCDSFITS() - Read and return the contents of a CDS FITS level-1 file
READER__DEFINE - Define a READER object
READFITS - Read a FITS file into IDL data and header variables.
READS - Performs formatted input from a string variable.
READU - Reads unformatted binary data from a file.
READ_DEFAULT - Prompts for a variable with a default value.
READ_EIT_FILE - read EIT files
READ_FULL_ATT - Reads a SOHO full resolution attitude file.
READ_KAP() - Reads in a KAP file.
READ_KAP_ITEM - Reads an item from a KAP
READ_KEY - Returns ASCII equivalent of keystroke.
READ_MSP_FILE() - Reads in a Microsoft Project file.
READ_MSP_ITEM - Reads an item from a Microsoft Project file.
READ_NIMCP_CAL - Read in NIMCP burn-in calibration files.
READ_SC_ATT - Read SOHO spacecraft attitude files.
READ_SEQFILE - read an ascii file into an IDL session
REARRANGE() - Rearranges the dimensions in an array (ala TRANSPOSE).
REBIN - Resizes a vector or array.
REBIN_FID - Rebin files read by FIND_FID
REBIN_GIF - rebin GIF file by given factor
REBIN_MAP - Rebin an image map to new dimensions
RECOMPILE - recompile a routine
RECOVER - A general crash recovery procedure -- recovers stored QLDS
RECPOL - Convert 2-d rectangular coordinates to polar coordinates.
REDUCE() - Reduce an array by box averaging to a more useful size.
REDUCE_MAP - create a low resolution map by removing pixels
REFORM - Changes the dimensions of an array.
REGEN_SYNOP - Regenerates the synoptic datasets.
REGIS - Sets graphics device to REGIS mode.
REGRESS - Multiple linear regression fit.
REGRESS_FIT - Linear regression routine for functions with constant term
REG_CDROM - Register information about the level zero CDROMs.
RELTIME - return relative UT time or time range (default is offset from NOW
REMCHAR - Remove all appearances of character (char) from string (st)
REMOVE - Contract a vector or up to 7 vectors by removing specified elemen
REMOVE_PATH - This procedure removes directories with the input string
REMTAB - To remove the tabs from a line
REM_ANON_TAG - Find and remove anonymous structure tags from within structure
REM_BLANKS - remove blank elements from string array
REM_COM() - Finds elements unique to second vector.
REM_DUP - Function to remove duplicate values from a vector.
REM_DUP_TAG - remove duplicate tags from a structure
REM_ELEM - return subscripts of input array remaining after elements in
REM_FST - Returns the indeces of the last occurring unique elements in the
REM_MAP_LIMB - remove above limb pixels from a map
REM_MULT_CHAR() - Function to remove multiple characters from a string.
REM_SEQ - remove runs of sequential array elements to a single value
REM_TAG - remove a tag from a structure
RENAME - rename unix files (new string replaces old string)
REPACK_MAP - Pack pixel coordinate arrays into image map
REPCHAR() - Replaces a character within a string by another.
REPLICATE - Returns an array filled with the original scalar value.
REPRODUCE - Reproduce any input any number of times
REPSTR - Replace all occurences of one substring by another.
REP_LOGENV - replace environmental translation with envionmental
REP_PROP - replace a property value in a map object
REP_STRUCT_NAME - Replace structure name
REP_TAG_NAME - replace tag name in a structure
REP_TAG_VALUE - replace tag value in a structure
REQUIRED_TAGS - check input structure of fits header for 'required' tags
RESET - Resets system variables to their default values.
RESET_XY - This procedure resets saved !x, !y, and !p values to enable activ
RESPACE_MAP - Rebin an image map to new pixel spacing
RESPOND_WIDG - Widget to prompt user for (e.g.) a "YES" or "NO" response.
RESTENV - restore environment (UNIX environmentals/VMS logicals)
RESTGEN - read & restore parameters (idl variables) from a generic file
RESTGENX - update of 'restgen' to handle pointers, objects, etc.
RESTORE - Restores the IDL objects saved by the SAVE procedure.
RESTORE_ANALYSIS() - Restore a CFIT ANALYSIS structure with data
RESTORE_CDS_ADEF() - Restore a CDS Analysis Definition (saved with SAVE_CDS_ADEF)
RESTORE_IDL_ROUTINES - restore IDL binary routine files written via save_idl_routines
RESTORE_OVERFLOW - This procedure controls the correction of counter overflow in BAT
RESTORE_PLOTVAR - This procedure reloads system variable structures from stored val
RESTORE_WAVECAL - Restores sensible default wavelength calibration from a given qld
RESTSYS - restore idl system variables using values saved via savesys.pro
REST_MASK() - Return the index excluding those given in SUBINDEX.
REVERSE_COLORS - Reverse the current color table
REV_SWAP - Swaps data between reverse network and host byte order.
REWIND - (VMS Only) Rewinds the tape on the designated IDL tape unit.
REWIND - Emulates the VMS REWIND function in Unix.
RFITS - Reads a standard FITS disk file into an array.
RFITS2 - Reads multiple standard fits or compressed fits files into array
RM2FITS - Write a response matrix to a FITS file. Aims for OGIP CAL-GEN-92
RMOSAIC - spawn background mosaic job, optional 'solar' hotlist lookup
RM_FILE - delete a file in OS independent way
RM_LOCK - remove LOCK file created by APPLY_LOCK
RM_PATH - Remove directory (and optionally its subdirs) from IDL path
ROBERTS - Returns approximation to the Roberts edge enhancement operator.
ROLL_XY - rotate image coordinates
ROMAN() - Returns ROMAN atomic number given the ionization
ROOTNR - Finds the value of VARIABLE for which FUNC(VARIABLE) = 0.
ROTATE - Returns a rotated and/or transposed copy of Matrix.
ROTATE_3D - apply rsi 'rotate' to 3d data; multiples of 90deg w/opt transpose
ROTATE_LIMB() - Make a 2xN array that results from rotating points on the limb
ROTATION() - Make a 3x3 matrix for a rotation transformation conversion.
ROTPIC - Rotate a picture that is described by X & Y vectors.
ROT_CDS_XY - solar rotate deferred CDS pointing
ROT_MAP - rotate image contained within structure created by MAKE_MAP
ROT_SUBIMAGE - Modify an image array with a rotated region
ROT_XY() - Get a solar rotated position for a given time interval.
ROUND_OFF() - To round a number to a specified accuracy
ROUND_TIME - round time to start of hour, day, month, or year
ROWSORT - Sort an array based on the values in two of its columns.
