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An introduction to CDS data and their analysis
Latest web page revision made on Tuesday, 22-Jan-2019 15:07:19 GMT. Latest information update can be found here.

These notes show what is required to access CDS data, calibrate it and begin to analyse the data arrays.

For a detailed discussion on many data-related topics, CDS Software Notes are available, and within IDL there are online routines which provide help on finding and using the individual software routines.

If you are interested in keeping up with what's new with CDS data and sharing problems/solutions you should sign up to the CDS email list. Archived messages from cds-soft and also from the now-discontinued cds-data list are also available.

Topics covered in these notes:

1) Requesting and designing CDS observations (Index)

The initial request. (Index)
Discuss your requirements with the CDS Principal Investigator or the Project Scientist as far in advance as possible. Once your observations have been approved in principle you will be asked to submit a detailed design proposal. If you have access to the planning software you may perform the detailed observation design yourself, otherwise it is done in consultation with the project staff . at RAL.

Details of what CDS has planned for the next few weeks/months can be seen in the on-line Request Diary .

The detailed design. (Index)
CDS already has observations designed to cover most requests, but if you really need to design something new then the IDL tools mk_raster and mk_study can be used. You will need to download some of the operations software for these routines to work.

The process of designing a CDS observation starts with the instrument setup. For either spectrometer this involves deciding on:

a) The slit to be used - there are several options .
b) The raster area (this can be adjusted in various ways .
c) The exposure time for each spectrum. This depends on the source target and it's best to look at existing data to judge this. Usually the limiting factor is the total duration of the resulting raster and, for NIS, the contamination by cosmic rays.
d) The line selection list for NIS (for GIS all the spectrum, apart from channel #2, is downloaded). This selection should be based upon the scientific goal. For NIS a maximum of 20 lines may be chosen. Often though this has to be curtailed to restrict the amount of telemetry needed .
e) The size of the data windows around each selected wavelength. Some leeway is available depending on the analysis requirements, but examine existing data and be aware of the effects of the extended line profile wings and NIS2 asymmetry in the ability to determine background levels and fit profiles.
f) The compression scheme. It is also possible to ameliorate the telemetry situation for NIS data by compressing the data before transmission. The standard option is to pack the 12 bit data into 16 bit words, but options are available.

Once preliminary choices of these parameters have been made, the routine mk_raster should be used to check out the consequences in terms of the overall duration of the raster. CDS has an on board store of approximately 150 Kb for data coming from the detectors. If this is filled during a raster then the on board timing becomes limited by the rate at which telemetry can empty that buffer (~1.5 Kb/sec). Depending on the amount of data read per exposure this can then lead to a sudden change in the inter-exposure time within a raster.

If you encounter problems with planning new observations, email the CDS staff at RAL.

2) Finding and reading the data (Index)
The first hurdle is to identify and retrieve the data files you wish to analyse. If you know the file names, the data can be requested from CDS staff at RAL . If you only wish to look at data use the CDS web atlas (follow the ATLAS link within the CDS home page or use the CDS search engine to select and display sets of data.

If you know the selection criteria (eg instrument, date/time, program name etc.) you can select and download data from the SOHO archives either at RAL or in the USA.

If you are at a site that has copies of all the CDS catalogue databases (and their location is defined by the environment variable ZDBASE ), datasets can also be identified using the command
    • IDL> xcat
If any of the data files you identify in xcat are available locally in a directory defined as CDS_FITS_DATA , it is also possible to read and display the data within xcat.

On the assumption that you wish to work at a lower or programmable level, the data file (using s12345r00 as an example) can be read with the command
    • IDL> qlds = readcdsfits('s12345r00')
This loads the data into a so-called quicklook data structure (QLDS) - any name of course can be used for the variable.

Once the data have been loaded, a quick look at it and some analysis can be done within various packages provided in the CDS software. The QuickLook package itself (the same as is available from xcat ) is run with the command

    • IDL> dsp_menu, qlds

3) Cleaning and calibrating the data (Index)

NIS data should be cleaned to eradicate the worst effects of cosmic rays hits. For example:

    • IDL> cds_new_spike, qlds
Note that the routine cds_new_spike requires a minimum number of data dimensions and size and so may not work on all datasets. It is also fairly time consuming since it works in three dimensions of the data. As a faster alternative try cds_clean_exp. For all the options (excluding cds_new_spike which was written after the software note!) see

CDS software Note 46: Missing Pixels and Cosmic Rays (PostScript - 244 Kb)

For most purposes the cleaned data need to be calibrated, both in the sense of removing unwanted instrumental characteristics and in the sense of converting the detected signal to physical units.

The former is achieved with the commands:
    • IDL> vds_debias, qlds
    • IDL> vds_calib, qlds

Note that in practice cds_new_spike will have run vds_debias on the data itself, and furthermore so too will vds_calib if it hasn't previously been applied to the data - all in all the call to vds_debias is redundant!

To convert the data to physical units use:
    • IDL> nis_calib, qlds + appropriate keywords
for example
    • IDL> nis_calib, qlds, /erg, /ster
Note that nis_calib will automatically perform all the pre-calibration operations if they have not been applied previously. In other words only the calls
    • IDL> cds_new_spike, qlds ; or equivalent routine
    • IDL> nis_calib, qlds ; + suitable keywords

are required to clean and calibrate a suitable dataset.

4) Analysis of the data (Index)


Once the data are cleaned and calibrated they can be extracted from the QLDS for further analysis. There are many routines for extracting data and information from the data structure, many of which are described in CDS Software Note 41. (PostScript - 292 Kb)

What spectral lines and data windows were used in the observation? (Index)

    • IDL> lw = gt_wlimits(qlds, /short)

The /SHORT keyword ensures you only get a summary of the data for example

Window        Label         Band    Xmin   Xmax    Wmin      Wmax
  0       HE_1_584_33       NIS2    601    618    583.25    585.24
  1       FE_16_360_76      NIS1    750    767    360.17    361.37
  2       MG_9_368_06       NIS1    854    871    367.50    368.70
  3       O_5_629_73        NIS2    989   1006    628.81    630.81

The Xmin Xmax numbers give the detector start and stop pixels for each data window. The wavelengths are calculated using an average pixel-wavelength conversion applicable to the date of observation. The table above also shows that the data windows are 18 pixels wide.

To obtain a wavelength array applicable to a particular data window (eg HeI) use the pix2wave function.

    • IDL> wave = pix2wave('N2', indgen(18)+ 601)

The routine gt_spectrum can also be used to extract a spectrum and related wavelength arrray.

How do I extract a particular data window? (Index)

    • IDL> data = gt_windata(qlds,N)

where N is the window index (0 to 3 in the example above). The variable data will then be a data array with from 2 to 4 dimensions. The dimensions are always in the order (Wavelength , SolarX, SolarY, Time). The fourth dimension (Time) is only added where the observation sits at the same SolarX location and takes repeated exposures. In that case the SolarX dimension is retained, but only has one element.


    • IDL> data = gt_windata(qlds,N)

will give an array something like

DATA            FLOAT     = Array[18, 120, 143]

indicating that the wavelength dimension has 18 pixels, 143 pixels (the maximum) were selected along the slit (SolarY) and 120 exposures were taken by stepping in SolarX.

How can I create a simple image from the spectral data? (Index)

The simplest ways are to average over the spectral dimension:

    • IDL> image = average(data, 1, miss=-100)

or, using the QLDS rather than the extracted data array, choose a specific wavelength range (w1 to w2) over which to integrate

    • IDL> image = gt_bimage(qlds, w1, w2)

The resultant image can be displayed:

    • IDL> plot_image, image

The last command may not give the expected display because of the presence of missing data .

How do I retrieve a sample spectrum? (Index)

You may wish to plot the spectrum obtained in a single exposure and at a single location along the slit.