RSH - spawn remote command
RTAG_NAMES - recursively return all tag names within a structure
R_COORD - Given a linear array index and a centroid this will
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S2C - Returns Cartesian coordinates (X,Y,Z) of a position vector
SAFE_EXP() - Safe version of EXP() -- no floating underflows
SAFE_LOG10 - apply 'safe' log10 via alog10((data+1.)>1.), optionally bytscl
SAFE_STRING() - Safe version of STRING
SAFE_UNLOG10 - ~undo the 'safe_log10' function algorithm
SAME_DATA() - Check if two variables are identical.
SAVE - Saves variables and system variables in a file.
SAVEENV - save current environment (UNIX environmentals/VMS logicals)
SAVEGENX - update of 'savegen' to handle pointers, objects, etc.
SAVEIMAGE - Save the current graphics window to an output file (GIF by defaul
SAVESYS - save idl system variables for later restoration via restsys
SAVE_ANALYSIS - Save a CFIT ANALYSIS structure with data
SAVE_CDS_ADEF - Save a CDS Analysis Definition (ADEF)
SAVE_IDL_ROUTINES - save selected subset of IDL routines to binary file (pre-compiled
SAVE_WAVECAL() - Returns wavecal from common block for temporary storage
SCALECOM - This is an include block to be used with CH_SCALE and PL_SCALE.
SCALE_TV - Scales an image to best fit the image display screen.
SCANPATH - Widget prog. for reading documentation within IDL procedures
SCOPE - zoom in on an image
SCOPE_CURSOR - Draw a rubber-band box (or circle)
SCRATCH - manage scratch files (names, auto-delete, units,...)
SCREEN_SELECT - Interactively select from list using widgets, X or terminal
SCR_ATTRIB - Set screen attributes to those given, in the given order.
SCR_CHARSET - To change the character sets.
SCR_CURMOV - Moves the cursor relative to its original position.
SCR_CURPOS - Positions the cursor at the specified screen location.
SCR_ERASE - To erase portions of the terminal screen.
SCR_OTHER - To allow the user to issue any ESCAPE sequence.
SCR_RESET - To reset the terminal.
SCR_SCROLL - Defines the scrolling area on the screen.
SEC2DHMS() - Convert time in sec to string in 'xxDxxHxxMxxS' (DHMS) format
SEC2UTC() - Converts seconds since MJD=0 to CDS UTC time format.
SELECT_BOX - Interactive selection of a box on the graphics display.
SELECT_O - Allows interactive (text) screen selection from a list.
SELECT_W - Creates a non-exclusive menu in widget form.
SELECT_WIDG - Display an ASCII list using widgets and the widget manager.
SELECT_WINDOWS - Select the windows display depending on OS
SELECT_X - Allos interactive screen selection from X-windows device.
SEL_FILETIMES - To select the files within a time range (assuming the file
SEL_TIMRANGE - Given a range of times (or a single time) and a time array, retur
SEND_MAIL - to e-mail a file or array
SEND_PRINT - to print a file or array in a device independent way
SEP_FILENAME - Separates a filename into its component parts.
SETDISP - set X windows display to remote node while in idl
SETENV - (Unix Only) Adds or changes an environment string.
SETENV - Emulates the SETENV routine in VMS.
SETFLAG - Sets flags to control behavior of image display routines.
SETIMAGE - Allow several images in one window.
SETLOG - (VMS Only) Defines a logical name.
SETPLOT - Switch between plotting devices with memory about each.
SETPS - To make a "set_plot" call and optional "device" calls. It's
SETSCALE - Sets plot scale so it is the same in X and Y directions.
SETSSW_WINDOWS - Emulate script SETSSW for window
SETUT - Set base,start, or end time in common UTCOMMON.
SETUTBASE - Set UTBASE variable in common UTCOMMON to the number of seconds
SETVIEW - Switch between several plots on one page.
SETWINDOW - Switch between windows, retaining parameters for each.
SET_CDS_FITS - Define CDS_FITS_DATA environment variable to
SET_CDS_SDB - append 'sdb' directories to ZDBASE
SET_CURSOR_SHAPE - Widget interface to set cursor size interactively
SET_FASTPATH - use ys environmentals and path file to do fast path setup
SET_FONT - To change the font size for X windows and widgets
SET_GRAPHICS - This procedure sets screen and hardcopy output graphic devices fo
SET_HARD - set hard copy page parameters
SET_KAP_VERS() - Sets version number of last KAP file read for given date
SET_LINE_COLOR - Define 11 different colors for the first 11 color indices
SET_LOGENV - set environmental variable (unix) and logicals (vms)
SET_LOGVMS - set logicals (vms)
SET_LOGWINDOWS - set logicals (windows)
SET_PLOT - Sets the output device used by the IDL graphics procedures.
SET_POINTER - to set a pointer value to a pointer variable
SET_PRINTER - To allow the user to set the printer queue where the output will
SET_QLDS() - Put back QLDS that the display routine is working on.
SET_SHADING - Modifies the light source shading parameters.
SET_SYMBOL - (VMS Only) Defines a DCL interpreter symbol.
SET_UTAXIS - This function returns the system variable x=axis structure as tho
SET_UTLABEL - This procedure controls the default for a date
SET_UTPLOT - Allows user flexibility in setting up time axis labelling.
SET_X - Set the device to 'X' with vector fonts.
SET_XCOLORS - part of idl setup - avoid order dependent X call effects
SFITSLIST - Create/update the lfitslist.txt file.
SFIT_XY - Polynomial fit to a surface on non-uniform grids.
SGN - Return the sign of the argument.
SHADE_SURF - Creates a shaded-surface representation.
SHADE_VOLUME - Gives list of vertices and polygons describing the contour surfac
SHIFT - Shifts elements of vectors or arrays.
SHIFT_MAP - shift an image map
SHORTHEX() - Converts an array of short int values into a fixed hex string for
SHOW IMAGE - Displays or writes an image with axes and scale on
SHOW3 - Show a 2D array three ways in a display that combines SURFACE,
SHOWFLAGS - Show the settings controlled by SET/UNSET/ENABLEFLAG.
SHOWIMAGE - Show the contents of a graphics file in the current window.
SHOW_AXES - Informs of axes type of CDS data structure.
SHOW_CDHS - Interprets CDHS series and raster IDs
SHOW_CDS_MECH - Plot CDS mechanism statistics.
SHOW_CDS_TEMP - Plot CDS temperature statistics.
SHOW_COLORS - Displays the current color table.
SHOW_DATAWIN - To list the contents of the datawin database.
SHOW_DCS - Shows current contents of CDS deferred command store.
SHOW_EVARS - List current definitions of CDS environment variables.
SHOW_FITS_HDR - Display a CDS FITS file header.
SHOW_LINELIST - To list the contents of the linelist database.
SHOW_MOVIE - Uses XINTERANIMATE to show a movie.
SHOW_PIX - dipslay processed images saved with mk_pix.pro
SHOW_PLAN - Produce a listing of a CDS observation plan.