    • IDL> spectrum = gt_spectrum( qlds, wind=0, xix=10, yix=20, lam=lam)
    • IDL> plot, lam, spectrum, psym=10

or equivalently if the data array has already been extracted from the data structure

    • IDL> spectrum = data(*,10,20)
    • IDL> plot, wave, spectrum, psym=10

where the wave array was defined earlier.

Various gt_xxxx routines may be packaged to define the average spectrum over a given spatial area, but if the area is simply rectangular then for instance

    • IDL> spectrum = average(data(*,10:20,20:25),1,miss=-100)
    • IDL> plot, wave, spectrum, psym=10

will do.

5) CDS Frequently Asked Questions (Index)

    Data and software

  • What software installation do I need?
  • How do I know what data files exist
  • What is the format of the data files?
  • How do I know what software exists
  • Which line fitting routines exist?
  • How do I compare CDS images with other SOHO data?
  • Instrument performance

  • How accurate is the intensity calibration
  • How does the intensity calibration relate to flux, radiance and irradiance?
  • How accurate is the wavelength calibration
  • How accurate is the pointing information?
  • What is the spatial coverage of CDS?
  • What is the spatial resolution (PSF) of CDS?
  • What is the spectral coverage and resolution of CDS?
  • What information is available on scattered light in CDS?
  • Data features

  • What effects should I look out for in NIS data?
  • What are the features of GIS data?
  • Is there an official CDS line list?
  • Miscellaneous

  • What atomic data are available for comparison with observations?
  • Can CDS track solar features as the Sun rotates?
  • Where do I find further help?
  • What software installation do I need? (Index)

    We recommend the SolarSoft installation This gives access not only to CDS software but software from other instruments on SOHO and from other solar missions.

    How do I know what data files exist, and which ones can I use? (Index)

    CDS maintains a catalogue and atlas of all its observations. Check out our data rights policy and see the section Finding and reading the data on this page for details of how to search for and retrieve data.

    The CDS ATLAS of observations is available from here

    How do I know what software exists (Index)

    A variety of on-line help is available within IDL. CDS Software Notes are available, many of which deal with data analysis.

    What is the format of the data files? (Index)

    The data from each CDS raster are stored in a FITS file as a binary table.

    How accurate is the intensity calibration (Index)

    From a comparison with Sumer data a figure of 30-40% is suggested for the absolute calibration. A summary of the history and current position of the calibration can be found here . The calibration is under continuous development.

    Bill Thompson gives an update on some calibration topics in the Sept 2001 issue of the CDS Newsletter, where he suggests a correction factor of 1.45 for post-recovery NIS-1 data, somewhat lower than previously suggested. This correction factor is still under review by the CDS team.


    How does the intensity calibration relate to flux, radiance and irradiance (Index)

    The solar irradiance is defined as the total flux density of the radiation from the entire solar disc at a distance of 1 AU. It is measured in W/m2 or erg/cm2/s. This is also often called the 'solar constant' and is approximately 1368 W/m2. When the irradiance is resolved into specific wavelengths, or wavelength bins, then it is called the spectral irradiance. Since the wavelength is given, spectral irradiance can also be expressed in photons rather than ergs.

    Radiance is the specific intensity of a resolved feature on the solar disk and is measured in W/m2/ster or erg/cm2/sec/sterad.

    When CDS data are calibrated, the user has a choice of output units. Using NIS data and the routine NIS_CALIB, for example, the data may be calibrated into ergs/cm2/sec/arcsec2 by the use of the command

      • IDL> nis_calib, qlds, /erg

    this gives the value of the radiance in each pixel. Multiplying by the size of each pixel (in arcsec2) gives the contribution of each pixel to the total irradiance of the Sun. It is also the total flux in a single pixel received at the position of SOHO.

    The difference between radiance and flux is that radiance is independent of distance while flux is not. To estimate the flux emitted at the solar surface one needs to model how the radiance varies as a function of direction. It is usual to assume a Lambertian surface. On that assumption we may obtain the flux, at the Sun, of a solar feature in a particular emission line in the following way:

      • 1) IDL> nis_calib, qlds, /erg, /ster

    (Units are now ergs/cm2/sec/sterad in each spatial and spectral pixel. There is also an implied "per pixel" in the spectral direction.)