SHOW_QUEUE - Show the contents of a print queue.
SHOW_RASTER - Show details of a raster definition.
SHOW_RES_STC - Show resource structure selected from the display
SHOW_SCATTER - Demonstrates difference between wide slit and rastered images.
SHOW_SLIT6 - Shows spectral overlap regions in CDS wide slit data.
SHOW_STRUCT - Display contents and breakdown of an IDL structure.
SHOW_STUDY - Produce a listing of a CDS study definition.
SHOW_SYNOP - widget interface to Synoptic data archive
SHOW_SYNOPTIC - Displays data from a single CDS synoptic scan.
SHOW_SYNOP__DEFINE - widget interface to Synoptic data archive
SHOW_TM_PKT - To show details of packets in a CDS telemetry file.
SID__DEFINE - Define a Session ID (SID) class for tracking users CGI forms
SIGN - This function takes two numbers X1,X2 and returns sign(X2)*abs(X1
SIGRANGE() - Selects the most significant data range in an image.
SIG_ARRAY - Returns the standard deviation of an array.
SIN - SIN returns the trigonometric sine of X.
SINCE_VERSION - Determine if current release is later than specified.
SINDGEN - Returns a string array with the specified dimensions.
SINH - Returns the hyperbolic sine of X.
SITE__DEFINE - Define a site object
SIZE - Returns a vector with size and type information for its argument.
SIZEOF() - Calculates the size of an IDL variable
SKIPF - (VMS Only) Skips records or files on the designated tape unit.
SKIPF - Emulates the VMS SKIPF function on UNIX machines.
SLIT45_IMAGE_DEMO - Demonstrates slit 4 and 5 NIS image data.
SLIT4V5_DEMO - Demonstrates slit 4 and 5 NIS data.
SMART_FTP - A wrapper around FTP
SMART_WINDOW - a smarter way to set/restore plot window parameters
SMOOFT - Implements the smooft routine from Numerical Recipes (Sec. 13.9).
SMOOTH - Returns a copy of Array smoothed with a boxcar average.
SNAP_MOVIE - Makes a movie out of CDS snapshots.
SNU - This function returns a number selected from a widget interface.
SOBEL - Approximation of the 3x3, nonlinear edge-enhancement operator.
SOBEL_SCALE - auto scale image with edge enhancment
SOHOFILE2TIME() - Return time from a given file name conforming the SOHO standard
SOHO_CAMPAIGN - Make KAP style of list of SOHO campaign entries
SOHO_FAC - return ratio of solar radius viewed from SOHO to that viewed
SOHO_ITEMS_HTML - List SOHO related plans in HTML format
SOHO_VIEW() - Check to see if SC_VIEW is set on
SOHO_XY - convert EARTH-view coordinates to SOHO-view
SOLEPHUT - Calculate the solar ra and dec in degrees given the
SORT - Returns a vector of subscripts that allow array to be sorted.
SORT_CFIT - Sort some of the components in a component fit structure
SORT_INDEX - return time sorted array of merged structures
SPAWN - Spawns a child process to execute a command.
SPECIAL_MOVIE - make sxt movies for WWW (just set up and call image2movie)
SPECTRA2FITS - Create fits binary tables using BATSE and GOES spectra data.
SPECTRUM2FITS - Write spectral rate data to a FITS file.
SPEC_DIR() - Appends a default disk or directory to a filename.
SPHCART - This function computes cartesion coordinates from RA and DEC
SPIKE_ID - To locate single pixel spikes, like Cosmic Rays,
SPLIT_COLORTAB - simplify some split-color tables manipulations
SPLIT_STRUCT - split two structures apart
SPLIT_TAGS - split duplicate tags from a structure
SPRINT - To spawn a print command
SPS - Set the graphic device to Postscript and use machine fonts.
SQRT - Returns the square root of X.
SSWDB_INFO - return info about SSWDB data bases (sizes, descriptions...)
SSWDB_INSTALL - Interface routine to SolarSoft library installation
SSWDB_UPGRADE - generate SSWDB set list, generate packages and spawn mirror job
SSWFITS_STRUCT - return "STANDARD" ssw structure (FITs->IDL mapping)
SSWLOC - use SSW mapfile to see online SSW routines
SSWSTRUCT_FILL - fill missing SSW tags , if possible
SSW_BIN - return system-dependent BIN directory OR executable name w/path
SSW_BUILD_TRACE - build a mosaic from components w/ssw std.
SSW_CHECK_CONTRIB - check local contrib area to see if routines have made it online
SSW_COLORS - load SSW color tables, optionally return RGB
SSW_COMPOSITE - form composite of 2 or more images
SSW_CONFLICTS - check input files or files matching pattern against online SSW
SSW_CONTRIB_INFO - return info from ssw_contrib 'jobfile' in structure
SSW_CONTRIB_MONITOR - monitor "ssw_contrib"uted SW, optionally online=>SSW
SSW_CONTRIB_OK2ONLINe - boolean - true if JOBINFO passes sanity/security tests
SSW_CROSSCORR - This procedure computes a crosscorrelation function between two
SSW_CT2RGB - return RGB for give IDL or SSW wavelength dependent color table
SSW_DELTAT - return deltaTime between input times in specified units
SSW_ENV - add & remove SSW elements IDL !path, optionally run setup.NNN
SSW_FILL_CUBE - fill missing data with data from neighbors
SSW_FIND_TRANSIT - find planet against solar disk
SSW_FOV_CONTEXT - generate a 'context' image for a reduced FOV or movie sequence
SSW_GETAPPLET - return user requested java applet for insertion into HTML doc
SSW_INSTALL - Interface routine to SolarSoft library installation
SSW_INSTALL_EXPLINKAges - expand SSW auto-linkages (PI team defined)
SSW_INSTRUMENTS - return list of instruments under SSW
SSW_INSTR_INFO - return info about callers $SSW_INSTR
SSW_MOVE - assist "mass" onlines (new) or moves (existing) routines->SSW
SSW_PACKAGES - setup paths for SW packages within SSW framework
SSW_PATH - add or remove SSW elements from IDL path
SSW_POS2ZENITH - Calculate solar zenith angle from an observer's position
SSW_REQUIRED_PATH - check if a required path/instrument is defined in session
SSW_SETUP_WINDOWS - Initial setup for Windows
SSW_SET_CHIANTI - set CHIANTI system variables within SSW environment
SSW_SET_INSTR - update $SSW_INSTR (add or remove from environmental)
SSW_STRFIND - find a string pattern in SSW online files (or input file list)
SSW_STRSPLIT - split string array at first (or last) occurence of pattern
SSW_SWMAP_BESTOF - generate 'bestof' subset of SSW one-liner/category map file
SSW_SWMAP_INFO - Generate 'enhanced' SSW mapfile to add one liners and categories
SSW_SWMAP_UNIQINFO - Generate or return lists of uniq 'instruments' and uniq categori
SSW_TIMESTAT - return time 'statistics'
SSW_TIME_COMPARE - boolean time or file-time compare (combine some SSW functions)
SSW_TRACK_DEMO - make level1 EIT movies for WWW, demo some SSW/EIT SW.
SSW_TRACK_FOV - Extract a sub-field from the SSW-compliant (2D) image data
SSW_UNSPIKE_CUBE - temporal despiking of CCD image cube using neighbor images
SSW_UPGRADE - generate SSW set list, generate packages and spawn mirror job
ST2NUM - convert string variable into numeric array
STC_CLONE - Clone structures
STC_SUM - Sum structure tag values into one huge string
STC_UNIQ - return unique structures from an array
STDNAME2USER() - Converts CDS standard line names to user format.
STEPPER - Step through individual images a single frame at a time.
STEPPER_TITLE - overly title on graphics device for stepper/xstepper
STM - Science Telemetry Monitor.
STOP - Stops the execution of a running program or batch file.
STORE_ARRAY - Insert array into an array of arrays.
STORE_PLOTVAR - This procedure loads system variable structures into common.
STORE_TV_SCALE - Store information about displayed images.
STR2ARR - Convert delimited string into string array
STR2COLS - break strarry into columns at specified delimiter
STR2FILE - print string array to a file
STR2HTML - format a block of free-form ascii text into a standard 'html'
STR2HTML_ANCHOR - add anchor html to input vector
STR2LINES() - Convert a string into a series lines (string array) at certain le
STR2NUMBER - return numeric part of a string or string array
STR2PAGES - To take a string array and to break it into page blocks
STR2TOKEN() - Convert a string into an array of tokens
STR2UTC() - Parses UTC time strings.
STRARR - Returns a string array containing zero-length strings.
STRARRCOMPRESS - remove null elements from string arrays (1D 2D)
STRARRINSERT - insert/replace one text array into/by another at specifed delimit
STRCAPITALIZE - capatilize first letters in Names and Titles
STRCOMPRESS - Returns a copy of String with whitespace compressed to single spa
STREP - Replaces first occurrence of given string within a string.
STRETCH_BOX - draw rubberband box
STRETCH_CIRCLE - draw rubberband circle
STRETCH_RANGE - stretch color table (stretch within user supplied range only)
STREXTRACT - extract substring between patt1 and patt2
STRFIND_URLS - find URLS in a text array, useful for TEXT->HTML conversions
STRING - Returns its arguments converted to string type.
STRIP_ARG - Strip argument and keyword calls from an IDL program.
STRIP_DIRNAME() - Strip off directory name associated with filenames.
STRIP_DOC - Strip internal documentation from an IDL program.
STRIP_STRUCT - Strip down a structure by removing tags
STRIP_WILD - Strip wild characters (*,?) from procedure name
STRJUSTIFY - left/right justify or center string array
STRLASTCHAR - return last non-blank character(s) in a string or string array
STRLEN - Returns the length of its string-type argument.
STRLIST2HTML - identify ordered/unordered lists in string array and cnvt->html
STRLOWCASE - Returns a copy of String converted to lowercase characters.
STRMESSAGE - Returns the text of the error message specified by Errno.
STRMID - Extracts a substring from a string expression.
STRMIDS - strmid with vectorized parameters
STRN - Convert number to unpadded string.
STRNOCOMMENT - de-comment a string / string array
STRNUMBER - Function to determine if a string is a valid numeric value.
STRPAD() - Pads a string with blanks (or whatever) to specified width
STRPAIR2STRUCT - convert string array of field/value pairs to structure
STRPOS - Finds the first occurrence of a substring within an object string
STRPOSARR - find position of 1st or last occurence of substring in each eleme
STRPUT - Inserts the contents of one string into another.
STRREMPAT - identify/remove 1st occurence of pattern in inarray
STRSEC - Convert seconds after midnight to a time string.
STRSPECIAL - return true if input is a 'special' character (or as defined by k
STRSPLIT - split string array at first (or last) occurence of pattern
STRSTAT - check to see if the input structure name exists
STRTAB2HTML - generate html Table (V3 table format) from table (string array)
STRTAB2VECT - extract columns in a 2D string table to one or more 1D vectors
STRTRIM - Returns String with leading and/or trailing blanks removed.
STRUCT2FITSHEAD - Map FITS Header-Structure structure back-> fits header (strarr)
STRUCT2MS - convert an structure to a make_str structure
STRUCT2SSW - add SSW standard tags to input structure, optionally rationalize
STRUCT_WHERE - filter a structure array; return SubScripts which satisfy
STRUNF - Unfold structure, produce template for struct_tags.hlp
STRUPCASE - Returns String converted to upper case.
STR_CHECKS - turn structure checks on or off (for make_str.pro)
STR_CHOP() - Chop off a substring from a string scalar or vector
STR_CHUNK - Break a string into equi-sized chunks
STR_CONCAT - allow concatenation of identical structures even though
STR_COPY - copy structures - required when two structures are
STR_COPY_TAGS - copy structures where the tag names match. The
STR_CUT - cut string to max size, appending "..."
STR_DEBLANK - replace blank delimiters in a string with commas
STR_EBC2ASC - To convert a string from EBCDIC to ASCII
STR_EXPAND - Expand delimited string into an array.
STR_FORMAT - format a variable to a string
STR_INDEX() - Get indices of a substring (SUBSTR) in string.
STR_ISTYPE - boolean function - check for structure type (instrument)
STR_LASTPOS() - Find last occurence of a substring in the source string
STR_MATCH - match patterns in a string
STR_MERGE - merge (append) a new structure tag into an existing structure
STR_PERM - return string array which contains all permutations of
STR_PICK() - Extract a substring bounded by given characters.
STR_POW_CONV - Convert a units string with exponentials [ to/from ] [ IDL plot
STR_REPLACE - replace all occurences of a substring with a replacement
STR_SPACE - Break up a string array with spaces between elements
STR_SUB2TOP - Move all structure tags to the top level, removing pointers and o
STR_SUBSET - generate a (smaller) structure with a subset of selected tags
STR_TAGINFO - return info about all tags in the input structure
STR_TAGVAL - return value stored in specified tag - (nested N-deep struct OK)
STR_TRAIL - remove a trailing item from a string
STR_VER_UPDATE - Allow old structures to be copied to new structure definitions
STUDY_BRIEF - Lists information on CDS studies available at EOF
ST_WINDATA - Putting back the data block for a detector window
SUBMIT_CAP() - Submits a CAP file to the ECS.
SUBMIT_IAP() - Submits an IAP file to the ECS.