      • 2) Sum all the spectral pixels in the emission line, minus the background.

    (Units are now truly ergs/cm2/sec/sterad.)

      • 3a) Multiply by π (3.1415..) to allow for the Lambertian surface.

    (Units are now ergs/cm2/sec, representing the flux at the solar surface.)

    Note that taking the alternate route

      • 3b) Sum all the spatial pixels in the solar feature, and multiply by the size of each pixel in steradians.

    (Units are now ergs/cm2/sec, representing the flux at the instrument.)

    gives a completely different result, but with the same units. This is because the unit area in each case is in a different location. Using step (3a) gives a flux at the solar surface, while step (3b) gives a flux at the instrument.


    How accurate is the wavelength calibration (Index)

    Although nominally CDS has a fixed wavelength range, small changes in the zero point of the pixel-wavelength relation can occur, primarily from on board temperature changes caused by varying illumination of the structure by the Sun. The wavelength array returned by the gt_xxxx functions or the pix2wave function is only an average determined from sample spectra. For accurate wavelength analyses, the zero point should be determined from each spectrum individually.

    The calibration appropriate to a particular dataset is loaded when the data file is read. If you want to know what the currently loaded coefficients are, use the routine

      • IDL> qwavecal

    A demonstration of how the wavelength zero-point varied before the optical bench temperature was stabilised can be seen here .

    Note that small changes in the zero-point still occur (even during a raster) and so without careful analysis no reliance should be placed upon absolute or relative velocity changes of less than 10-15 km/s.

    How accurate is the pointing information? (Index)

    CDS uses its offset pointing system (OPS) to move to any location within range. This pointing has an rms of 5" or better .

    When a dataset is read in using readcdsfits the pointing values in the QLDS are updated according to current knowledge of the spacecraft pointing - see Software Note #48 ( PostScript 87 Kb )

    The reliability of the pointing has been checked from the year 2000 synoptic North limb rasters. The distribution of residuals of the observed limb from the calculated one is shown here .

    In the upper plot some large negative residuals are present, but checking the raw data reveals that these result from corruption of the OV limb data by filaments.

    The lower distribution ignores those values and confirms that there has been no degradation in the pointing which in one dimension has an rms of less than 3".

    The extent of the CDS pointing capability (its Field Of View - FOV) can be seen using

      • IDL> cdsfov, x, y

    where x and y can be arrays of Solar (X,Y) locations (arcsecs from disk centre) to plot on the diagram.

      • IDL> cdsfov, [100,-1000],[500,2000]

    produces this plot showing that the latter is an invalid location for CDS.

    Note also that there are pointing offsets between the two NIS channels and between NIS and GIS. These should be allowed for if accurate location of a feature is required.


    Which line fitting routines exist? (Index)

    From launch to the loss in June 98, the CDS/NIS line profiles were very closely approximated by Gaussians. A number of routines allow fitting of these profiles. See the options in the QL software, the cfit package described in Software note #47 ( PostScript 6.6 Mb ) and the low-level routine cds_gauss. After recovery the NIS line profiles had changed. See Software note #53 ( PostScript 132 Kb ) for details.

    What atomic data are available for comparison with observations? (Index)

    The CHIANTI atomic database and software have been used extensively in the analysis of CDS data. See the following software notes:

    33: The CHIANTI Synthetic Spectrum Program (PostScript 85 Kb)
    37: Density and temperature diagnostic line ratios using CHIANTI (PostScript 68 Kb)
    50: DEM analysis using CHIANTI (PostScript 296 Kb)
    52: Routines for use with the CHIANTI database (PostScript 336 Kb)

    The Atomic Data and Analysis Structure ( ADAS ) is an interconnected set of computer codes and data collections for modelling the radiating properties of ions and atoms in plasmas and for assisting in the analysis and interpretation of spectral measurements and has also been used in connection with CDS data, particularly in the production of the NIS linelist .