SUB_MAP - get subimage of an image map
SUM - Function to do a 1-d summation of a 2-d data set.
SUMER_POINT_STC() - Make pointing structure for IMAGE_TOOL from SUMER study
SUM_COL() - Sums along the columns of a matrix.
SUM_ROW() - Sums along the rows of a matrix.
SUN - Computes geocentric physical ephemeris of the sun.
SUN2VAX - Converts data written on a DEC machine to SUN format by swapping
SUNSIZE_DEMO - Demonstrate apparent size/position of sun each day.
SUNVIEW - Switch to SunView mode.
SUN_POS - Calculate solar ephemeris parameters.
SUPPRESS_MESSAGE - check if a suppressed message is stored in COMMON
SUPP_WIN - platform/OS independent check if current device
SURFACE - Draws a wire-mesh representation of a two-dimensional array.
SVBKSB - Solve the set of simultaneous linear equations Ax = b,
SVD - Performs Singular Value Decomposition on the matrix A.
SWAP - Procedure to swap bytes
SWISS_CHEESE - take an array and set every adjacent pixel to a
SXADDPAR - Add or modify a parameter in a FITS header array.
SXDELPAR - Procedure to delete a keyword parameter(s) from a FITS header
SXPAR - Obtain the value of a parameter in a FITS header
SXT__DEFINE - Define an SXT map object
SYNOPTIC_STATS - Demonstrates statistics from daily synoptic scans.
SYNOP_DB__DEFINE - Define database for Synoptic data achive
SYNOP_DEFINE - Define a SYNOP data object
SYNOP_LINK - make a link between SYNOP data files and
SYNOP_SITE__DEFINE - Define a SYNOP data object
SYNOP_STAB_DEMO - Demonstrate further temperature/wavecal effects.
SYS2UT - function to get current time (which is given in seconds since 70/
SYSTIME - Returns the current system time.
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TABLE2STRUCT - convert ascii table data to structure - optionally read file
TAG_EXIST() - To test whether a tag name exists in a structure.
TAG_NAMES - Returns a string array with the names of tags in a structure.
TAI2OBT() - Converts TAI to OBT/LOBT
TAI2UTC() - Converts TAI time in seconds to UTC calendar time.
TAN - Returns the tangent of X.
TANH - Returns the hyperbolic tangent of X.
TAPRD - (VMS Only) Reads the next record on the selected tape unit.
TAPRD - Emulates VMS TAPRD procedure on UNIX machines.
TAPWRT - (VMS Only) Writes data to the selected tape unit.
TAPWRT - Emulates VMS TAPWRT procedure on UNIX machines.
TBEEP - beep terminal
TCOPY - Copy files from tape to tape
TEK - Sets graphics device to Tektronix 4010 mode.
TEK4105 - Sets the graphics device for Tektronix 4105 terminals.
TEK4211 - Sets graphics device for Tektronix 4211 color terminal.
TEKMONO - Sets graphics device for Tek 4100+ terminals, mono mode.
TEK_END - This procedure closes plot file and set plotting device back to s
TEK_INIT - Set up for making Tektronix or PostScript hardcopies of plots fro
TEK_PRINT - This procedure sends a plot file to printer.
TEMPORARY - Returns a temporary copy of a variable.
TEM_THERMAL_POWER - Calculate thermal X-ray power for a given temperature and emissio
TESTCUBE - return test data cube (shifted dist) - optionally make gif files
TEST_DIR - Test that a directory exists and is writable
TEST_OPEN - Test open a file to determine existence and/or write access
TEXTCLOSE - Closes file specified by !TEXTOUT. Used by ASTRON routines.
TEXTOPEN - Opens file for text output.
TEXT_ANOMALY() - Convert the contents of an anomaly structure into an ascii array
TEXT_MATCH() - Find text(s) matching expression
TEXT_OUTPUT - Display ascii text on screen, send to printer, or save in file
TE_SCALE - Will take x, an NxN image of temperatures, or EM's, or
TFTD - Search for a string in header documentation.
THIN - Returns the "skeleton" of a bi-level image.
TICK_VEC - Generate tickmarks for tight (or wide) displays.
TIFF2GIF - convert TIFF to GIF files
TILT_NIS1_DEMO - Demonstrate variation of NIS1 spectral line tilt.
TILT_NIS2_DEMO - Demonstrate variation of NIS2 spectral line tilt.
TIM2CLON (** OBSOLETE ** See TIM2CAR instead) - Calculate the 'Carrington' or heliog
TIM2DSET - Given a structure (roadmap or index), find the dataset with
TIM2JD - Compute Julian day number from item.
TIM2MATCH - Give an array of reference times, determine if the input times fa
TIME2FID - create YYMMDD_HHMM fid name based on date/time
TIMEAVG - sum & average data values,
TIMEGRID - create a (approximately) uniform grid of times
TIMER - Measure elapsed time between calls.
TIMER_VERSION - check IDL version that supports timer events
TIMESTAMP - Place the current time outside the upper right-hand corner
TIME_AVERAGE() - To form a time average of a set of time series data.
TIME_CHECK - Define a TIME_CHECK object
TIME_WINDOW - return time range of input indices - optionally expand/pad range
TIMING - To measure the run time of given IDL routine(s)
TIMSTR2EX - Subroutine to convert a date/time string to a seven element array
TJD2YMD - This function converts truncated Julian days to a standard time f
TLB_PLACE() - Find the "optimal" coordinates of a new top level base
TLM_SCIENCE - To count the science packets in a telemetry file.
TLM_SUMMARY - To summarize a telemetry file.
TM_CALIB() - To calibrate the CDS engineering telemetry data.
TM_NEW_DB - Produce new format of telemetry database.
TM_PARAM() - Return details of parameters in the telemetry database.
TM_READ_CAL() - Read telemetry calibration data from file.
TOTAL - Returns the sum of the elements of Array.
TOTVECT - running sum of a vector (must have been done at lease 10e9 times)
TQLI - Uses the QL algorithm to determine the eigenvalues/vectors.
TRACE_COPY - copy reformatted and prep'ed TRACE files to
TRACK_H2A - Given a heliocentric coordinate and a set of dates, track the
TRACK_PROC - To find all processes for a given process name and user. Optiona
TRANSPOSE - Returns the transpose of Array.
TRED2 - Householder's method to reduce a real, symmetric matrix to tridia
TRIANGULATE - Delaunay tri-angulation of a planar set of points.
TRIDAG - Solves tridiagonal systems of linear equations.
TRIGRID - Returns a regular grid of interpolated Z values.
TRIM() - Converts numbers to strings, without trailing zeros.
TRIM_CAMPAIGN - trim all blank strings in Campaign structure
TRIM_TAGS - Trim all string tags in a structure
TRNLOG - (VMS Only) Searches for a logical name and returns equivalent.