    What effects should I look out for in NIS data? (Index)

    As with any instrument/detector system there are a few features of the data produced that must be corrected for, or taken account of, in the data analysis. All of the features of NIS data currently known can be corrected for in the software, but users should be aware of their presence to avoid drawing erroneous conclusions or over-interpeting the data. The most obvious features of the NIS spectral data are

    1) Spectrum ROTATION and TILT (Index)

      • The dispersion directions are not parallel to the CCD rows, and are slightly different for NIS1 and NIS2. This is known as ROTATION of the spectrum and is caused by a slight misalignment of the grating and the detector.
      • The spectral lines are not perpendicular to the dispersion direction. This is known as TILT of the spectral lines and is caused by a small misalignment of the grating and the slit.

    Both of these features are illustrated in this diagram

    If these features are not corrected they will have the following effects upon the results:

      • ROTATION implies that a row of CCD pixels covers different SolarY values at different wavelengths. Comparison of line ratios for instance would therefore be invalid since it would be comparing different locations on the Sun.
      • TILT implies that the position of a spectral line (measured in CCD x-pixels) will vary along the slit (SolarY direction) and would give a false velocity variation in the N-S direction. The calibration of tilt as a function of wavelength is shown in two graphs for NIS1 and NIS2 .


        It appears that the spectral line tilt may have changed post-recovery. diagram shows a suggestion for updated values for NIS2. If these new values are agreed, they will be loaded into the databases used by the correction software.

        Note, however, that the tilt often appears not to be a linear function of position along the slit (so the values displayed are only average values) and furthermore recent work by Danielle Bewsher and Clare Parnell in St Andrews suggests that, for some datasets at least, the tilt (cf the wavelength zeropoint) may also be a function of time.

    nis_rotate. corrects for these effects. Note also that when data extraction windows are used in the design of a raster, their Y-pixel location on the CCD is automatically calculated to take account of the rotation. Consequently each data window array should have the same Y-pixel/SolarY correspondence. However if the windows are very wide some correction for rotation may still be necessary.

    2) Wavelength change with scan mirror position (Index)

    As the scan mirror rotates to provide the internal East/West spatial coverage it also introduces a small non-linear change in the wavelength scale zeropoint. The effect can be corrected for by again using nis_rotate.

    If you want to check what the correction values are as a function of mirror location say, for example, for NIS2 data taken in early 1996, try:

      • IDL> get_mirshift, 2, '1996/1/1', mcoff
      • IDL> mirr_pos = gt_mirrpos( qlds )
      • IDL> mirr_corr = poly( mirr_pos-128., mcoff)

    3) CCD flatfield (Index)

    The sensitivity of the NIS CCD varies from pixel to pixel by a few percent. In order to eliminate this effect the routine vds_calib divides each exposure by a flatfield array which was determined in the laboratory before launch. Because of a slight shift of the alignment during launch, the laboratory flatfield array had to be modified after launch and while it does a pretty good job, some small residual inaccuracies persist.

    In flight it is possible to take data which can approximate a uniform exposure of the detector by moving the OPS while the camera is exposing with the wide (90"x240") slit. A useful signal is of course only detected in the spectral position of the brighter lines. An example of this and of how such in-flight flatfields can be used if necessary for very accurate flatfielding is shown in this display .

    4) MCP Burn-in (Index)

    The detector for NIS consists of a micro-channel plate (MCP) intensified CCD. The MCP suffers from degradation when exposed to radiation such that its sensitivity declines exponentially with photons detected (or, almost equivalently, with time).

    Since the CDS spectral format is fixed, the emission lines fall more or less on the same area of the MCP all the time and the brightest lines affect the MCP the most, resulting in BURN-IN , which is a region of reduced sensitivity on the detector.

    Special observations are taken to try and track the progress of the burn-in and the variation of sensitivity with MCP/CCD location and time is recorded in a database and a suitable correction applied in the routine vds_calib.