TRUP - simultaneously trim and uppercase a string
TV - Displays images on the image display without scaling the intensi
TV2 - To allow a user to output an image to a PostScript device and
TVAXIS - Places X and/or Y axes on displayed images.
TVBOXCRS - Interactively select a box on displayed images.
TVCRS - Manipulates the display device cursor.
TVDEVICE - Defines the default image display device or window.
TVERASE - Erases image display screen.
TVLCT - Loads the display color translation tables.
TVMULTI - display multiple images in a single window or postscript page
TVOUT - Outputs text onto images.
TVPLT - Plots points on displayed images.
TVPOINTS - Selects a series of points from a displayed image.
TVPOS - Returns cursor positions on displayed images.
TVPRINT - Sends the contents of a window to a PostScript printer.
TVPROF - Uses the cursor to get a profile from a displayed image.
TVPROFILE - Interactively draw profile of an image in separate window.
TVRD - Returns the contents of a portion of the display subsystem's memo
TVREAD() - Reads contents of an image display screen into an array.
TVSCL - Displays array with intensity scaling.
TVSCREEN - Create window 512 (or 256) pixels on a side for images.
TVSELECT - Select image display device/window defined by TVDEVICE.
TVSUBIMAGE() - Interactively selects a subimage from a displayed image.
TVUNSELECT - Inverse to the TVSELECT routine.
TVVALUE - Interactively display the values in an image.
TVZOOM - Zooms into the current image display window.
TVZOOM2 - Zooms into the current image display window.
TWIDGET - This procedure provides a MOTIF interface for date or date&time s
TYP() - Translate keywords (/INT,/BYT etc) to IDL type numbers
TYPE_CONV - Perform a variable type conversion. It is used
T_UTPLOT - Given the input time vector, x0, prepare the time variable, xplot
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UCON_PATH - manage ucon portions of SSW path
UDATE2EX - Converts time string from UNIX command "date"
UITDBLIB - Add the system variables used by the UIT database library
UNCOMPRESS - uncompress a file
UNIQ - Return the subscripts of the unique elements in an array.
UNIQO - return subscripts of uniq elements and maintain original order
UNIXTIME2EX - To convert time of the form "Fri Feb 19 12:54:04 PST 1999"
UNIX_CMD - To execute a UNIX command and to monitor the command to make
UNIX_SPAWN - spawn a shell command and return STDIO and STDERR
UNLOCK_DATABASE - Unlock a previously locked database.
UNLOCK_ZDBASE - Unlock directories defined by ZDBASE
UNPACK_MAP - Unpack data and pixel coordinate arrays for image
UNPACK_STRUCT - unpacks the tag names of structure into dynamic variables
UNSETFLAG - Unset a flag field set by SETFLAG.
UNSIGN() - Produces longword equivalent of an unsigned 16-bit integer.
UPDATE_CAMPAIGN - Read the ASCII campaign file and update campaign database
UPDATE_CDS_TARGETS - Driver to update CDS target pages
UPDATE_CFIT - Update values in a fit structure.
UPDATE_DEX() - Updates CDS data extraction windows for current setup
UPDATE_FITLIMB - Updates contents of the limb-fitting widget
UPDATE_HISTORY - add history record(s) to input structure(s)
UPDATE_IAP - Update Databases from latest IAP files from SOC
UPDATE_KAP - Read in the latest KAP files to keep database updated
UPDATE_RAS_DUR - Updates all the raster durations in the database.
UPDATE_SOHO_TARGETS - Driver to update SOHO target pages
UPDATE_STUDY_DUR - Updates all the study durations in the database.
UPD_CDS_POINT - Update pointing in CDS data structure
UPD_PLAN() - Adds a SOHO science plan record to the database
UPD_SCI_PLAN - Update SCIENCE plan with DETAILS plan
UPD_SOHO_DET() - Adds a SOHO detailed science plan record to the database
URL_DECODE - translate one FORM variable to string (or string array)
URL_GET - get a file from a URL location
URL_QUERY2TIME - convert WWW FORM-POST queries to standard format
USERSYM - Is used to define a user plotting symbol.
USE_EARTH_VIEW - Set env variable SC_VIEW off to change point of view to Earth
USE_SOHO_VIEW - Set env variable SC_VIEW on to change point of view to SOHO
USE_VAX_FLOAT - This function modifies new VMS floating point to reconcile old VM
UTC2DOW() - Calculates the day of the week from CDS UTC date/time.
UTC2DOY() - Calculates the day of the year from CDS UTC date/time.
UTC2INT() - Converts CCSDS calendar time to internal format.
UTC2SEC() - Converts CDS UTC time format to seconds since MJD=0.
UTC2STR() - Converts CDS external time in UTC to string format.
UTC2TAI() - Converts UTC calendar time to TAI.
UTCURSOR - allow user to click on utplot and return utplot time
UTHELP - This procedure prints the normal calling arguments
UTIME - Function to return time in seconds from 79/1/1,0000 corresponding
UTLABEL - Print start date and time on plot drawn with UTPLOT routine.
UTPLOT - Plot X vs Y with Universal time labels on bottom X axis.
UTPLOT_IO - Plot X vs Y with Universal time labels on bottom X axis. X axis
UTPLOT_UTIME - Function to return time in seconds from 79/1/1,0000 corresponding
UTPLOT__DEFINE - Define a UTPLOT plot class
UT_2_YYDOY - This function converts time from UTIME format, sec from 1-jan-197
UT_LABEL - label previously drawn utplot / outplot (via evt_grid.pro)
UT_TIME - Return UT time / convert input times between Local and UT time
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VALID_CDS_POINT - validate that CDS pointing is within acceptable limits
VALID_CLASS - check if input name is a valid object class name
VALID_FITS - check if file is a valid FITS file
VALID_GIF() - To detect if the given file is in GIF format
VALID_JPEG() - To detect if the given file is in JEPG format
VALID_MAP - check if input image map is of valid type
VALID_NUM() - Check if a string is a valid number representation.
VALID_OMAP - check if input objects is a valid object map
VALID_POINTER - check if input pointer is a valid pointer
VALID_RANGE - determine if input range is non-zero 2-element vector
VALID_TIME() - To test if the given time has the valid format
VALID_TIME_RANGE - Function to determine if time range is a valid absolute time rang
VAR_TYPE - Determine the data type of a variable or parameter.
VAX2IEEE - To convert VAX floating point to Sun IEEE floating point
VAX2SUN - Converts data written on a DEC machine to SUN format by swapping
VCHECK() - Check if variable exists and return optional default if not.
VDS_BIAS_GLITCH - Demonstrates instability in VDS bias level.
VDS_BURNIN_NEW - Adds burn-in to flat field for post-recovery VDS images.