    After the SOHO recovery the location of the NIS spectra on the MCP had changed and so a new burn-in correction was established and is being monitored. Details are given in CDS software note 51
    The VDS Burn-in calibration (PostScript 7 Mb)

    This plot shows a recent (July 2000) 'flat-field' exposure at the wavelength of HeI 584 Å. On the left is the raw data, showing the pre-loss and the current (to the right) burn in of that line. The profile of the image is overlayed - notice that the post-recovery burn in is already larger (at about 50%) than pre-loss. The image on the right shows the same data after the standard corrections have been applied.

    5) Other fixed pattern effects (Index)

    The NIS1 readout electronics create a low-level fixed-pattern effect in the spectrum. Every fourth pixel appears to have a lower count than expected. The effect is illustrated in this diagram. The effect is also corrected for in the routine vds_calib.

    Note also the first and last two columns of CCD data should not be used in analysis. This only becomes relevant when the full spectrum is extracted or data windows cover the extreme columns of the CCD (as possibly in the OV 629A line in post-recovery data).

    6) Cosmic rays (Index)

    While the NIS is exposing, particles hit the CCD and release electrons which are then counted as signal when the CCD is read out.

    A recent paper (PostScript 284 Kb) gives details of the longterm detection of cosmic rays by the CDS CCDs. The main figure shows that the count had declined by approximately 45% since launch owing to the increased strength of the heliospheric magnetic field at solar maximum. During that time 1-2% of pixels on the CCD are affected by cosmic rays in a 100 second exposure.

    It is advantageous, before proceeding with any analysis, to identify which pixels are affected and to either mark them as missing data . or to replace them with interpolated values.

    Several routines are available to perform this process. They are described in CDS Software Note 46
    Missing pixels and cosmic rays (PostScript 244 Kb)

    Note that the routine cds_new_spike has beed added since that software note was written.

    7) NIS Bias (Index)

    The NIS CCD readout electronics adds a constant value to the readout data to make sure the data values are well clear of any low-level effects. This is known as the BIAS level, and this value must be subtracted from the data value before any further (multiplicative) operations are applied to calibrate the data.

    The bias level can change slightly as the characteristics of the electronic components vary. The level is therefore monitored on each exposure by reading out four small areas (10 x 10 pixels) of the unilluminated CCD. The subtraction is performed by the routine vds_debias and in a raster the bias is subtracted on an exposure-by-exposure basis. Since there is noise on this value, this can cause apparent variations if very low signal levels are being compared from exposure to exposure or from raster to raster.

    The bias level has been known to vary slowly with time since launch. Note, however, that it seems to have been very stable since recovery.

    One instance has also been noted when the bias varied abruptly .

    During the year 2000 two abrupt changes in the bias occurred. These coincide with proton storms reaching SOHO on July 14 and November 9. Further interruptions for storms in 2001 do not appear to have had a similar effect!

    If rasters are designed without the inclusion of the bias windows (a user option) then a suitable bias value must be supplied manually to the vds_debias routine.

    The bias levels recorded within a raster's exposures can be plotted:

      • IDL> plot_vds_bias, qlds

    8) NIS continuum (Index)

    After de-biasing the spectra, there will usually remain a non-zero continuum. This is largely scattered light coming from outside of the NIS wavebands. The main contributors are probably the Lyman-alpha 1216 Å line, the Lyman continuum, He II 304 Å and perhaps strong coronal lines such as Fe IX 171 Å. The scattering arises from the grating in the spectrograph.

    Note that after de-biasing, the continuum is fairly uniform across the NIS wavebands. When you perform the calibration, however, you will see some fairly large variations with wavelength, particularly in NIS1 where the continuum will rise up at low wavelengths. This is just an artifact of the calibration process.

    Note also that the scattering has a strong spatial variation along the slit and is dependent upon the solar features under the slit. One consequence of this is that if the intensity data are simply averaged or summed over the line window, without any attempt at background or continuum subtraction, the resulting image may show faint spatial features which are not at all related to the line in question.

    See also the notes about scattered light under the Instrument Performance section.

    9) NIS data (noise) statistics (Index)

    Since the NIS detector is not a photon-counting system, the data statistics cannot be derived from the raw data numbers alone. However, it is possible to derive the correct counting statistics and this is explained in

    CDS Software Note #49 Deriving Statistics from NIS data (PostScript 174 Kb) .