VDS_BURNIN_ORIG - Adds burn-in to flat field for pre-accident VDS images.
VDS_CALIB - Applies calibration factors to VDS images.
VDS_DEBIAS - Removes CCD biases from VDS images.
VDS_DUMMY - Produce dummy VDS data in the form of a (1024,256) array.
VDS_READ_FLAT - Reads VDS flat field images.
VDS_ROTATE - Corrects full NIS spectral extraction array for rotation
VEL_STRETCH - Stretch velocity color tables, either alone or combined.
VERT_LINE - Plot a vertical line at the position in the x argument.
VOIGT - Returns the intensity of a VOIGT profile.
VOIGT_FIT - Single voigt function fit to line profile
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WAIT - Suspends execution of an IDL program for a specified period.
WAS_CALLED - check if procedure has been called in a heirarchy of calls
WAVE2PIX - Calculate the CDS detector pixel given a wavelength.
WAVESIZE() - Return no. of dispersion pixels in a Spectral Window
WCHECK_SET - Checks whether a window has been created (window_in variable exis
WC_WHERE - return subscripts of input array where a pattern match is
WC_WHEREQ - find strarry elements matching pattern w/imbeded question marks
WDEF - Makes a window quick and easy.
WDEL - Close a window
WDELETE - Deletes IDL windows.
WDELETES - delete multiple (or all) windows
WDISPLAY - Displays images in a window all their own, sized to fit.
WEEK2EX - Given a year and a week #, return the date of the first
WEEKID2EX - Convert Week number to external time
WEOF - (VMS Only) Writes an end of file mark on the tape unit.
WEOF - Emulates the VMS WEOF routine on UNIX machines.
WGRID - draw grid on current graphics display
WHAT_CDHS_STUDY - Lists last few CDHS study IDs
WHAT_USES - Informs of entries in planning databases
WHERE - Returns subscripts of non-zero elements of Expression.
WHERENAN() - Finds positions of IEEE NaN values.
WHERE_ARR - Return the subscripts where a given set of values equal the value
WHERE_MAP - find nearest map in time to a set of maps
WHERE_NEGZERO() - Finds positions of IEEE -0.0 values.
WHERE_OFF_LIMB - find indicies of points off solar limb
WHERE_PATTERN - find byte pattern in byte array
WHERE_RASTER() - Locates start packets of GIS or VDS rasters in tm file.
WHERE_STRUCT - WHERE function for structures
WHERE_TABLE - identify tables within a text array
WHERE_TIMES - check where times fall within input time limits
WHERE_TITLE - identify titles/headers in text array
WHERE_VECTOR - WHERE function for vectors
WHICH - Search for and print file or routine in IDL !path
WHICH_INST - return which instrument DB (CDS or SUMER) is being used
WHICH_ZDBASE() - Returns which database is selected
WIDGET_BASE - Is used to create base wid- gets.
WIDGET_BUTTON - Creates button widgets.
WIDGET_CONTROL - Is used to realize, manage, and destroy widget hierarchies.
WIDGET_DRAW - Is used to create draw widgets.
WIDGET_EVENT - Returns events for the widget hierarchy rooted at Widget_ID.
WIDGET_FLASH - routine to create an eye-catching flashing widget
WIDGET_INFO - Is used to obtain information about the widget subsystem.
WIDGET_LABEL - Is used to create label widgets.
WIDGET_LIST - Is used to create list widgets.
WIDGET_MBASE - same as WIDGET_BASE, but allows GROUP to be undefined when
WIDGET_SELECTED - get currently highlighted selections from list widget
WIDGET_SLIDER - Is used to create slider widgets.
WIDGET_TEXT - Creates text widgets.
WIDG_HELP - Widget to select help topics.
WIDG_TYPE - Returns the type (TEXT, BUTTON, etc.) of the widget ID.
WIN - Switch to Microsoft Windows mode.
WINCOPY - copy contents of one window into another
WINDOW - Creates a window for the display of graphics or text.
WINDOWNO() - Return the number of a window within a QL data structure.
WINDOW_ANACUBE - Read ANA image cube opened with OPEN_ANACUBE;
WINDOW_TEST - This procedure is used to test whether X windows are available if
WIN_DUMP - Use xwd program to dump the contents of whole widget window
WIN_SPAWN - This procedure allows SPAWN to return results under WINdows.
WMAX() - Return the max value of the data in a Spectral Window.
WMENU - Displays a menu whose choices are given by a string array.
WMENU_SEL - To allow a user to select a series of array elements
WMENU_SEL_SET - To allow a user to manually set the number of characters and line
WOBJECT - create template widget window with buttons
WRITEFITS - Write IDL array and header variables to a disk FITS file.
WRITEU - Writes unformatted binary data.
WRITE_ACCESS - check directory for write access
WRITE_ANOMALY - Write output of perl program "anomaly_report" to database
WRITE_CAP - Write out the CAP from the science plan.
WRITE_CIF() - Write a Catalog Output File for the SOHO Catalog
WRITE_DIR - platform/OS independent check if directory as write permission
WRITE_IAP - Write out the IAP from the science plan.
WRITE_IN_BOX - Writes a text message within a box in a graphics window.
WRT_ASCII - Writes a string array to an ascii file
WRT_EBC2ASC - Given an EBCDIC input file, create
WRT_EBOUNDS_EXT - Write an EBOUNDS binary extension to a FITS file.
WRT_ENEBAND_EXT - Write an ENEBAND extension to a FITS file.
WRT_FITS - Write a FITS file given an image and a FITS header
WRT_GENX - Write SXT generic file - XDR format - see savegen.pro front end
WRT_RATE_EXT - Write a RATE binary extension to a FITS file.
WRT_STR - write data structure size information for SXT generic files
WR_ASC - To write arrays into columns of ASCII numbers
WR_MOVIE - Convert an array of frames to a JAVASCRIPT or MPEG movie.
WSET - Selects the current window.
WSHOW - Exposes or hides the designated window.
WTITLE - Add a title to a window AFTER it has been created
WVOIGT - Call the IDL Voigt routine to calculate a Voigt Profile.
WWWIDL_SERVER_CHECK - perform watchdog check an idlwww server - restart on error
WWWIDL_WATCHDOG - perform a watchdog check (update or read/compare)
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X2GIF - read and write X window to GIF file
X2JPEG - Read X window and write to JPEG file.
X2PS - convert X window plot to postscript file
XACK - Make user acknowledge an action
XALIVE - To check if an X widget is alive
XANSWER() - Popup widget to get a Yes/No answer for a given question
XBLINK - Blinks two images together by using XMOVIE.
XCALENDAR - widget interface to calendar
XCAMP - widget interface to campaign database
XCAT - widget interface to CDS AS-RUN catalog
XCDS_ANALYSIS - Widget interface to do analyses of CDS data.