    10) Spatial offset between NIS1 and NIS2 (and GIS) (Index)

    Both NIS1 and NIS2 use the same entrance slit to the spectrograph. However, there appears to be a N/S offset, sometimes amounting to several arcseconds, between the solar features that NIS1 sees and those that NIS2 sees.

    A more detailed discussion is available.

    If you want to see what the 'official' value of the offset is for any particular observation (it's a function of date and CDS (X,Y) location), try:

      • IDL> gt_nis_alignment, qlds, x, y & print,x,y

    where x and y are the offset of NIS1 relative to NIS2 in arcseconds.

    Note that the routine nis_rotate has been modified to include a call to gt_nis_alignment if the /ALIGN keyword is set.

    See an example of the effect.

    Note: There is also an offset between the imaging of NIS and GIS. GIS images appear approximately 13" south of their NIS equivalents. Specific (X,Y) pointings for GIS should therefore be 13" south of the values determined by the software (image_tool for instance).

    11) Changed line profiles after recovery of SOHO (Index)

    The bakeout that CDS suffered during the SOHO loss changed the line profiles produced by the NIS spectrometer. The NIS1 profiles exhibit broader wings and the NIS2 profiles show a broadened and asymmetrical long wavelength wing.

    The new profiles were characterised, and the fitting software modified to cater for them, as described in CDS Software Note #53 ( PostScript 132 Kb ).

    What are the features of GIS data? (Index)

    The GIS has four SPAN detectors positioned around the Rowland circle of the grating.

    Each detector provides a 2048 pixel one-dimensional spectrum with complementary wavelength ranges . Since the GIS optics are astigmatic a small slit (2"x2" or 4"4") must be used and rasters are built up by scanning both the internal mirror (E-W) and the slit (N-S).

    The setup of the detector is dependant upon the feature to be observed. Loading a new setup requires approximately 20 minutes of on board CPU time so it is unwise to plan observations that require frequent switching between different sources. Contact the GIS team for advice if you are planning some GIS observations.



    Detailed information on handling GIS data can be found on the GIS Home page and in the CDS Software Notes:

    54: CDS-GIS Instrument Guide (PostScript 3 Mb)
    55: GIS Software User Manual (PostScript 465 Kb)
    56: GIS Calibration Details (PostScript 1 Mb)


    Note also that there are pointing offsets between NIS and GIS. Since the pointing determined in the planning software (image_tool) is calculated for NIS, the GIS offset should be allowed for if accurate location of a feature is required.


    How do I compare CDS images with other SOHO data? (Index)

    It is possible to make maps from CDS data which have the pointing information associated with them and then to compare those with data from other instruments. The package of programs is described at Dominic Zarro's web site. quick example of how to create a map object from CDS data.


    Is there an official CDS line list? (Index)

    Brooks et al. have compiled a quiet Sun line list for NIS and here .

    There is also a line list created from the CHIANTI database.

    Some spectra from previous solar missions that may be useful for identifying lines in NIS spectra are:

  • Thomas & Neupert, ApJS 91, 461, 1994. Active region, 170-450 AA.
  • Dere, ApJ 221, 1062, 1978. Flare 171-630 AA.
  • Feldman et al. ApJS 113, 195, 1997. Above limb 500-1610 AA.
  • Vernazza & Reeves, ApJS 37, 485, 1978. Various 280-1350 AA.

    What is the spatial coverage of CDS? (Index)

    The internal scan mirror and slit movement of CDS allow CDS rasters to cover a maximum area of 4' square within a single raster. The E-W coverage is created by the scan mirror which can move in steps of 2.03" (normally assumed to be 2"). Movement can only be in one direction from West to East.

    In NIS the N-S coverage is usually provided by the long slit (normal slits are 2"x240" or 4"x240").

    For GIS the N-S dimension is scanned by moving one of the small square slits which can move in steps of 1.01" (normally assumed to be 1"!).