XCDS_BOOK - add or return CDS study from bookmark save file
XCDS_COSMIC - Cosmic ray removal - automatic and manual
XCDS_SNAPSHOT - Widget interface to CDS_SNAPSHOT
XCFIT - Interactive design of component fit structure
XCFIT_BLOCK - Design/apply multi-component fit to data block
XCHOICE - present a choice
XCLONE_PLAN - Widget program for CLONE_PLAN.
XCOR_CDS - Coalign CDS images with generic FITS images
XCPT - widget interface to CPT
XCRON - Simulate running IDL commands in a cron job
XCROP_CUBE - General N-dimensional cube cropping.
XCR_REMOVE - Manual cosmic ray remover
XDEVICE - Returns the name of the windows device suitable for current os.
XDICE - The primary purpose of this routine is to serve as an example for
XDIFF - Show differences between program versions
XDISP_FITS - To allow a user to select a file and image to be displayed
XDOC - Front end to online documentation software.
XDROPLIST - Function to select an item from a droplist widget.
XEDIT - Call the XEDIT editor to edit a file.
XGAMMA - Widget interface to control the screen brightness.
XGEN_WIDGET - Takes a text file and creates a widget. The
XGET_SYNOPTIC() - Return a string array of SOHO synoptic or summary image file name
XGET_UTC() - A widget program to select date/time (UTC) interactively
XGHOST - to get IDs of widgets that have the same event handler
XHIDE - To hide (map) an X widget
XIAP - widget interface to WRITE_IAP and WRITE_CAP
XINPUT - Allow user to input text
XINTERANIMATE2 - Display animated sequence of images using X-windows Pixmaps.
XKILL - To kill a bunch of X widgets
XLIST - lists structure tags in a list widget.
XLOAD - Widget control of color tables, with SERTS enhancements.
XMAIL - widget mail interface
XMANAGER - Provide main event loop and management for widgets created using
XMANAGER_COM - return widget ID's and application names from
XMANAGER_COM_NEW - return widget ID's and application names from
XMANAGER_COM_OLD - return widget ID's and application names from
XMANAGER_RESET - Reset XMANAGER after a widget application crashes
XMATRIX - Widget display of fields within an arbitrary structure
XMENU - This procedure simplifies setting up widget menus. XMENU accepts
XMENU_GEN_B_EV - The event handler for XMENU_GEN_BUT
XMENU_GEN_I_EV - The event handler for XMENU_GEN_INPUT
XMENU_SEL - Allow user to select a set of items from a list. Widget equivale
XMESSAGE - Make a pop-up widget window to display a brief message
XMOVIE - Animates a series of images under widget control.
XPICKFILE - Compound widget program for file selection
XPLOTSCALE - A widget interface to control plot scaling methods
XPL_STRUCT - Explain STRUCTURE tags by browsing help files
XPOPUP - widget popup window
XPORT - widget interface to EXPORT_PLAN
XPRINT - print an array or file
XPROGRAM - widget interface to program database
XPROGRAM_ADD - widget interface to add program ID to database
XPS_SETUP - Widget interface to PS
XREALIZE - control placement of realized widgets
XRECORDER - Tool for recording/replaying user events.
XREPORT - widget interface to anomaly database
XREPORT_EDIT - widget interface to add/edit entry in anomaly database
XSELECT - Force the user to select from a list or abort.
XSEL_ITEM() - Select an item from a given string list (similar to XSEL_LIST)
XSEL_LIST() - To select one item from a list.
XSEL_PRINTER - select printer
XSET_COLOR - Change color index interactively
XSET_VALUE - Set the value of a variable interactively with a slider.
XSHOW - To show (unmap) an X widget
XSHOW_HELP - Show help text in a text widget based on its topic
XSHOW_RASTER - Widget display of CDS rasters
XSTEPPER - Widget interface/ X-Windows data cube reviewer
XSTEP_UEVENT - handle events in xstepper utility window
XSTRUCT - widget display of fields within an arbitrary structure
XSTUDY - Widget interface to CDS database catalog
XTEXT - Text display widget with searching capability
XTEXTEDIT - Simple widget text editor
XTEXT_RESET - Reset widget text fields
XTEXT_RESET_ID - Reset widget text fields
XTV - This application is designed to display IDL arrays as images. XTV
XTVSCALE - A widget interface to control image scaling methods
XUPDATE - Hassle-free (hopefully) widget_control,id,update=0/1
XVALID() - Determine if a named widget is registered with XMANAGER
XVALIDATE - validates widget time strings
XWIDUMP - Dump (or return) full contents of a widget hierarchy
XWIN - Switch to X-windows mode.
XY0 - This procedure resets the x and y axes defaults.
XYESNO - Provide a yes/no question in widget form
XYOUTS - Draws text on the currently-selected graphics device.
XYOUTS2 - Wrapper for xyouts -- use pseudo pixel coordinates when writing t
XYPLOT__DEFINE - Define a general X vs Y plot class
XYPRO - compute spherical from cartestian coordinates (3-d)
XYRADEC - This function returns spherical from cartesian coordinates (3-d).
XY_RASTER - Generate a raster pattern of time series images
XZOOM_PLAN - zoom in on plot window
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Y2KFIX - apply Y2K correction to date
YESNO - To determine what the answer to a yes or no question was
YESNOX - Ask a yes/no question and check the answer
YES_NO - Prompts and checks for a user answer of either YES or NO
YMD2JD - From Year, Month, and Day compute Julian Day number.
YMD2SEC - Convert YY/MM/DD string to sec. Or if YMD and SEC parameters
YMD2TJD - This function converts standard format times to truncated Julian
YOHKOH_FORMAT - This procedure sets the default style
YYDOY_2_UT - This function converts time from Year (YY) and Day of Year (DOY)
Y_AVERAGE - Get the average value of an array of displayed y values during a
Y_CHECKER - A routine called by COSMIC_RAY_ZAPPER.
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ZBUFF2FILE - write the image current Z-buffer image to an image file
ZFORMAT - To format some output as hex. It's needed because of
ZONE_DEF_ID() - Associates zone ID's with widget event values.
ZONE_DEF_LABEL - Associates zone labels with ID numbers.
ZOOM_BLINK - To super-impose two images and blink between them.
ZOOM_COOR - This provides a query to mark the corners of an image box range.
ZOOM_SINGLE - Display part of an image (or graphics) from the current window
ZPARCHECK - Routine to check user parameters to a procedure
ZROOTS - Finds the roots of an m-degree, complex polynomial.
ZSIZE() - Return no. of "pixels along slit" in a QLDS
From the CDS Operations Management Team in the Space Science & Technology Department at
CCLRC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory
Site maintained by
John Rainnie.
Last revised on Wednesday (25/Jul/2001) at 11:05.