    Because of readout problems with the slit movement encoder, there are restrictions on the movement of the GIS slits when rastering in the North-South direction.

    The planning software has been updated so that the corrections to handle this problem are automatically calculated and the user should not see any effect or need to take any specific action. GIS rasters can once again be planned as normal.

    Planners should continue to take note of the pointing offsets between NIS and GIS images if accurate feature location is required.

    The whole CDS instrument can be pointed anywhere on the solar disk by use of the Offset Pointing System (OPS). The area reachable can extend out to a maximum 1.4 solar radii in certain directions. See the procedure cdsfov for details.

    What is the spatial resolution (PSF) of CDS? (Index)

    The paper

     Intercalibration of SUMER and CDS on SOHO. I. SUMER Detector A and CDS NIS.
            Pauluhn, A., Ruedi, I., Solanki, S., Lang, J., Pike, C.D.,
            Schuele, U., Thompson, W.T. and Huber, M.C.E.
            1999, Applied Optics 38, 7035.
    derives the pre-loss Point Spread Function (PSF) for CDS/NIS from a comparison with Sumer data. It suggests

    where J is the first-order Bessel function and the parameter b has a value of 0.31 giving a slightly elliptical form with FWHM(x) = 6" and FWHM(y) = 8". Their data were taken with the 4" wide slit and it is possible that a slightly better spatial resolution (in SolarX) is achievable in pre-loss data which used the 2" slit.

    A discussion of the post-recovery PSF . is also available, where it is suggested that the post-recovery PSF is changed considerably.

    What is the spectral coverage and resolution of CDS? (Index)

    Information on the spectral coverage and resolution of NIS is given here. After the SOHO recovery the NIS line profiles changed, exhibiting extended wings and an asymmetry in the NIS2 profiles. The software was modified to permit fitting of these new profiles and is described in CDS Software Note 53:
    Post-recovery broadened line profiles (PostScript 128 Kb)

    The PSF of the spectrograph (as opposed to the telescope) optics affects the line profiles and can, if asymmetric, affect the interpretation of velocity information. This is discussed in a paper by S. V. H. Haugan

    Anomalous Line Shifts from Local Intensity Gradients on the SOHO/CDS NIS Detector (Solar Physics 185, 275, 1999)

    where it is predicted that the NIS spectrograph PSF must be slightly elliptical and rotated. From NIS observations taken with the small 2"x2" slit, this indeed appears to be the case.

    See the routine CDS_CORR_GRADIENT for a possible correction technique.

    Information on the spectral coverage and resolution of GIS is given here . The temporary loss of SOHO appears to have had little effect upon the spectral characteristics of GIS.

    What information is available on scattered light in CDS? (Index)

    Some pre-flight information is available in

    Harrison et al (1995), Solar Physics, 162, 233.

    which gives results for measures at a wavelength of 68 Å.

    For a scientific application and extension of this to CDS observed wavelengths see

    David et al (1997), Fifth SOHO Workshop, SP-404, Page 313.

    Routines to calculate the amount of scattered light and an explanation of how to apply them are available.

    Can CDS track solar features as the Sun rotates? (Index)

    Yes and no!

    Please read software note #45 for details, but remember the "feature tracking" option cannot be relied on to give stable pointing at the 2" level. Remember also the difference between feature tracking and rotation compensation.

    Where do I find further help? (Index)

    If you have further questions about CDS data please contact the project staff.

    6) Tricks of the trade (Index)

    If you would like to advertise (and be given credit for) any tricks/titbits you've discovered about dealing with CDS data please let us know.

    As a start, see these points that have been notified to us.

    Watch out for NIS second order lines contributed by Enrico Landi.
    Beware the NIS FeXIII density diagnostic contributed by Peter Gallagher and Ken Phillips.
    Deriving density, temperature and abundances contributed by Peter Young.

    From the CDS Operations Management Team in the Space Science & Technology Department at CCLRC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory
    Site maintained by John Rainnie.
    Last revised on Tuesday (22/Jan/2019) at 15:07.